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Monthly Archives: March 2013
Holy Home and Host
Good morning! When I left my home, there was sleeting like this. When I arrived here there was no sleeting. Weathermen said that the snow will accumulate one to two inches by 11:30 a.m. and six to eleven inches by tonight. So, everybody is staying at home – very quiet. When the Buddha was taking his morning walk and sitting, he overheard Yasa, the first layman to renounce, saying, “Aah, I am suffering, Alas, I am disturbed!” So the Buddha said, “Here is neither suffering nor vexation. Come and sit, Yasa! I will tell you the dharma!” Now we have sesshin. Sesshin is touching the mind (接心) and embracing the mind (摂 心). We can touch and embrace our minds, and even the Buddha mind, when we practice. These incessant innumerable soft snowflakes seem like the Great Thousand Worlds, in which innumerable soft snowflakes are also falling. When we practice, we forget our selves and are verified by all dharmas. As we see dharmas, they verify us with the triple dharma marks: impermanence, suffering from impermanence, and no self-substance from no self-sameness and no self-sovereignty. Thus, the Buddha said “Not yours” (na tumhakam). Nothing is ours, even our bodies and minds, much less those of others. So, naturally we drop off our bodies and minds. When we see dharmas, we witness the holy dharma world, holy home, and holy hosts. In the holy home, everything is holy host. There is no person with limited possessions and possessedness. Rinzai (Linji: 臨済) said “Becoming a host at any place, all become true.” When we become hosts, all turns out true. When we become guests or slaves, all fall far or false. When we witness the holy home, we become holy hosts, enjoying holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, and beauty. Dr. Suzuki of the Suzuki Method of Ability Development said that life has no age and that sounds have life, living without forms. Formless life gives us beauty, goodness, and truth. He often told the story of Amala and Kamala fostered by a wolf – we can … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証)
Tagged Amala, amrita (ambrosia/immortality), Buddha, Dr. Suzuki, embracing truth (satya-āgraha), Gandhi, Great Thousand Worlds, Kamala, lit. doing duty), no-harm (a-himsā), not yours (na tumhakam), Rinzai (Linji), Ryokan, samu (作務, sesshin, Sesshin:touching the mind (接心) and embracing the mind (摂心), Suzuki Method, triple dharma marks (impermanence/suffering/selfless), work), Yasa
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Climate Change and the World’s Religions
Inter-Community Naw-Ruz Celebration View this email in your browser Climate Change and the World’s Religions Saturday, March 30th at 2:00 pm Location: Bahá’í Information Center, 30 West Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Starting at 2:00 pm All are Welcome – No Charge – … Continue reading
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Sesshin, Samyak-Sambodhi Seal
Good morning! We’re having the spring equinox sesshin. This is very auspicious, because the equinox is identified as equanimity. In the East we call this time higan (彼岸), the other shore, beyond the torrents and billows of this world. Further, the spring equinox is important as the night napping of plants and animals has ended and they’re waking up to start their new, free, and full lives. If we just continue our old habits, we must also continue our problems and sufferings. That is why we need sesshin, touching our minds (接心) and embracing our minds (摂心). Our minds are compared to the charioteers of chariots. Often our chariots are pulled by the “will horses,” or karmas. So, we must find our minds and control them, not be controlled by them. We need to embrace our minds. Often in the early Buddhist scriptures it is recommended that we protect our doors or gates (dvāra-gutta). Because we constantly leak through our sense organs and motor organs, especially leaks of conceptions, emotions, and volitions through the motor organs, we defile and destroy our world and ourselves. So, we must embrace our minds. We have a nice equinox day today in balanced day and night, chill and heat. Weathermen, however, have warned of a few to several inches of snow accumulation from tonight to tomorrow night. We have been having extreme weather due to global warming – droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, even the globe itself warming to make more fluid magma movement. Recently we were warned about a Nankai (South Sea) Trough earthquake and tsunami, which could cause ten times more damage than the Great East Japan Earthquake. Scientists say the adjacent Tō-nankai (East South Sea) and Tōkai (East Sea) earthquakes may take place at the same time. Disasters happen not only in Japan, but all over the world with added human causes. Not only disasters, but disease, devastation from nuclear plants, and accidents by cars, etc., may happen any time to anyone. We must therefore be prepared for them and for deaths. We must solve our birth and death problems before our devastation and deaths. We must attain unsurpassed awakening in the truth of our life and living, and unconditioned peace, nirvana, … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証)
Tagged Buddha, dharma dhâtu (domain, Dogen, embracing our minds: 摂心), higan (彼岸: the other shore), karma, paramount truth (parama-artha-satya), protecting doors/gates (dvāra-gutta), sesshin: touching our minds: 接心, supramundane (loka-uttara), triple learnings (sīla/samādhi/prajñā), triple maladies (me-ism/materialism/militarism), triple poisons (delusion/desire/divisiveness), triple treasures (buddha/dharma/sangha), unconditioned peace (nirvana), unsurpassed right complete awakening (anuttara samyak-sambodhi)
