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Category Archives: Awakened Way (Buddhism)
Awakening or Annihilation
Good morning! Yesterday I forwarded an article on Trump’s nuke expansion tweet frightening Chomsky, and a national security expert tweeting: But imagine having to turn launch keys not knowing if we are under attack or if it is … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
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Severing Fluxes and Saving from Flooding
Good morning! With the time change we have a beautiful bright Sunday morning after serene sittings and service. I forwarded a National Geographic film titled Before the Flood to our listserv. The Flood this time is caused by … Continue reading
Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism)
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Living Awakened Life
Good morning! We have a calm and cool Sunday morning after sittings and service. The Buddha called sitting meditation the “come and see way, good in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end.” He was said … Continue reading
Good morning! We have a cool and calm morning with sittings and service on a bright Sunday morning with snow. Heavy snow storms are raging over the East Coast states, Japan, Korea, and Europe, breaking century records. Our social and individual lives are in a similar situation. On the way here we could see the bright, beautiful, full moon. The full moon represents the Buddha heart, with its round, clear, calm, perfect light illuminating the whole world. Buddhism is the Buddha’s teaching and the teaching to become Buddha. The Buddhist goals are nirvana and Bodhi (awakening), like both sides of a mirror to reflect. The Buddhist ways are viewing and cultivating the way, like both wings to fly. These are child of five may know it,” Rev. Bird’s Nest said, “Even an old man cannot do it,” with regard to the common precepts of all Buddhas:” Doing all the good, Avoiding all evils, Purifying one’s own mind, Is the teaching of all Buddhas. All Buddhists cultivate the Triple Learning of morality (sīla), concentration (samādhi), and prognosis (prajňā). Zen (jhāna), stilling (bodily, verbal, and mental) karma, leads to Samādhi and nirvana, which include all of these things. Prognosis or awakening knows the Buddhist principles of the Four Holy Truths, Twelve Dependent Origination, and such Buddhist practices as the Triple Learning, Four Limitlessness, Six Perfections, Eightfold Holy Way, etc. All Buddhists are Bodhisattvas (Awakening-beings), the title originally given to Gotama while striving for awakening, aspiring in the Four Universal Vows of saving all, severing all defilements, learning all Dharma gates, and achieving the Awakened Way. Aspiring and activating, seeing and cultivating, makes achieving, just like walking makes advancing. Stilling karma is seeing Dharma, cultivation is verification, sitting is witnessing nirvana and awakening here now. 1/24/16 Note 1. A mirror needs both sides – one side to let light go through and the other side to stop and reflect it for a viewer to reflect and see the image, in cooperation with it. It is not a case of a two-sided mirror. It is the case of two sides of a brain coordinating, … Continue reading
Free Full Form Function
Good morning! Last night I forwarded to our listserv my translation of the Fukanzazengi (A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen) now available in free pdf format from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Association for the Promotion of … Continue reading
Attaining Awakening and Avoiding Annihilation
Good morning! After sittings and service we are in the quiet, calm, and clear world. This is the time, with events all over the world, that we reflect on the end of WWII with the first A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nukes present the most imminent possibility of global holocaust, with about two thousand war-heads at hair-trigger alert aimed at cities and centers in the US, Russia, and other countries totaling 16,000 bombs. The inevitable global catastrophe includes global warming and mass extinction, if we continue business as usual. The Buddha foresaw the end of the world due to the Triple Poisons of desire, divisive- ness, and delusion derived from human karmas, and he provided us with the solution for it. This sitting is the exactly the way to still karmas, see the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), serve all, and save all beings. Dogen said that awakening is not attained with the mind, but with the body. Enlightenment is not ideas or intellectual understanding, but witnessing nirvana, cessation of the karma wind where awakening dawns. As I mentioned the other day, an NHK special program had featured how animals developed eyes, borrowing plant sensor genes. Another one showed how mammals shifted from egg laying to fetus carrying and baby nursing, which promoted the mother-baby bond . The third, on the mammalian revolution, discussed the evolution of intellect through brain enlargement, sense integration, and especially communica- tion through language development. It is possible that these attributes distinguished homo sapiens from the Neanderthal. Sight, heart, and mind, however, can be misused by the Triple Poisons, especially by the delusion of the separate Self. The far-sight by eye-sight in standing and sense- extension with tools is unique, but we must have a true insight into karmas with prognosis. The heart-mind must meet this and master holiness (wholesome whole). The head, heart, hara (guts), body, bacteria, bio-spheres, etc. must meet the holy Dharma world, the body stilled and settled in nirvana, seeing from the supra- mundane, karma-less truth, saving all. 8/9/15 Note: The secretion of liquid to prevent laid eggs from bacteria with milk-like … Continue reading
