Good morning!


We have a chilly but cool and clear atmosphere. The car thermometer indicated a 20-degrees difference in temperature inside and outside of the garage. The car heater made the windows frosty and cloudy.


There was news that the ABCC* collected data on the effect of black rain on people, but did not publicize it. They must have known the effects of indirect and internal radiation.


The Red Cross and Red Crescent Moon have started a movement to eliminate nuclear weapons. They know well enough the victims’ sufferings and the possibility of catastrophic disasters.


We can see both sides in the clear, open, and awakened sitting state. Usually we see only one side in the awake, but deluded, state. We can see neither in the dream or sleep state.





*The ABCC (Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission) was set up by the U.S. government in 1946 to collect data from the atomic bomb survivors, though not for treatment. It was reorganized as the RERF (Radiation Effects Research Foundation, 放射能影響研究所) in 1975 and is run by both the U.S. and Japan.




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