Rivalry Root and Sound Solution: 敵対の根源と健全な解決


Recently we published a book titled Poems and Pictures: Flowers in Manyoshū, Kokinshū & Shinkokinshū. “Flowers fall in lamentation; weeds widen in detestation,” Dogen said. “When butterflies come, flowers open,” Ryokan said. I enjoy abundant flowers, butterflies, humming birds nowadays around my home. Weeds, herbs, weeds also abound, spreading and invading.


Beefsteak plants, Chinese chives, etc., are now invading. We uproot unwanted plants. I hit upon the idea of deseeding, cutting just the seeding tops to prevent self-seeding. We can eat in a timely manner or dispose of them in some ways. Deseeding is important to eradicate the roots of rivalry, which creates wars, terrorism, and even nuclear holocaust and the annihilation of all life.


The twentieth century has been characterized as the “century of nationalism and wars.” The new century continues and increases this, enhancing hostility, militarism, and dictatorships, robbing us of the ability to solve other global problems, such as discrimination, poverty, global warming, and mass extinction. We must know The Myth of the State and observe global truth and ethic.


The survival instinct can even become selfishness (even from “selfish genes”) and sin (separation), which develops into the Triple Poisons. The human race has survived by ethic, religion (reunion with holiness: wholesome whole). We must observe the truth/ethic of the life system in a holistic way to realize the harmony, health, and happiness of all, changing our bad karma to good one.



September 26, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note. 1.  Ernst Cassirer clarified how power misuses symbols, tools, events, etc., to enhance itself in his The Myth of the State. His Philosophy of Symbolism is an important work to understand humans as homo symbolicum. His “Essay on Man” is a good introduction to it. The new tension and rivalry between China and the U.S., et al., (Quad) is a dangerous and deteriorating way in the solving of global problems.


  1. The Triple Poisons are delusion, desire, and divisiveness, which come from our karma (action, habit, heredity). We can still it and see how it works, and change it from bad to good. Cultivation and culture have been the way the human race (also other living beings) has survived and succeeded. This is discussed further in the Introduction to the above mentioned book, Poems and Pictures: Flowers in Manyoshū, Kokinshū & Shinkokinshū, by Prof. Emer. Hajime Iwamoto and the Rev. Rosan Osamu Yoshida, Kindle and printed paperback editions.


  1. The life system (and any system or phenomenon) is in the Dharma (form/norm, phenomena/law, truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination (co-originating on causes and conditions, like our sense organs/objects/consciousness, a good illustration is in the Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other limitlessly). We must know and act according to this truth and ethic. Anyone can sit still, see this truth, and serve and save all.






2021共通年9月26日 法記


2.三毒は貪瞋痴で、私達の業(行動、習慣、遺伝)に由来しています。私達はそれを鎮め、それがどのように働くかを見、悪から善に変えることが出来ます。修養 (cultivation)と文化 (culture)は人類(他の生き物)が生き残り成功してきた方法です。これは上述の本、岩本一名誉教授と吉田収・魯参師の「詩と絵―万葉集、古今集、新古今集の花」(Kindleと印刷版ペーパーバック)の序論で更に詳しく述べています。









































































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