Sitting, Stilling in Schools, Societies, and Systems


Good morning!


We have now very good weather and world after sitting and service. Yesterday I forwarded articles on school meditation to our listserv. We hope more schools, societies, and systems of life learn meditation and live with it, changing the world for the better, hopefully the best, with paradigm shifts.


Individually we must shift from karma to dharma through nirvana, no-wind of karma blowing us into samsara suffering. Karma creates the triple poisons, similar to original sin, but it is changeable, with the four efforts of decreasing and stopping bad karma, starting and increasing good karma in awakening.


Socially we must shift from an artificial unilateral pyramidal civilization (= urbanization) with its fivefold calamity of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination, to a natural cyclical Indra-net culture with the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace of and for all.


Ecologically we must shift from nature in karma to exploit to nurture in nirvana to enhance its truth, goodness, beauty, and peace in full flowering and fruiting. We must shift from sin (separation sickness) to holiness (wholly wholesomeness) all through these levels and realms in space and time.

























The above pictures were sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan.


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