Devoid of Death Devils

Good morning!


We have now nice rain of compassion for plants and animals after a spell of harsh dryness. So, insects are now singing with joy. In our quiet sitting, we can enjoy the sound of rain dripping on leaves and even the thunderbolts and thunderclaps.


But, when we drive through rain and darkness, it is difficult and dangerous. A friend of mine recently sent a poem he wrote to his friends, about the devil that is falling all over always, invisible and irradiating with deadly danger.


If we have ruthless radiation bolts and bombarding, we cannot escape them for thousands, even millions, of years. So, he says that the best way is not to make the devil. If we want to live in nature with truth, peace, harmony, and happiness, we must stop creating devils.


The fundamental fountain of devils are the three poisons of attachment, aversion and delusion. When we sit in solid, still, serene zazen, we are in original unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening in limitless liberation, light, and love.




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