Projection-cessation Is Nirvana


Good morning!


The weather forecast is for snow soon. Science has advanced in predicting the weather, but not yet pinpointing, much less so in the area of human suffering and solution. The Tenfold Interdependent Co-origination is ascribed to the past seven Buddhas, including Gotama. The scripture claimed “not going before further.” Nagasena illustrated the Bhava-cakkha, Becoming Wheel, to Milinda, Menandros, with seven limbs, i.e., Sevenfold I.C. as shown below in the note.


Gotama clearly taught that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. So, if karma in the Sevenfold I.C. is interpreted as saṅkhāra, and its cause is a-vijjā, no witness, of nirvana, leading to it and to appropriation, upādāna, the Twelvefold I.C. could be made, and is actually extant in the scriptures. These two limbs were important innovations made by Gotama Buddha, even if it was clearly set forth or not as the Twelvefold I.C.


The last item of the Eightfold Great Persons’ Awakening of ap-papaňca has been translated as idle talk, speculation. Papaňca, however, is wider in its connotations in the original word, psycho-physical projections or fabrications, inclusive of all karmas. So, ap-papaňca is a-karma, stilling karma, i.e., nirvana, as Nagarjuna’s prapaňca-upaśama, projection-cessation or provocation-cessation, i.e., nirvana, ultimate goal.


Therefore, the last limb of the Eightfold Great Persons’ Awakening is not just a recommendation against idle-talk, but an encouragement to stay in ap-papaňca  = a-karma = nirvana. Nagarjuna mentioned the Eightfold Negations of neither born nor destroyed, neither cut nor continued, neither one nor different, neither coming nor going – all of which are neutral, madhyama, or empty, śuňňa, as in the Heart Sutra, no fear, etc.

January 19, 2019 C.E.

Note: Nagasena’s Becoming-wheel (bhava-cakka/cakra)

bhava cakka






ゴータマは明かに一切の衆生は業相続者・業所有者・業機械・業依拠者であると教えました。だから、七支縁起の業を行 (sakhāra) としその原因をそれに導き所有する取りこむ(取upādāna無明 (a-vijjā:無確証, 涅槃の)とすれば十二支縁起が出来、実際に経典には存在しているのです。これら二支は、例え十二支縁起として明白に提示されたかどうかに拘わらず、ゴータマ・ブッダによる重要な変革なのです。






2019共通年1月19日 法話


bhava cakka















































The above pictures were taken by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

and sent from Japan



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