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Category Archives: Zazen
Free Full Form Function
Good morning! Last night I forwarded to our listserv my translation of the Fukanzazengi (A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen) now available in free pdf format from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Association for the Promotion of … Continue reading
Who, When, Where?
Good morning! Now we can feel the fall atmosphere in the early morning and late evening, especially after sittings and service. In a fortnight we will have the equinox, equal in day and night, neither hot nor chilly. So, the time is celebrated in Buddhist countries as higan (彼岸), yonder shore or nirvana, where there is neither coming nor going, neither one nor many, neither annihilation nor eternity, neither birth nor death. The Heart Sutra, which we recited earlier, tells us that all is empty (Pali: suñña, Sanskrit: śūnya) of substance. Seasons are neither coming nor going, but dependently originated on the earth’s action. When the earth is upright, leaning neither forward toward nor backwards away from the sun, there is neither heat nor chill. Likewise, when one sits solid and upright, leaning neither forward nor backwards, stilling karmas of the triple poisons, there is nirvana without suffering, the rampant raging of the five aggregates. Anyone can and must come from and go to it without or withdrawn from one’s karma – better earlier, before one cannot. The Buddha said, “The world is on fire. Eyes are on fire. Ears are on fire. Nose…, tongue…, body…, mind is on fire.” The world is on fire, burning down all like a wildfire – global warming, mass extinction, etc. – due to our eyes, ears, …, minds being on fire. Our six senses have been evolved and developed due to karma and driven by karma with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, causing devastation to individuals and societies, and eventually the destruction of the world. The Buddha also said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands on the battlefield is conquering one-self. That is the true conqueror.” How can one conquer oneself? Sit still, still karmas, see dharmas, and serve and save all in interdependent origination, in limitless relation and relativity. Anyone can and must cultivate his karma to witness nirvana and enjoy holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness in limitless life, light, liberation, and love for all. Only practice makes perfect. Who, when, where? 9/6/15 … Continue reading
Meditation Merits
Good morning! Yesterday I sent an article to our listserve on meditation merits: regrowing DNA’s terminating Telomeres and rebuilding the brain’s gray matter in 8 weeks. Early scientific study started with brain wave research: increasing alpha waves. Its merits have been known for several thousand years as the Zen posture, like the Buddha’s, was found in a Indus civilization artifact. Dogen said its merits are limitless. Limitless merits are made through different levels of meditation, eventually in nirvana as the merit of melting limitless karma complexes. Karma kinetics are in the fight or flight fatigue mode of struggle for survival. Sitting stills all strife, stress, and suffering in the free and full function mode of serenity in salvation. Last Sunday we talked about Dhammapada verse 11, on misconceiving non-essence as essence and vice versa, whose counterpart is verse 12 as follows: Those who know essence as essence and non-essence as non-essence Witness essence living in the realm of right thinking. Dhp. 12 Humans out of their self-survival instincts strive to acquire, accumulate, and amass matters, mights, and moneys limitlessly, considering them as essence and essential, even sacrificing the true limitless liberation, light, love, and life. Essence (sāra) is not rigid like heartwood, but fluid like essence or spirit extracted from plants or grains, essence or core (coeur) of all things. Essence is amrita, ambrosia of immortality, or nirvana – no-wind of karmas, karma creations of matters, mights, moneys, and mine or me, material and mortal. The amrita gate is opened by the Buddha for limitless meditation merits for all, but only attained by those who enter through it with actual application to themselves with cultivation/verification. Practice perfects. 1/25/15 … Continue reading
Good morning! On the way here I saw the morning star, morning mist, and heard birds singing. We have beautiful flowers on the altar. Now we are entering the flower season. After sittings we enjoy equanimity at our equinox sesshin. As we have a lot of registrations for our web blog I posted Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, with the beginning portion of the Translator’s Introduction to it. We read and talked about it yesterday. Garyo kindly sent me the first piece of her travelogue in Ecuador, along with a picture. Quito is situated on the equator, between south and north, like the equinox between day and night and heat and chill, called the other shore, nirvana. The spring equinox is between winter and spring, the springing up of plants and animals with full flowering. The fall equinox is between summer and fall, the falling of vegetation and insects with a feast of fruiting. Evolution has turned into devolution by individualization, involution, and intoxication. The supreme selfishness, not sapiens, set into nuclear winter, global summer, and mass extinction in a one-directional pyramid structure. In a cyclical Indra-net system we could enjoy winter and summer, expecting the coming spring and fall to bring abundance and admiration, as in Dogen’s poem titled the original face: Flowers in spring, Cuckoo in summer, The moon in autumn, Snow in winter, cool and clear. The other night I thought that the owner of the car parked in front had not turned off his headlights. When I turned mine off, I found his were only the reflection of mine. We had better turn on our inside dome lamp to reflect. Religion is to return to the original, holy (wholly wholesome) truth (Dharma, Dao, … Continue reading
