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Category Archives: cultivation: verification (修:証)
One-colored Buddha Dharma
Good morning! We can now enjoy a cool cloudy quiet Sunday morning after sittings and service. We will have more rain coming. We have been having a lot of rain creating lush green around us and overgrown plants and overladen fruit trees. A few days ago, I took my ladder to pick extra fruit so that selected fruits would grow greater, and to save trees from not bearing next year. I found a peach tree broken at its trunk with overborne fruit and a grape vine spreading some 10 feet square drying its fruit. Micro management is essential for macro management. This is why overstretched empires collapse with mistaken micro management at remote local levels with wrong perspective, priority, prognosis, peace, etc. I shared my paper on Zen and Science with our members through the mzcmitra listserv several days ago. I mentioned “One Color Buddha Dharma” (Isshiki-no Buppō: Total or Holy Buddha Dharma) by Dogen. It means that Buddha Dharma penetrates through all activities – “raising a hand and taking a step” (ikkyoshu ittōsoku), sitting, standing, going, and lying down, here and now, all 24 hours, throughout one’s life. Sitting is settling into the Dharma world like a missed or misplaced jigsaw puzzle piece settled into the proper place or a bubble returning to the ocean. We can see dharmas (bones, muscles, bodies, brains, breathings, behaviors, backgrounds, etc.), serve, and save them. In this way we can shift our secular karmic behaviors (lokiya vohāra, lokya vyavahāra) to holy Dharmic ones (ariya vohāra, ārya vyavahāra). The Buddha recommended that we strive in the Fourfold Exertions of decreasing and stopping all existing bad karmas, increasing all existing good karmas, and starting new good karmas. We find how every thing and action is interrelated with other ones more and more – every mickle makes mackle. If we continue the cultivation of sitting, seeing, serving, and saving, we come to the verification of holy, harmonious, healthy, and happy life more and more. The cultivation of stilling karmas is itself the verification of seeing dharmas. Only practice makes perfect. 7/18/15 … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証), Dharma
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Essential or Non-Essential
Good morning! Yesterday in Japan people had the 20th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony of the Great Earthquake in Hanshin Awaji with more than 6,000 casualties. Four years ago they had the Great Earthquake in East Japan with more than … Continue reading
Steady Striving Step by Step
Good morning! With last night’s rain, we have now fresh greens and refreshed flowers. With sittings, we have a refreshed world with pure peace and prognosis. The Buddha said that to be born as a human being is like a blind turtle living at the bottom of ocean, rising to the surface once in a hundred years to stick its head into a hole of a floating log. It is so rare. Is it precious or not? He said that humans have shed oceans of tears. Living beings are blind with karmas and humans have added karmas for self survival and suffering. Our life is as shown in the 12 limbed Dependent Origination diagram – driven by formations (physical, verbal, and mental karmas of evolution in time and space) with nescience and craving roots resulting in samsara and suffering. How can we be freed from this situation? Retract the head and limbs from the log, return to the bottom, reunite with the wholly wholesome world, and regain wholesomeness in peace (nirvana) before separation (sinfulness, selfishness). Human babies develop senses and motor organs to increase self senses. Zen stages are to free from this karma kinetics to Dharma domain. This is to open blind eyes for awakening. If this turtle can climb a mountain step by step, slow but steady, unlike the rabbit who could run faster but rested in sleep, it will reach the summit to command all peaks and planets – knowing how they have come to their present states. Prognosis comes from this perspective, proportion, and priority to enjoy the Awakened Way in amrita. 8/17/14 … Continue reading
Flowering and Fruiting
Good morning! After sittings we have a serene and still Sunday morning with abundant greens and beautiful flowers — hibiscus, phlox, rose, mum, gladiolas, lilies — a surprise lily also. We harvest cucumbers, tomatoes, and even pears and grapes. I picked some Asian pears, sweet and juicy, for you later. Yesterday I cleared vines covering tree tops and undergrowth and bushes entangling with trees. We must constantly watch and weed while the weeds are still small and before they choke useful plants. We must take good care of sown seeds and transplanted plants, watering and weeding. As we cultivate land and enjoy flowers and fruits, we cultivate our minds, bodies, and the world, and we verify their blooming and bearing fruits. This sitting is the Buddha heart seal, provided by the Buddha heart for all, as if sealed and stamped exactly in the same way. When we sit and still our karma kinetics (mind-body-world systems), Dharma- dhātu (domain) dawns and develops in the same way that trees develop naturally when vines and undergrowth disappear. This is the meaning of “fruit is born naturally” (kekka jinen jō: 結果自然成). 8/3/14 Note: Bodhidharma: “A flower opens five petals and fruit is born naturally (ikka kai go-yō; kekka jinen-jō, 一花開五葉 結果自然成).” … Continue reading
Practice and Perfect Pure Peace
Good morning! We have a sunny Sunday with sittings, surrounded by fresh green and lilies, etc., after a spell of rain like the rainy season. With much rain we also have rampant weeds, even poison ivy, and broken branches. We sowed some seeds in our veggie garden so that we may enjoy fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Working in the garden I have learned a lot about life. Some seeds sprout, but others don’t. Even if they sprout, a lack of water, soft soil, or sunlight can cause plants to grow poorly, without flowers and fruits. The cold and dry winter made some trees dead or flowerless, late budding or with shoots that became suckers, causing trunks to dry and die. Plucking them may or may not revive them. Dr. Suzuki of the Suzuki Method, also called the Mother Tongue Method or Ability Education, said that observing the five principles of better environment, better method, better instruction, earlier start, and more practice will make anyone a genius in any field. Dogen said that cultivation is verification. Only practice makes perfect. The Buddha said that one can enter nirvana by going through the gate of samādhi, like entering into a palace garden through that gate. Everyone must cultivate oneself to enter nirvana or pure peace (sometimes translated as Pure-land) through samādhi, and also cultivate good soil, seeds, and saplings with sunlight and shade, water and wind, etc., to verify, full of flowers and fruits. 6/15/14
