Globalization to Glocalization: 地球化から地球地域化


Good morning!


A 90-year record storm hit Japan, causing casualties with flooding, landslides, etc., yesterday. The pandemic has hit more than ten million people testing positive, worst in this country. We’ve been talking about the modern triple revolution of globalization, communication, and democratization. The first has both good sides and bad, the latter being global warming, pandemics, mass extinction, etc., with the five modern major players of nation, corporation, religion, media, and education.


“The one who governs water governs the country,” it is said. The Noah’s Ark legend tells of an enormity of flooding. The nightmare of one’s own home floating in floodwaters may be a memory of the human dread of it. Humans are causing more disasters with overpopulation, overconsumption, and the overconfidence of conquering nature. These come from our Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness. If we continue this trend, we can’t continue together with other species.


Laotze envisioned an ideal society in small scale, hearing the cock’s crow but not commuting with the neighboring villages, with “government without governing.” I watched a TV program on Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who dug canals to provide water and food, built a mosque and madrasa, school, for Afghans, which were essential support for their health and holiness – the photo of a girl drinking muddy water was shown! We must stress local democratization with global communication and compassion.


An Afghan said, “If we have food, we don’t need to go to war for money.” Often economic cultural discrimination forces the deprived to go to the battlefield. The Five Calamities of the pyramidal civilization must be replaced by the Five Blisses of life Indra-net culture. The five major players must be replaced by NGOs, NPOs, etc., for more democratization. The Buddha said, “Better than conquering thousands in the battlefield is conquering one-self. This is the greatest war conqueror.”


July 4, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1.  Five Calamities are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination. The Five Blisses are awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace. Cf. The Buddha found the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination of all on causes and conditions.

Paradigm Shift:












2020共通年7月4日 法話











Tetsu Nakamura | Moving story | Doctor who dedicated his life in Afghanistan for humanitarian work


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Production, Social, Spiritual Revolutions:生産・社会・精神革命


Good morning!


It is hard to control weeds and grow vegetables well without chemicals. It is difficult to conquer nature, but oneself – not expecting too much. We must coexist with other species, but inhabit separately, especially with pathogens. Did you hear about CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, in Seattle? Discrimination protesters created it, sharing food, etc., with a No Cop Co-op, without crime, the police evacuating, the city allowing it, the mayor saying, “Dominate with Compassion,” against Trump’s “Dominate the streets with force.”


As we have been discussing, discrimination is one of the Five Calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination) of civilization (urbanization with citadels). Humans started the Production Revolution 100 centuries ago, the Social (Civilization) Revolution 50 centuries ago with wealth from the previous revolution, and the Spiritual (Religious) Revolution 25 centuries ago to counter the previous one with its Five Calamities, based on the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion.


While civilization aims at accumulating material riches (money, matter, might), culture aims at cultivating spiritual wealth (life, heart, harmony) with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. The former forces institutional “law and order,” but the latter resorts to natural “truth and peace” – so sharing compassion, rather than “dominating with compassion.” The Five Blisses are achieved by cultivating our potential with the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


Sangha is “a community of harmony, like water and milk,” unlike water and oil, with the Triple Learnings and the Five Blisses. CHAZ is a trial commune without the Five Calamities, which we may develop into a more formal social unit with NPOs, NGOs, and global organizations in the future. We may include basic income, land, life, love, light, and liberation there. Pandemic crises are also opportunities to experience new life styles to solve individual, social, and ecological problems like crime, global warming, wars, and mass extinction.


June 27, 2020 C.E.  Dharma talk


Note 1.


CHAZ to CHOP, Cauldron of Possibility











サンガ(僧伽、僧侶・僧はこれより)は、水と油のようではなく、「水と乳のように、和合する共同体」のことです。CHAZは五禍なしのコミューンで、未来に非営利団体、非政府組織、地球的組織などと共に更に形の整った社会組織に発展するかもしれません。 私達はそれに基礎収入・土地・生命・愛情・光明・自由などを含めても良いでしょう。全人類的流行病の危機は犯罪・地球温暖化・戦争・大量絶滅などの個人・社会・生態的問題を解く新しい生活様式を実験する好機でもあります。


2020共通年6月27日 法話


註 1.


