Limitless Light, Liberation, Link, Love, Life: 無量光・無量解・無量合・無量愛・無量寿


Good morning!


Yesterday was the winter solstice with the shortest daytime. So, today is the first day we gain more light, the beginning of a new season, a new year. Release from darkness and chill is gaining light and warmth. Lighting on trees and in pumpkins are hopeful joy and celebration of the coming of a new season and year.


An interpretation of the Japanese word “hotoke,” buddha, is release, from “hodoke,” untied, unbound. The Buddha was released from all bondages, in nirvana, no wind of karma, and attained light, awakening from the long night of nescience, no witness of nirvana. Awakening and Awakened Way are hopeful joy and celebration of a new era.


Amida Buddha, Amita-ābha, Limitless-light, or Amita-āyus, Limitless-life, Buddha is the Awakened One in limitless light, enlightening all, limitless liberation, liberating all, limitless link, linking all, and limitless love, loving all, and limitless life, enlivening all in the truth of interdependent co-origination as in the Indra-net.


Shusho-ichinyo, unity of cultivation and verification, sitting and witness, stilling of karma and witness of nirvana-awakening, is the unity of release from karma, being attaining nirvana/awakening, as Dogen said. “Without cultivation, it is never developed: without verification, it is never attained,” as Dogen said.


“Picking a sapling and building a holy home” is picking a holy hope and building a holy home, planting the holy seed and growing the holy tree of life in truth and peace. Aspiring for awakening is attaining awakening with all, making the holy, wholly wholesome, world in limitless light, liberation, link, love, and life.

December 22, 2018 C.E. Dharma talk








阿弥陀仏、Amita-ābha,、無量光仏又は Amita-āyus無量寿仏は帝釈網のように縁起の真理に一切を照明する無量光、一切を解放する無量解、一切を結合する無量合、一切を慈愛する無量愛、一切を生かす無量寿に目覚めた者のことです。






2018共通年12月22日 法話





























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