From Karma to Dharma: 業から法へ


  From Karma to Dharma


The world’s population is facing the danger of nuclear holocaust by Putin’s Russian invasion into Ukraine with nuclear threat and the Zaporizhia Nuke Power Plant bombing, all as the Doomsday Clock ticks to midnight. Trump’s presidency advanced it to 100 seconds before midnight. Abe tried to befriend them, even before Trump’s inauguration, with no gain due to all wanting their own interest. Abe changed Japan’s peace constitution, politics, economy, etc., to the worst by colluding with the Unification Church. They all broke the Global Ethic to the worst.

The worst global situations are due to their selfishness and the institutions to make it possible – civilization’s pyramidal system with institutions and laws of the Five Fictions of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism and the Five Fictitious Bodies of nation, corporation, media, religion, and education. Nation states made “the century of nationalism and war” including nuclear arsenals and power plants. Putin’s invasion war made this trend further worse with militarism, nukes, and blocking all global agreements in politics, economics, society, and ecology.

The Buddha foresaw the danger of the destruction of world because of selfishness 25 centuries ago, and he provided us with prognosis in the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination and its applications, like the Four Holy Truths, Eight Holy Ways, etc. Anyone can and should follow them, changing our karma to Dharma by simple still sitting, stilling karma seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. We are part and parcel of the Dharma world, related and relative, to reunite with each other as good friends in holiness, not sinfulness (separation) of selves.

All must first awaken to the fact that all beings are karma-births, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged so that we change our bad karma to good and become good friends, and that we take refuge in doing so. The Buddha said that our friends make all of our life. We must, then, act to realize this personally, socially, and ecologically. Religion means reunion with holiness, and world religions say that the future savior is friend (Mitra, Mithra, et al.), actually our potential to become one and fill the world with them, making it holy, harmonious, healthy, and happy.

September 3, 2022C.E.


  1. The Parliament of the World’s Religions issued the Declaration toward a Global Ethic in 1993 in Chicago, which encouraged all people, religious or not, to observe the (originally Four, but now) Five Directives, which are an adaptation of the basic ethical rules of the Five Precepts (no killing, no stealing, no lying, no sexual misconduct, no intoxicants), and the Ten Precepts of Buddhism and the Ten Commandments:

The commitment to the culture of

I.    Non-violence and Respect for Life
II.   Solidarity and a Just Economic Order
III.  Tolerance and a Life of Truthfulness
IV.  Equal Rights and Partnership Between Men and Women
V.   Sustainability and Care for the Earth

  1. Dictators and despots are closely related to militarism, nationalism, capitalism, and pyramidal civilization systems with collusion with other fictitious bodies of states, religions, corporations, media, and educational systems, as seen in the case of the three-generation long Kishi – Abe and their party, LDP, collusion with the Unification Church, etc. The collusion among fictitious bodies in the pyramidal civilization is observable even in so-called democratic countries, much more in despotic countries.
  1. The Five Fictitious Bodies, as modern major players, are states, religions, corporations, media, and education, which can collude or corrupt each other, especially with dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and pyramidal civilization.
  1. Religion (from Latin religare, reunion) means reunion with holiness (wholly wholesomeness) from sin (separated sickness). World religions tell their ideal figure as Friend (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Massiah, Messiah, et al.).
  1. Please refer to the Paradigm Shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:








一切の人々は先ず、一切の物は業誕生者、業相続者、業所有者、業機械者、業依拠者であることを知り、私達の悪業を善業に変え、善友となり、そうすることに依拠すべきです。ブッダは友が私達の全生命を作るのだと言いました。私達は、次に、これを個人、社会、生態に実現すべきです。宗教とは聖性への再結合であり、世界諸宗教は未来の救済者は友(Mitra, Mithra等)であると言いますが、実際には私達がそう成り、それらで世界を充たし、世界を聖的、調和、健康、幸福にすべきです。



  1. 世界宗教会議は1993年シカゴで「地球倫理宣言」を発出しましたが、それは、宗教者もそうでない人も、皆が(元は四でしたが)五つの教令を守ることを奨励しています。それは仏教の五戒(不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫、不飲酒)や十戒や、(一神教の)十戒の基本的倫理規則の適用です:

I. 非暴力と生命

II. 連帯と公正な経済秩序

III. 寛容と真実の生活

IV. 男女の平等な権利と共同精神

V. 維持可能性と地球への配慮


2. 独裁者や専制者達は三代に亙る岸‐安倍や彼らの党である自民党と統一協会等との癒着に見られるように国家、企業、メディア、宗教、教育の他の仮構体と癒着する軍国主義、資本主義や金字塔組織と密接に関係しています。金字塔文明の中の諸仮構体間の癒着は所謂民主主義諸国でさえ見られますが、まして専制国家ではそうです。

3. 国家、宗教、企業、メディア、教育の、現代の主要活動体としての、五仮構体はお互いに癒着し腐敗し得るし、特に独裁制、国家主義、軍国主義、そして金字塔文明ではそうです。

4. (ラテン語のreligare, 再結合に由来する)宗教(religion)は罪(分離病患)から聖(全体健全)に再結合することです。世界宗教はその理想像として「友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya: 弥勒、Massiah, Messiah等)」を語っています。

5. 錯誤、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮の五禍を伴い金、物、力を求める人工的で一方向的金字塔文明から覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和の五福を伴い命、心、和を求める自然的で循環的命帝網文化への枠組転換については下記をご参照下さい:














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