Strive Hard Remisslessly!

Good morning!


Fast from the full moon there is now the thin crescent moon now with the bright morning star in the sky. The day is getting shorter every day.


“All phenomena are created and ceased on causes and conditions, which Tathâgata, Thus-being, the great striver, tells,” Assajji said to Shâriputta.


Shâriputta, the first in prognosis, amazed at Assajji’s upright walking posture and asked who was his teacher and what he teaches, penetrated the truth.


Mahâmoggalâna, the first in super faculty, hearing this from Shâriputta, with him left the agnostic Sañjaya, The whole congregation followed them.


All created, complex, and complicated corpora, corporations, and civilizations cease to exist eventually with no exception.


Thus, Tathâgata told to his followers at his deathbed, “I tell you: all in the world are impermanent. Strive hard remisslessly! This is my last words”




Assajji’s message was kept in the verse:


All are originated on causes.

Tathagata tells the causes,

And the cessation of them.

Thus the great striver tells.


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