CHAZ to CHOP, Cauldron of Possibility





























































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Limited Life to Limitless Life:有限生命から無限生命へ


Good morning!


We have a quiet, clear, beautiful holiday morning after zazen. I saw chipmunks scurrying and a frog in the yard recently. The more vegetation, the more animals. The more human activity, the more pandemics. WHO announced yesterday that 150,000 became COVID-19-infected in a day – the largest so far.


Shin’ichi Fukuoka, a biologist locked out in New York, said that we need a philosophy of life. Life includes sickness, aging, and death as well as not gaining what is wanted, parting with loved ones, meeting with hated ones, in short, the five life aggregates are rampant, which are called the four and eight sufferings,.


Life is imbued with sufferings due to our karmas dependent on delusions, which are called the three ways or steps. “Philosophy” is love of sophia, higher knowledge, which includes action, how to do or fulfill that knowledge. We must know how to solve our problems and activate the solution, the fruit of sophia.


Kazuya Horinouchi, a microbiologist, said our human genome consists of 40% virus-originated genes; our life, so to speak, is itself made up of virus, even though we think of virus as pathogen. We live with it, sometimes it’s beneficial, and, therefore, it can’t be called enemy. We must live with it carefully, though.


Ryokan said, “When butterflies come, flowers bloom.” Dogen said, “When I love mountains, mountains love me.” All life forms are part and parcel of the life system – all are one: one is all, though not the same, but not completely different. As we work in nature, we know more that we are all part of life.


To solve our life problems, we must know truth and act accordingly. Dharma means norm/form (truth/ethic of phenomena). Thus we must treasure Buddha (Awakened in the) Dharma and Sangha (Community), the Triple Treasures. Self and Dharma are the Two Refuges to realize them.


The method to solve problems are the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis about our will, emotion, and intellect. Achieving the Way (Awakened Way) is to “realize the Dharma” and “conquer the self,” i.e., knowing and actualizing life, life-system, like the Indra-net, Dharma.


Concentration (Zen/Samadhi) is the core of the Triple Learnings, controlling our karma (past/present, physical/verbal/mental: volition/emotion/intellect) fully, having “joy in Dharma and Zen,” where we enjoy prognosis and peace (nirvana) in a holy (wholly wholesome) day (way world).


June 20, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


















2020共通年6月20日 法話



























































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Limitless Life Links:無量生命環



Good morning!

We have a quiet and clear Saturday morning, especially with the pandemic and zazen. I saw vegetables and flowers suddenly germinating and growing because of the soil temperature rising. It is said that it happens at 70 degrees, which is the best fit for humans also. Life requires equality as it functions and has evolved with equal conditions. Human civilization, however, created inequality among humans, species, and ecological systems.


The Buddha recommended that we orient our minds from the source (yoniso manasi-kāra). We can understand that races are within humans; humans within living beings; living beings within eco systems. African-Americans are killed at more than twice the rate of Caucasians, by police violence and by the pandemic, because the former are discriminated against in economic, social, political, and cultural systems. Discrimination in any form is decried universally.


Francis Fukuyama published his book, Identity. The Buddha taught that one should not be judged by birth, but by karma. We can’t avoid race, caste, gender, etc., but we can change our karma to become good or bad, great or small. He even suspected that the world would be destroyed due to human Triple Poisons. He provided us with the way to still our karma, see the Dharma, serve and save all beings, in which he himself lived for the rest of his life after his awakening.


Johan Galtung coined the term structural violence – war, militarism, police violence, etc. Our pyramidal civilization, from city states to nation states, created discrimination, exploitation, and extermination with walls, colonialism, class, etc. We must shift it to life, Indra-net culture, with equality, love, and peace with solidarity, autonomy, equality, etc., rather than dictatorships, “divide and rule,” deprivation, pollution, mass extinction, etc.