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A UNIVERSAL RECOMMENDATION FOR TRUE ZAZEN By Eihei Dogen In exhaustive pursuit, the root of the way is perfectly penetrating. Why should you assume cultivation and verification? The supreme vehicle moves freely. Why should you consume striving and skill? Much more, its entirety is far beyond the realm of dust. Who would believe in the measures of sweeping? It never departs from right where you are. Why should you require the steps of cultivation? And yet, if there is even the slightest discrepancy, you become separated as far apart as heaven and earth. If the slightest liking or dis-liking arises, the mind is lost in confusion. Even though you may achieve the insightful power of glimpsing the (Buddha’s) ground, taking pride in your understanding and enjoying enlightenment; even though you may generate the aspiration of pressing onto heaven, attaining the way and clarifying the mind; even though you may roam around the boundary of this realm, reaching the point of putting your head in, still you largely lack the life- path of liberation. Moreover, the trace of six years’ upright sitting by the innately awakened [Shakyamuni Buddha] at Jetavana must be observed. And the fame of nine years’ facing the wall by the transmitter of the mind-seal [Bodhidharma] at Shaolin Temple must be heard. If the ancient sages were like this, why should you, a person of today, not exert yourself? Therefore, you must stop the comprehending conduct of investigating words and chasing discourses. You must learn to step backward to turn your light around to reflect on yourself. Mind and body will naturally fall away and your original face will manifest itself. If you wish to attain suchness, devote yourself to suchness at once. Now, in entering into zen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink in moderation. Abandon all relations and put all concerns to rest, not thinking of good and bad, not entertaining right and wrong. Still the driving of your heart, mind and consciousness. Stop the measuring of memories, ideas and meditations. No design, even of becoming a Buddha, should be harbored. How can it be concerned with sitting or lying down? … Continue reading
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Samsara Suffering or Amrita Ambrosia
Good morning! We have a nice day today with the warmer Sun and almost without snow! This Sunday and last Sunday have “the difference of clouds and mud.” Even clouds would make rain melting snow rather than snow mounting snow. The roads are dry and without the danger of cars colliding out of control. Last Sunday the local roads and highways were several inches deep in snow without being plowed. So, it was very difficult and dangerous to drive without clear vision due to the ice-coated wipers not wiping well. Cars and trucks tried to maneuver or pass through piled snow covering the lane lines. In the cold weather and world we tend to move through severe states without clear vision, a cloudy shield making dangerous maneuvering. The Buddha, seeing deep laya (layers of karma) like the Himalayas’ snow-storage (hima-ālaya), was rather reluctant to come out into such a world with its Triple Poisons. In the warmer weather and world we can see and drive through the familiar and friendly world with intimate feeling and safe sailing. The Buddha saw some lotus flowers blooming above and untouched by muddy water and decided to come out into the world to save it from destruction. A cold world or society and a warm world and society are made by nature and nurtured by people. Depending on different temperatures and temperaments we experience hardship or happiness, as in mundane and supramundane realms with different seasons and senses in the same place. Even though it is easier to see and drive through a warm world, we have to strive and suffer through some stresses and suffering. “Coming home and sitting in comfort” is totally safe and satisfying. “Come and see” nirvana and bodhi beyond samsara suffering, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality. 1/12/14 … Continue reading
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Wholly Wholesome World-Body-Mind
Good evening! We say, “A moment in a spring evening is worth a thousand gold pieces.” When we sit like the Buddha, with the best upright posture, assembled hands, and deep breathing, clearing all karmas – physical, verbal, and mental, conceptions, emotions, and volitions – with full power like a water jet cutting metal, we, too, are in unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening. If we sit absent-mindedly, our minds become confused and diffused and our bodies not straight, strong, and balanced. Dogen said, “Awakening is attained with the body, not the mind.” Awakening is attained with the total body, mind, and world in free full function, the dropping off of bodies and minds, so truly wholly wholesome with all, and thus the Buddha mind and body. 4/5/13
Straight, Strong, Balanced or Slant Sideways, Unbalanced
Good evening! The bell, the bell ringer, and the bell listeners are all different according to different conditions. So are the heavy snow, trees, and snow damage. I had two peach trees damaged by the recent heavy snow due to the different states of the trees, their covering nets, and covering snow. One tree was broken at the trunk, the other fell down, lifting its roots. The latter was pulled back to survive, but the former is difficult to revive. The surviving one had grown straight, strong and balanced, but the other was slanting sideways and unbalanced due to the neighboring trees. We must see our karmas, individual, social, and environmental, to grow straight, strong, and balanced, unaffected by them, inside and out. This sitting is to see all karmas and settle in holy (wholly wholesome) health and happiness in unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening. 4/4/13 NG wall paper, Michael S. Yamashita, trees-japan-yamashita_59071_600x450_
Stable Sitting Confers Comfort
Good evening! The spring evening sitting is priceless, with unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening. Otherwise we must pay the big prices of the triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness. Today I read the news that babies born within 1 to 16 weeks after the Fukushima meltdown in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington were 28% more likely to suffer from congenital hypothyroidism, which causes psychophysical problems. We have been experiencing nuclear tests and nuclear power problems or radiation with unsolved nuclear waste problems, etc. Haste makes waste. Haste makes hasty death and destruction. Stable sitting confers comfort. Stable sitting confers comfort for all always. 4/2/13
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Mind Mirror Moon
Good morning! We could see the beautiful bright full moon this morning. Seven hundred sixty years ago, Dogen made the following poem just before passing away: Even in the autumn, when I’d expect to see it again, I could not have slept With the moon of tonight. He made the following poem also, meaning that his poems were really on the Buddha mind and its ways and worlds: In the spring wind My words were strewn – People may consider Them as poems on flowers. Even though we can seldom see the full moon in the clear sky, we can see the Buddha mind always, if only we sit in this Buddha mind seal. We hope we can see the beautiful brilliant full moon tonight again in the clear calm spring sky with our Buddha mind seals. 3/27/13