Lion’s Love for Compassion’s Care
SHUSHOGI: The Significance of Cultivation and Verification
SHUSHOGI The Significance of Cultivation and Verification Chapter I General Introduction Clarifying birth and death is the cause and condition of the most important matter for Buddhists. Since Buddha is in life and death, neither birth nor death exists. If only we regard birth and death as nirvana, we find nothing desirable in nirvana, we find nothing disgusting in birth and death. We should exhaustively investigate birth and death as the cause and condition of the most important matter. (1) Hard is it to receive a human body, rare is it to meet the Buddha-dharma. By virtue of previous merits, we not only have received human bodies difficult to receive, but also have met the Buddha-dharma rarely met. We are in the best lives among various births and deaths and in the most blessed lives. We should not leave our dew-like lives to the mercy of the wind of impermanence treating carelessly the most blessed bodies. (2) The impermanent is unreliable. We do not know on which blade of grass of a road our dew-like lives will fall. Our bodies are already not our own. Life shifts in light and shadow, and can hardly be retained even a moment. Where has that rosy face gone? No trace of it can be found. When closely contemplated, the past can hardly be retrieved. When the impermanent overtakes us suddenly, neither kings, ministers, friends, servants, wife, children nor treasures can save us. Alone we pass away to the other world. The things that follow us are only our own action of good and evil. (3) We should not band together with those evil-doing wrong-viewing fellows who, in this world of ours, do not know the law of cause and effect, who do not clarify retributions for actions, who do not know the three times, who do not distinguish the good from the evil. The law of cause and effect is always distinct and impartial. The one who creates evil goes down, and the one who cultivates good goes up. There is not the slightest discrepancy in this. If the law of cause and effect could be nullified and become ineffective, there would not have been births of all the buddhas and the visits of successors. (4) There are Three Times in retribution for good and evil retribution in this birth, retribution in the next birth, retribution in the further births. These are called the … Continue reading
Beautiful Bonsai
These miniature plants are true works of art. They reflect the artistic skills, patience and horticulture knowledge of bonsai enthusiasts. It took many years of love and labour to create them. Only the true and genuine bonsai plant growers could be … Continue reading
Himalaya Karmalaya
Good morning! Now we see the stored snow melted away, the wintry wind gone, and the freezing chill crept away with the brighter sunlight and the longer daytime. Himalaya is the snow (hima) stored (ālaya) mountain, once under the sea, but later raised by pressures, so now no plants can bud, bloom, or bear fruit. Our store (ālaya) consciousness, once under no storage, later came to store by pressures, and now no purity can bud, bloom, or bear fruit, free and full. Store consciousness is the result of stored karmas (heredity, habits), a result of poisons (delusion, desire, divisiveness) and now not known nor negated. Sciences see that we can control gene functions to change our ‘nature’ to ‘nurture.’ The Buddha sat, stopped karma-ālaya, and saw nirvana and bodhi. Anyone can sit, stop karma-ālaya, and see the selfless, supramundane truth and taste amrita, ambrosia of immortality, in nirvana and bodhi-awakening. We fail to change our instincts and institutions unless we stop karma-ālaya, resulting in delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction. Well-being (Su-gata) is an epithet of the Buddha, who dedicated his whole being for his whole life to fostering the well-being of all beings altogether. Fortunate One (Bhaga-vān, lit. Luck-abound) is another epithet of him, who was fortunate and who makes all fortunate, not a simple beggar (vagabond). 2/23/14 Note: The Ten names of the Buddha: 1. Tathā-gata (Thus-being, being in Thusness) 2. Arhat (The Worthy One to be said “pure career carried out, duty done, no more return to this state – worldliness.”) 3. Sammā-sambuddha (The Rightly Completely Awakened) … Continue reading
Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証), Karma
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Awakening, Ability, Attaining Amrita
Good morning! We can have good sittings and service with beautiful flowers and nice incense adorning the Buddha. When we sit still and serene, we stop karmas, settle in dharmas. This is great virtue and victory, as the Buddha said: Better than those who would conquer thousands upon thousands in the battlefield is the one who would conquer oneself. This is the true conqueror. So, let us try to settle in nirvana, unconditioned peace, and anuttara samyak sambodhi, unsurpassed right awakening, with careful calming and clarity with strong and subtle cultivation and care with our whole hearts and beings. We can realize holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness in the Four Brahma-vihāra (abode or living) or limitlessnesses of equanimity, joy, compassion, and friendship. We can enjoy the true Triple Treasures of the Awakened, Dharma, and Saṇgha through the Triple Learnings of sīla, samādhi, and prajñā (morality, concentration, and prognosis). Last night I forwarded Oliver Stone’s video series of his film Untold History of the United States, as it is rebroadcast by NHK (Japanese Public Broadcasting Association). It shows World War II, the Cold War, Global War on Terror, etc. with mass murder and miseries from the lack of ability, awakening, sensitivity, and senses of politicians, professionals, and people in general. These things have come from people’s karmas, the Triple Maladies of me-ism, materialism, and militarism represented by money-ism, bound by the Triple Poisons of delusion, greed, and anger. As the movie clearly illustrates, all participated in such savageries and sufferings, and were all losers and lunatics going through the Six Paths of hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, beastly beings, etc. … Continue reading