June 13, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk







ブッダは根源から心を向ける(yoniso manasi-kāra)よう勧めました。私達は、人種は人間の中に、人間は生物の中に、生物は生態系の中に(その一部として)あることを理解できます。アフリカ系アメリカ人はコーカサス系アメリカ人の、警官による暴力や全人類的流行病で、二倍以上の割合で死んでいます、何故なら経済的、社会的、文化的組織で差別されているからです。どのような形であれ差別は普遍的に非難されます。






2020共通年6月13日 法話










Statues Are Falling Worldwide

Racist Statues Falling around the World








from Pinterest









A Place Where Stars Are Born


                                                                      from Pinterest



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Vesak Day Event on Zoom, June 14, Sunday 9 a.m. Central Time

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Pan-social Paradigm-shift


Good morning!


We have a quiet and clear Saturday morning with beautiful nature. The human world, however, is in turmoil with pandemic, people’s protests against discrimination, etc. The upheaval of protests against George Floyd’s murder by a policeman’s kneeling down and choking him to death about fortnight ago is occurring not only in this country, but around the world. He pleaded that he couldn’t breathe, even crying for his Mama, which makes us also feel choked, without breath.


Yesterday Mr. Shigeru Yokota died at 87, waiting for his daughter, who was abducted by North Korea in 1977, the head of the families whose family members were also abducted. Police brutality, abduction, oppression of protestors, wars, etc., by nations are institutionalized violence. From home violence to violence to nature, like mass extinction and global warming, are human karma, individual and social (ātma-/saha-karma: self-/co-karma, cf. ātma-/saha –loka: self-/co-world).


George’s brother, Terence, appealed for peace against violence and looting, which seemed to make the demonstrations more orderly. Martin Luther King’s movement traces back to Gandhi, who made his life an experiment of truth with non-harming, inseparable unity. The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the truth (Dharma of Dependent Co-origination) in peace (nirvana, unconditioned by karma). He was socially engaged throughout his life.


Global problems, especially the pandemic, make us realize the Dharma of Co-dependent Origination and reunite humanity to solve our common problems. We must shift the paradigm from our pyramidal civilization with its five calamities to a Life Indra-net culture with the five blisses. The modern triple revolutions of information, democratization, and globalization will help facilitate this. Only truth-peace will win with a billion-year universal life, the Dharma world.


June 6, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. George Floyd murder:

  1. Shigeru Yokota death:

  1. Five Calamities: Delusion, Bondage, Discrimination, Exploitation, Extermination.
  2. Five Blisses: Awakening, Freedom, Equality, Love, Peace.
  3. Paradigm Shift:

Good morning!


We have a quiet and clear Saturday morning with beautiful nature. The human world, however, is in turmoil with pandemic, people’s protests against discrimination, etc. The upheaval of protests against George Floyd’s murder by a policeman’s kneeling down and choking him to death about fortnight ago is occurring not only in this country, but around the world. He pleaded that he couldn’t breathe, even crying for his Mama, which makes us also feel choked, without breath.


Yesterday Mr. Shigeru Yokota died at 87, waiting for his daughter, who was abducted by North Korea in 1977, the head of the families whose family members were also abducted. Police brutality, abduction, oppression of protestors, wars, etc., by nations are institutionalized violence. From home violence to violence to nature, like mass extinction and global warming, are human karma, individual and social (ātma-/saha-karma: self-/co-karma, cf. ātma-/saha –loka: self-/co-world).


George’s brother, Terence, appealed for peace against violence and looting, which seemed to make the demonstrations more orderly. Martin Luther King’s movement traces back to Gandhi, who made his life an experiment of truth with non-harming, inseparable unity. The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the truth (Dharma of Dependent Co-origination) in peace (nirvana, unconditioned by karma). He was socially engaged throughout his life.


Global problems, especially the pandemic, make us realize the Dharma of Co-dependent Origination and reunite humanity to solve our common problems. We must shift the paradigm from our pyramidal civilization with its five calamities to a Life Indra-net culture with the five blisses. The modern triple revolutions of information, democratization, and globalization will help facilitate this. Only truth-peace will win with a billion-year universal life, the Dharma world.


June 6, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. George Floyd murder:

  1. Shigeru Yokota death:

  1. Five Calamities: Delusion, Bondage, Discrimination, Exploitation, Extermination.
  2. Five Blisses: Awakening, Freedom, Equality, Love, Peace.







