Working Wholly Wholesome Way

Good morning!


We had beautiful benevolent snowfall covering trees and grass, but clear of roads and earth, because earth and the ambient temperature is higher than the freezing point.


Today’s New York Times editorial talked about the dwindling influence of the U.S. constitution, especially as in the right to bear arms, only 2% supported in the world.


The NHK news from Japan reported their poll showing 72% against restart of nuclear reactor operation despite the government agency and IAEA approval of the stress tests.


On the way here I heard the NPR news reporting the drastic cut of the number of the staff members of the biggest base-embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, 18, 000 into half.


These show the dwindling of me-ism, materialism, and militarism against the larger natural system, which supersedes such self-centered ways.


Sitting solid and serene is to stop and see human karmas and to walk and work in the holy (wholly wholesome) natural beauty, benevolence, truth, and peace.


And then we can observe how the natural way works in the sustainable, safe, simple system, saving all in harmony and happiness.






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