Globalization to Glocalization: 地球化から地球地域化


Good morning!


A 90-year record storm hit Japan, causing casualties with flooding, landslides, etc., yesterday. The pandemic has hit more than ten million people testing positive, worst in this country. We’ve been talking about the modern triple revolution of globalization, communication, and democratization. The first has both good sides and bad, the latter being global warming, pandemics, mass extinction, etc., with the five modern major players of nation, corporation, religion, media, and education.


“The one who governs water governs the country,” it is said. The Noah’s Ark legend tells of an enormity of flooding. The nightmare of one’s own home floating in floodwaters may be a memory of the human dread of it. Humans are causing more disasters with overpopulation, overconsumption, and the overconfidence of conquering nature. These come from our Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness. If we continue this trend, we can’t continue together with other species.


Laotze envisioned an ideal society in small scale, hearing the cock’s crow but not commuting with the neighboring villages, with “government without governing.” I watched a TV program on Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who dug canals to provide water and food, built a mosque and madrasa, school, for Afghans, which were essential support for their health and holiness – the photo of a girl drinking muddy water was shown! We must stress local democratization with global communication and compassion.


An Afghan said, “If we have food, we don’t need to go to war for money.” Often economic cultural discrimination forces the deprived to go to the battlefield. The Five Calamities of the pyramidal civilization must be replaced by the Five Blisses of life Indra-net culture. The five major players must be replaced by NGOs, NPOs, etc., for more democratization. The Buddha said, “Better than conquering thousands in the battlefield is conquering one-self. This is the greatest war conqueror.”


July 4, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1.  Five Calamities are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination. The Five Blisses are awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace. Cf. The Buddha found the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination of all on causes and conditions.

Paradigm Shift:












2020共通年7月4日 法話











Tetsu Nakamura | Moving story | Doctor who dedicated his life in Afghanistan for humanitarian work


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