Zero-sum or Wholesome

Good morning!


We could see the thin moon beside the morning star in the clear sky.

The temperature is 24 degrees here, and somewhere else with heavy snow.

The zero-sum games are from the small short-sight style and section.

The wholesome work is from the wholly wholesome way and world.


When we are caught up by trees, we can not see the forest.

Only when we become or go beyond the forest, we can witness the forest.

When we are caught up by the small short-sight, we can not see the world.

Only when we become or go beyond the world, we can witness the world.


When we are bound in the zero-sum games for competition, we are in the small short-sight section with selfish separation, sickness, and suffering.

When we are freed in the wholesome way for cooperation, we are in the wholly wholesome world with holy harmony, health, and happiness.











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