Particle-particle Samadhi

Good evening!


Today we had very warm weather going up to 73 degrees. Here and in Japan we had the kind of weather we have in May.


Now the almost full moon is dimmed by clouds. Clouds start from particles gathering water drops, becoming clouds, developing into storms, tornadoes.


So is our climate change. Each person’s action, karma, gathering together creates abnormal climate. In this we need to reduce and restore, not recycle, reuse, or rearrange.


We need to reduce our three poison dusts and restore the original state before becoming clouds, storms, and tornadoes.


“Particle-particle samadhi (jin-jin sanmai: 塵塵三昧)” is each person striving in samadhi, concentration, in each action on each thing at each time and place.


Then we can realize unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening together with all, enjoying limitless life, light, and love like limitless bright beautiful sky.







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