Unrecognized Unusual Uprising and Upcoming

Good morning!


Here we have now a nice autumn morning with moistened air and a mild equinox climate with the sense of harvesting.


On the opposite side of the globe, however, a million people have been told to evacuate to prepare for typhoon No. 15. The typhoon season has been starting unusually early in the spring recently. Also, sixty thousand people gathered in Tokyo to bid adieu – never to see again – to nuclear disasters.


Here recently I feel that more unusual phenomena are happening. Animals that are usually unseen are more visible, for example, and the squirrels have completely harvested the pears and peaches in our garden. One out of six people here live under the poverty line. There have been unusual demonstrations on Wall Street.


These things are unreported or underreported in the mass media. When we sit, however, our mirror minds reflect them as symptoms of a coming uprising – upcoming in our societies and in global ecological systems.


In our quiet, cool, clear sitting we see the impermanence of ourselves and the global life system. We must, therefore, prepare for them and be ready to live in peace and truth.




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