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Mind Mirror Moon
Good evening! Now we start the spring equinox sesshin. Sesshin is touching the mind (接心) and embracing the mind (摂心). If we are busy going around for outer things, we can never notice, see, much less touch, and embrace our minds. Even if we try to see the mind moon, we cannot see it through clouds, or we see only the changing phases; we rarely see the full moon. Only when we practice constantly, concentratedly, do we see the full moon behind its appearances. As we practice more, we go beyond clouds and the small dark moon phases and see the great bright moon, illuminating the whole world with equanimity, like the equinox in total balance and unity – the great round mirror mind moon. This is the transformation of the base, the eighth store consciousness, into the great round mirror consciousness, transforming all the other consciousness as well. Only actual practice can make it possible and perfect. 3/22/13
Holy Nirvana Here Now
Good morning! We are now in the spring equinox, which is equal in daytime and nighttime, chill and heat – well-balanced harmony in time and space. Thus, it is equated with equanimity, beyond the dichotomy of perceptions, emotions, and volitions – nirvana or the other shore, beyond human karmas. It is not another world, place, or time, but here and now, just like this early morning sitting, as serene and solid as the deep sea beyond surface surges. Especially when we sit in solid serene Zazen, we become still and stable, safe and separated from the sway of suffocation and suffering, inside and out. 3/22/13
Equinox, Equanimity, Exess-Extinction
Good evening! This is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. In the East we celebrate it as equanimity, nirvana, the other shore, beyond the sea of sufferings. Nowadays people just celebrate it for the deceased, supposedly in the other world. But originally it was for anyone to attain nirvana, stillness of karmas. It is beyond all physical, verbal, and mental karmas, actions, and action results or habits, any fabrications even of meditation or relaxation. It is the complete cessation of karmas realized in this solid serene sitting, the Buddha mind seal, sealed in the Buddha mind. So, please sit strong, straightened up, and solid, unmoved by anything – ideas, ideologies, memories, volitions, emotions, etc., appreciating amrita! 3/21/13
Spring Equinox Sesshin
Three Day Vernal Equinox Sesshin Schedule March 22-24, 2013 Friday evening Saturday Sunday 1900 zazen … Continue reading
Treasures Teach, Love Learns
Good morning! Dogen said, “When I love the mountain, the mountain loves me.” Whatever we treasure, teaches us. That which we love, is what we learn. So is a Japanese proverb: “Love learns.” (好きこそ物の上手なれ: suki-koso mono-no jōzu-nare, lit. Liking is skill.) So, treasures must be true treasures. The triple treasures teach us unconditioned peace, unsurpassed awakening, and unbounded love in verification. Love of the triple learnings of sīla, samādhi, and prajñā learn the triple minds of magnanimous, mature, mudita (joyful) minds in cultivation. 3/21/13 Note: The triple learnings of sīla, samādhi, and prajñā are usually translated morality, concentration, and insight (wisdom, etc.) respectively. Sīla is spine or pillar (straight, stable, established), samādhi is settling (serene, solid, … Continue reading
Unconditioned Peace Unsurpassed Awakening Here Now
Good evening! Today is the tenth anniversary of the Iraq war. Recently we had the second anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We say, “See to the end.” If we truly see to the end, we could not have started wars and nukes with countless casualties, costs, and conundrums. Not seeing to the end, we become irresponsible and infamous, creating all kinds of problems and sufferings in endless karma ripples, consequences. Not a mountain moving, with a mouse or mindless mice emerging, but the whole world trembling in joy and tears at the Buddha’s birth and death. Seeing to the end, the Buddha showed us the “come and see” way, good in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, for all always and all places. Zazen is the unity of means and ends, the cultivation and verification of unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening here and now with all. A proverb says, “There are horses running a thousand miles a day, but few find them.” There are treasures, but who actually acts and appreciates them? 3/20/13
Posted in True treasure, Zazen
Tagged Buddha, goodness, nukes, true treasure, wars, zazen
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Mountain Moving, Mouse Emerges
Good morning! We got the news from Japan that a blackout at the Fukushima nuclear plant had stopped after more than twenty hours. TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) found a burn mark on the mocked-up switch panel and a burned, mouse-like animal on the ground nearby. A proverb says, “The great mountain resoundingly moving, a mouse emerges.” A small leak can collapse a gigantic dam. Global warming, mass extinction, etc., are caused by small selves. So, we need to sit and stop karmas, cultivating magnanimous, mature, and mudita (joyful) minds. 3/20/13 Note: These minds are called the triple minds (sanshin: 三心), which are based on the exquisite nirvana mind (nehan-myōshin: 涅槃妙心) or equanimity (upekhā, upekśā, sha: 捨, literally throwing away, total renunciation). Cf. The Four Brahma- vihāra/Limitlessness (friendship, compassion, joy: mudita, equanimity), the Four Embracing Matters (giving, loving words, beneficial action, sameness), the Four Tea Minds (harmony, respect, purity, serenity: 和敬清寂: wa-kei-sei-jaku), the Four Dharma Marks/Seals (impermanence, suffering, no self, nirvana)