Practice Proceeds and Perfects


Good morning!


This morning we had dense fog preventing clear and far sight for driving due to the sudden drastic change in temperature from 4 to 40 degrees, going up to the 50s today and to 60 tomorrow. We have abnormal climate and other problems that cause worry for our life system’s safety and security.


Due to our defunct boiler and chill we have been sitting with the blinds closed, but this morning we opened them to see spring around the corner and plants inside and out enjoying bright light now that the fog is gone. Dogen said, “when we walk in mist, our robe becomes unwittingly wet.” Dr. Shin’ichi Suzuki said, “We are children of our environment.”


Dogen said, “Even if this dharma is abundantly endowed with everyone, without cultivation it is not developed: without verification it is not attained.” Buddha nature is in everyone, but only cultivation and verification can make one witness it. Nirvana-awakening is attained only by sitting, stilling, and seeing śūnyatā, emptiness.


Buddha nature is developed and attained only by actual cultivation and verification with body-heart-world practice, not simply by intellectual understanding, but by the whole being put into the practice of stilling karma. So, Dogen said, “Awakening is attained not by the mind, but by the body.”


February 2, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk













2019共通年2月2日 法話

























The above pictures were taken at home recently

and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan





Following pictures were taken by Mr. Katsuhiro Otsuka,

a relative of Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, 

sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka









Mt. Akaishi & Mt. Hijiri dyed in the morning red








Mt. Fuji floating in the cloud ocean

from the peak of  Mt. Akusawa








Climbing from Daiseiji Daira to Mt. Akaishi

(Front lady is Mr. Katsuhiro Otsuka, 2007 C.E.)







Trail path to the direction of Mt. Arakawa

from the peak of Mt. Akaishi (2009 C.E.)





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