Walk Alone Like A Lone Rhino Horn


Good morning!


When I travelled in Africa, I saw huge rhinos very closely, and found they are more like elephants than the bulls found in zoos. The Buddha said, “Walk alone like a rhino horn.” As we live in the karma world, we must walk independently, unaffected by it, practicing zazen, sitting still, stilling karma, seeing Dharma in nirvana, no wind of karma.


Practicing zazen is like climbing a mountain step by step. From the very first step we can enjoy mountain scenes with seasonal colors and atmosphere – flowers, trees, animals, insects, winds, mist, clouds, and sky. A sudden break in the mist opens up the world below, a view at the peak shows the next peak, eventually commanding all.


Two wings to fly free are continuity and concentration – like dripping water making a hole in a rock and a water jet cutting a metal sheet – because we are engulfed by karma, surrounded by the karma world. Flying free and high makes one free from the karma world and high enough to be unaffected by it.


The Buddha said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands is conquering one self. This is the true conqueror.” Conquering one-self means conquering the karma-self, which is like a bubble. The true conqueror attains the Dharma body and is like the limitless ocean with limitless life, light, liberation, and love.


9/30/2018C.E. Dharma talk













2018共通年9月30日 法話



































































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