Like Elephant’s Footprint

Good morning!


Now we have beautiful bright spring sun and fresh air. Suddenly we have so many kinds of flowers blooming – daffodils, forsythias, magnolias, vincas, quinces and so forth.


Flowers in spring,

Cuckoo in summer,

The moon in autumn,

Snow in winter cool and clear.


Haru-wa hana

Natsu hototogisu

Aki-wa tsuki

Fuyu yuki saete suzushikarikeri








This is the poem made by Dogen titled “Original Face.” When we come here, we can enjoy beautiful flowers inside and out.


When we sit in zazen, we have vast space like spring sky. The Buddha said that like elephant’s foot print surpasses all other animals’ footprints, nirvana surpasses all.


So, nirvana, this unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening surpassing all, embracing all, are the original resort and ultimate refuge.


Enjoy this valuable moment with beautiful blue sky, the bright spring sun, colorful flowers, and crisp cool air.








The last two pictures (Kawazu-zakura: cherry) were taken by Mr. Ohtsuka nearby his home.

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