Acquiring Awakened Eye
Good morning! We can enjoy the beautiful spring Sunday scene with lush green leaves and clear blue sky in the shiny sunlight, especially after sittings and service. We may not be able to enjoy it, if we are blind, asleep, and astray. Last night I watched the NHK Special “Great Life Leap – Camera Eye Emergence.” The rhodopsin gene producing a light sensing protein, developed in plants (as found in Dinophyceae) and acquired by animals (as in jellyfish), was quadrupled five hundred million years ago, as in the case of chloroplasts for photosynthesis by plants being acquired by animals (as in Elysia chlorotica). Animals must usually feed on plants or other animals, thus becoming predatory. Mankind, with gene multiplication and mutation, has become supreme in karmas with the triple poisons of desire, division, and delusion, endangering the global life system with mass extinction, etc. Mankind must acquire the third eye of prognosis – unsurpassed awakening in unconditioned peace (nirvana) by sitting, stilling karmas, softening the stiffness of our bodies and minds – freedom from and of them in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony and happiness to enjoy holy truth, goodness, beauty. 6/7/15 … Continue reading
Karma Nescience to Karmaless Nirvana
Good morning! I forwarded an article on the “Terror of War” or “Napalm Girl”, the famous photo from the Vietnam war of the girl running naked, burnt by a napalm bomb, in a Vietnamese field. The picture was taken by an Associated Press cameraman, Nick Ut, on June 8, 1972. It was distributed to every paper throughout the world. It helped end the Vietnam war in January, 1973, with Americans leaving there in March, and the photo eventually gaining the Pulitzer Prize. This picture–along with the picture of a man with a gun at his head in Vietnam, as well as that of the skinny, naked women at Auschwitz concentration camp– shocked me and changed my life, living for peace. The article that I forwarded was a recent report on the “Napalm Girl”. Kim Phuc, as she is named, was burned to the third degree, and was not expected to survive. But, she survived, and eventually founded Kim Phuc Foundation International, healing children of war. Discrimination and war historically started with the origin of city-states, whose structures of power and money are distinctly pyramidal. The 20th century was called the century of nationalism and war. Now, this pyramidal system seems to be increasingly taken over by money-ism, along with me-ism, materialism and militarism. The money machines have made money on wars, but they are ultimately destroying their own existence, with their creation of the catastrophic problems of nukes, global warming, mass extinction, etc. Spiritual Revolution counters this pyramidal tomb of discrimination, deprivation, destruction, etc. The Buddha foresaw the destruction of the world due to the selfish strife and suffering, and solved the fundamental cause of karma, sitting and stopping karma, to realize nirvana–“no wind of karma”–and awakened life. The historical figures of King Ashoka, Prince Regent Shotoku, et al, followed his path of peace, and Gandhi, Martin Luther King, et al, followed suite, working for truth and peace. 3/15/15 1972年6月8日、南ベトナム軍と北ベトナム軍が激戦を交わすチャンバンで、南ベトナム軍がナパーム弾を投下しました。焼夷弾が落ちたのは、キム・フックという少女が暮らす村。この爆撃を受けたキム・フックさんは裸のまま、大勢の村人と一緒に逃げ惑いました。 Facebookでシェア ツイートする 「戦争の恐怖」”Terror of War” … Continue reading
Ending Endless Enmities
Good morning! Now it is February. Time flies! Life empties! Did you hear about a Japanese journalist who was decapitated by ISIS members? It is a detestable savagery. They warned the Japanese Prime Minister that any Japanese anywhere is now in danger because of his participation in the Voluntaries, to destroy them. It is a horrendous and ominous thing, but we must know why it happened. The Japanese have been considered a peace loving people, with its Peace Constitution renouncing wars and weaponry after their atomic bomb experience of 70 years. Prime Minister Abe wanted to change that history with revisionist views and bellicose venting to work with allies anywhere in the world. He visited the Middle East to give aid to countries to contain ISIS. We must mentally orient to the source (yoniso manasi-kāra) – why it came out – to take revenge against the Iraq War allies! The Buddha said: “Abused me, hurt me, conquered me, robbed me.” For those who hold a grudge, enmity is never appeased. Dhp. 3 … Continue reading
Still Sitting Scene
Good morning! We had a shower with thunder last night and could enjoy lush green gardens this morning. While we have been sitting, we could hear the rain rustling on leaves, starting with thunder and with a haze of rain following. We can now enjoy the fresh green wind going throughout the world of our still sitting. We call animals dō-butsu (moving things), plants and places sei-butsu (still things). Plants sit still thriving on earth, water, air, fire (sun), wind, and space (four or five elements). Buddhists added consciousness as the sixth element, which evolved through movements for food, shelter, and clothing, etc. Motor and sense organs have developed into perceptions, emotions, volitions, and conceptions called mind. The mind-body-world complex is inseparable, but conventionally separated as if independent entities, creating delusion, discrimination, destruction, etc., into mass extinction, and ecological extremes. Sitting stills karmas – movements and minds – and unifies into harmony, holiness, and happiness with calm, clear, clean conditions like trees in our wholly wholesome world of truth, peace, and purity, like a lake without turbulence and turbidity, with wind and waves stilled (nirvana) in amrita, ambrosia, immortality. Rain rustling on leaves Penetrating through sitting Solstice lush green! 6/22/14 Enjoy seibutsu and dō-butsu scenes (at … Continue reading