Triple Hearts



Good morning!


Dogen described the process of the Awakened Way as follows in his Genjokoan, Realizing the Universal Truth: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas; to be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies of the self and others; there is the trace of awakening at rest and extinct; traceless awakening is furthered on and on.


He recommended the triple hearts of great heart, mature heart, and joyful heart in his Tenzokyokun, Lesson to the Chef Monk. The great heart is to embrace and even transcend the whole world. When we attain awakening in nirvana, we witness no self in the dharma world, or attain the Dharma body beyond the smelly skin sack of the small self, attaining amrita, the ambrosia of deathlessness that is like the limitless ocean beyond bubbles.


The mature heart is the aged, ripened, experienced, skillful heart that takes care of everything in a concrete way, prognosticating far, wide, minute, and kind enough in the wholly wholesome way and world in harmony, health, and happiness. The triple hearts themselves are applications of the Awakened Way, and the mature heart is the application of the great heart in actual actions in the actual world of all beings.


The joyful heart is possible with, and promotes, the other two hearts together. Without the great heart, we miss holiness (wholly wholesome way and world) and without the mature heart, we miss actuality (active application and actual appreciation). This attains the joy-ful (sukha-vatī) realm or paradise (= Skt. pradesha, province, state), not limited by the conventional karma realm with the triple poisons.


8/11/18 Dharma talk













2018共通年811日 法話
























































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