Love Limitless Life

Good morning!

The dark sky is hanging over us, with sleety rain turning into snow, as if foretelling the threatening future and telling of the severe situation in Japan now:

Those who survived the record earthquake and tsunami are desperately struggling in the chill without electricity, food, and water amidst the continued threat of devastated nuclear reactors.

Just before I came here, I read a story about a lady, 25 years old, who continued her announcements, urging everyone to escape from her city office building, until the very last.

City officers escaped to the roof, but except for a few who clung to the antenna, all else were swept away by the wall of water. She was also observed among the waves.

The small city missing half its population, ten thousand people, remains in rubble with only the red ferro-frame of the hollow three story city government building standing.

We have no words with such devastating situations, but only tears. Ultimately, for what do we live?


Note: The story of a lady above mentioned is translated into English from the Mainichishinbun: radio

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