Vox Populi Vox Pana, Pasada, Pannatti: 民の声は命、和、心の声



The present pandemic has shown the truth of life over money. Wherever money is preferred, life is lost severely, as in the US, Japan, and Sweden (cp. other Nordic countries). Trump ignored COVID-19, making the US the worst country in calamities, while devoting himself to baseless election fraud lawsuits, getting donations, golfing, and endangering not only democracy, but life itself.


Biden, president-elect, knows life, having lost family members and almost his own life. He wants to unify the country and, hopefully, the world. He has chosen a staff diverse in gender, race, etc. His unifying power can abolish nukes and wars, which depends on the power of people. If masses of people want a peaceful world, they can achieve it. The people’s voice is the paramount voice.


All over the world the sea-change from a pyramidal civilization to a life Indra-net culture is observed with the vox populi vox pāṇa, the voice of people is the voice of life. Life is a system wrought through the billions of years of the universe. The law of it is expressed in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions.


Vox populi vox pasāda, the voice of people is the voice of harmony. Harmony is a system brought about by the myriad beings of the universe. The law of it is illuminated and illustrated by Awakened Ones in peace and prognosis, nirvana and prajńā, realized in a serene, settled state in the Dharma beyond the Triple Poisons of delusion, divisiveness, and desire of human karma.


Vox populi vox pańńatti, the voice of people is the voice of recognition of law and its enactment (truth/ethic). The law of it is the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. All beings, sat-tā, are in it and recognize “Only truth, sat-tva or Dharma, wins.” Human success or failure depends on it and determines the fate of all beings in the universe, and whether we can solve the global problematique.


November 29, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note: Paradigm Shift:

「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift







世界中にvox populi vox pāṇa民の声は命の声、による金字塔文明から命帝網文化への潮目変化が観られる。命は宇宙の何十億年を閲して練り上げられた体系である。その法は、一切の現象は直接原因と間接条件に縁って共に生起したものであるという、因縁生起(縁起)の法で表現される。


Vox populi vox pasāda民の声は和の声である。和は宇宙の森羅万象によってもたらされた体系である。その法は覚者達によって照明され体現され、平和と智慧、即ち涅槃と般若、の中に人間の業の貪瞋痴の三毒を越えた法に清澄な安住した状態で実現された。


Vox populi vox pańńatti民の声は法とその行動(真理・倫理)の認識の声である。その法は縁起の法である。一切存在、sat-tā, はその中にあり、「真理, sat-tvaのみ勝つ」ことを認識する。人間の成功か失敗はそれに依存し、宇宙の一切存在の運命と私達が地球問題群を解決するか否かを決める。


Note: 枠組転換:

「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift























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