Selfish Satisfaction or Holy Happiness

Good morning!
We now have the clear crisp morning air, the free flowing water, and the brilliant bright sunlight. All living beings want happiness.

But, we, humans especially, often mistake it because of short-shightedness and short-circuitedness, that is, sinful (separated) selfish views and actions
(defiled views and actions, sa-âsava: with defilements).

Karma (actions/habits)(in blindenss, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination: five calamities) mistake sinful sickness as happiness (defiled happiness).

Akarma (asankata: Pali, asamskrita: Sanskrit: unmade, unfabricated) (in wakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace: five blisfulness) take wholly wholesomeness as true happiness (undefiled happiness, an-âsava: without defilements).

The triple learnings of sîla (morality, lit. pillar), samâdhi (concentration, lit. total transcendence/unity), and praññâ (Pali, hannya: Japanese, prajñâ: Sanskritprognosis) are the ways to the triple treasures of buddha, dharma, and sangha (community).



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