Category Archives: Ecology

Good Day Every Day

Good morning!   We now have the beautiful bright sun in a cloudless autumn sky. Like the sun or the full moon in the clear calm sky the awakened mind illuminates the whole world.   The Buddha said,   Better … Continue reading

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Buddha Mind Bodhisattva Mind

Good evening,   We can still see the full moon. Even though the moon is always there, it can illuminate the world fully and wholly only when it fully and wholly accepts the light of truth in clear calm space. … Continue reading

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Cloudless Clear Calm Core

Good evening!   Even though we can’t see the full moon now because of clouds and rain, the full moon is shining clear and calm beyond the clouds. Even though we see the different phases of the moon, the full … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Golden Leaves Leave Golden Wind

Good morning!   On the way here we saw golden leaves strewn heavily on the street. Actually only yesterday we saw those beautiful colored leaves on the trees. There is a haiku poem:   Falling maples, Non-falling maples, Are also … Continue reading

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Mirror Moon Mind

Good morning!   We can see the full moon tonight. The full moon Dogen appreciated just before his passing away was the one in this month.   The great difference is expressed by “the moon and a small turtle (tsuki … Continue reading

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Step by Step with Stars and Frost

Good morning!   We have now beautiful bright stars in the crisp cool sky and dense dew on green grass. Rita, law, came from ritu, season – regular cycles of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.   Cicadas live only a … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

People against Power and for Planet

Good morning!   We have had a cloudless autumn sky (akibare: 秋晴れ) for many days now. When we sit we can enjoy a cloudless world. This is because of the clear calm air. But, when it gets colder, we have … Continue reading

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Real Residence to Reside

Good evening!   Now we have the beautiful brilliant moon in the clear calm sky, embracing, and  illuminating the whole world. There is a moon-light bodhisattva (gakkô-bosatsu: 月光菩薩) who settles in limitless space, shines, embraces, and illuminates all beings.   … Continue reading

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Buddhas, Bodhisattva-mahâsattvas

Good morning!   When we sit still and serene, we still our karmas and settle in the universal truth, that is dependent origination – all are interdependent, thus no independent eternal self.   Here we are awakened to and activate … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Weight of One’s Worth

Good evening!   Now we have the beautiful, bright moon in the clear, calm autumn sky. I got an email from a friend of mine quoting the famous phrase of Shibasen (Shimaqian): “Man must die, whose weight can be heavy … Continue reading

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