Heart Sutra:心経


Good morning!


We have our regular sesshin today. Sesshin is embracing and touching the heart/mind. The Heart Sutra we recited is the heart of the Awakened Way in the shortest sutra, scripture. I think Avalokita-īsvara or Avalokita-svara Bodhisattva seems to be derived from his “looking down (upon the world with compassion)” in the sutra. If so, the Heart Sutra is composed as the Buddha’s teaching to Shariputra, first in Wisdom among his disciples, in usual sutra style.


When the Buddha as a bodhisattva practiced prajňā-paramitā, perfection of prognosis, he penetrated that the five skandha, aggregates, are śūnya, empty (of solid substance), like a rainbow or mirage, looking like a bridge or castle, but empty of independent, eternal entity. The so-called self is composed of the five aggregates, thus no self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance – empty of eternal, independent substance. This is due to the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination or śūnyatā, emptiness.


We can intellectually understand this, but we need to witness existentially to embody this truth. Sitting stills karma, physical, verbal, and mental, letting go of perceptions, conceptions, emotions, and volitions as in the process of the Four Stages of zen, chan, jhāna. Dhyāna. Dogen expressed this as a falling away of the body and mind, or like walking on the bottom of ocean, unmoved unlike surface of it. This is unmoved by fear, etc. – all attachments – thus unbound by anything.


The Heart Sutra is the heart, coeur, core, or essence of the sutras (short aphorism or text, from suture, thread) about the heart/mind – how to cultivate and verify nirvana, bliss-ful, sukha-vatī (usually translated as Pure-land, Paradise, but not a place), amata, amṛta, ambrosia or immortality, going beyond conventions, where in awakening prognosis develops and matures, witnessing the ultimate truth beyond the conventional one under karma, the Triple Poisons, etc.


January 26, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



今日は何時もの接心です。摂・接心は心を摂取し心に接触することです。私達が唱えた般若心経は仏道の最短の経典です。観自在(Avalokita-īsvara) ・観音(Avalokita-svara) 菩薩は経典にある「(慈悲をもって)見下ろす」から来ていると思われます。そうだとすると、般若心経は通常の経典の様式に従った智慧第一の舎利弗への仏陀の教えになります。




私達は知的にこれを理解できますが、実存的にこの真理を体得する必要があります。坐は坐禅(禅、jhāna. Dhyāna)の四段階の過程が示すように身口意の業を静めて、感覚・観念・感情・意志から自由になることが出来ます。道元はそれを心身脱落とか海の表面と違い動揺させられない底辺を歩くようだとしています。これは恐れなど-一切の執着に不動となることで、何物にも束縛されないことです。





2019共通年1月26日 法話


Good morning!


We have our regular sesshin today. Sesshin (摂心・接心) is embracing and touching the heart/mind. The Heart Sutra we recited is the heart of the Awakened Way in the shortest sutra, scripture. I think Avalokita-īsvara or Avalokita-svara Bodhisattva seems derived from his “looking down (the world with compassion)” in a sutra. If so, the Heart Sutra is composed as the Buddha’s teaching to Shariputra, the No.1 in Wisdom among his disciples, as in usual sutras style.


When the Buddha as a bodhisattva practiced the prajna-paramitā, perfection of prognosis, he penetrated the five skandha, aggregates, are śūnya, empty (of solid substance) like rainbow or mirage, looking like bridge or castle, but empty of eternal, independent entity. The so-called self is composed of the five aggregates, thus no self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance – empty of eternal, independent substance. This is due to the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination or śūnyatā.


We can intellectually understand this, but need to witness existentially to embody this truth. Sitting stills karma, physical, verbal, and mental, letting go of perceptions, conceptions, emotions, and volitions as in the process of the Four Stages of zen, chan, jhāna. Dhyāna. Dogen expressed it as falling away of the body and mind or like walking on the bottom of ocean, unmoved unlike surface of it. This is unmoved by fear, etc. – all attachments, thus unbound by nothing.


The Heart Sutra is the heart, coeur, core or essence of the sutras (short aphorism or text, from suture, thread) about the heart/mind – how to cultivate and verify the nirvana, bliss-ful, sukha-vatī (usually translated as Pure-land, Paradise, but not place), amrita, ambrosia or immortality, going beyond conventions, where in awakening and prognosis develop and mature, witnessing the ultimate truth beyond conventional one under karma, the Triple Poisons, etc.


1/26/2019 C.E. Dharma talk



今日は何時もの接心です。摂・接心は心を摂取し心に接触することです。私達が唱えた般若心経は仏道の最短の経典です。観自在(Avalokita-īsvara) ・観音(Avalokita-svara) 菩薩は経典にある「(慈悲をもって)見下ろす」から来ていると思われます。そうだとすると、般若心経は通常の経典の様式に従った智慧第一の舎利弗への仏陀の教えになります。




私達は知的にこれを理解できますが、実存的にこの真理を体得する必要があります。坐は坐禅(禅、jhāna. Dhyāna)の四段階の過程が示すように身口意の業を静めて、感覚・観念・感情・意志から自由になることが出来ます。道元はそれを心身脱落とか海の表面と違い動揺させられない底辺を歩くようだとしています。これは恐れなど-一切の執着に不動となることで、何物にも束縛されないことです。





2019共通年1月26日 法話


Mirage (蜃気楼)







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