昨日1977年に娘さんが北朝鮮により拉致され、同様に拉致された家族達の代表だった、横田滋さんが87歳で亡くなりました。国家による警官の野蛮、抗議者の鎮圧、戦争等は制度化された暴力です。家庭内暴力から自然に対する大量絶滅や地球温暖化等の暴力まで人間の個人や社会の業です(ātma-/saha-karma: self-/co-karma: 我業/共業、参考ātma-/saha –loka: 我界/共界)。






2020共通年6月6日 法話








Good morning!


We have a quiet and clear Saturday morning with beautiful nature. The human world, however, is in turmoil with pandemic, people’s protests against discrimination, etc. The upheaval of protests against George Floyd’s murder by a policeman’s kneeling down and choking him to death about fortnight ago is occurring not only in this country, but around the world. He pleaded that he couldn’t breathe, even crying for his Mama, which makes us also feel choked, without breath.


Yesterday Mr. Shigeru Yokota died at 87, waiting for his daughter, who was abducted by North Korea in 1977, the head of the families whose family members were also abducted. Police brutality, abduction, oppression of protestors, wars, etc., by nations are institutionalized violence. From home violence to violence to nature, like mass extinction and global warming, are human karma, individual and social (ātma-/saha-karma: self-/co-karma, cf. ātma-/saha –loka: self-/co-world).


George’s brother, Terence, appealed for peace against violence and looting, which seemed to make the demonstrations more orderly. Martin Luther King’s movement traces back to Gandhi, who made his life an experiment of truth with non-harming, inseparable unity. The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the truth (Dharma of Dependent Co-origination) in peace (nirvana, unconditioned by karma). He was socially engaged throughout his life.


Global problems, especially the pandemic, make us realize the Dharma of Co-dependent Origination and reunite humanity to solve our common problems. We must shift the paradigm from our pyramidal civilization with its five calamities to a Life Indra-net culture with the five blisses. The modern triple revolutions of information, democratization, and globalization will help facilitate this. Only truth-peace will win with a billion-year universal life, the Dharma world.


June 6, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. George Floyd murder:

  1. Shigeru Yokota death:

  1. Five Calamities: Delusion, Bondage, Discrimination, Exploitation, Extermination.
  2. Five Blisses: Awakening, Freedom, Equality, Love, Peace.







昨日1977年に娘さんが北朝鮮により拉致され、同様に拉致された家族達の代表だった、横田滋さんが87歳で亡くなりました。国家による警官の野蛮、抗議者の鎮圧、戦争等は制度化された暴力です。家庭内暴力から自然に対する大量絶滅や地球温暖化等の暴力まで人間の個人や社会の業です(ātma-/saha-karma: self-/co-karma: 我業/共業、参考ātma-/saha –loka: 我界/共界)。






2020共通年6月6日 法話























The above pictures were taken by Mr. Mikio Shimizu.



The following pictures were taken from Pinterest.











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Limited Life to Limitless Life


Good morning!


Even though the human world is in great trouble with the COVID-19 pandemic, the natural world is full of life wonders. The strong side shows its beauty, goodness, and truth, the weak side its frailty, evil, and failure. Life is strong, surviving difficulties for about four billion years, but also fragile, due to old experiences and their effects (abnormalities dealt with as in apoptosis), and to new dangers like pandemics, mass extinction, etc.

Our hearts can be great to realize holiness or small to fall into sin, depending on our cultivation and culture. In this pandemic we must shift our paradigm from sin to holiness – money to life, matter to heart, might to harmony. After Corona we must cultivate ourselves to limitless life from limited life in limited values, limitless light and liberation from limited matter, and limitless love from limited might.


Individually we must be awakened and activate to live holy, harmoniously, healthy, saving, safe, simple, and secluded as in the Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening. Socially we must observe the Global Ethic’s 5Ls with more 5As (local autonomy, tele communication, etc.), and 5Rs (life service, local culture, etc.). Ecologically we must live eco-first and -friendly (Ego to Eco) with 5Ss to save all.


It has been recommended that we return to nature. The Buddha recommended that we reorient our mind and life from the source. We must return to nature’s nature and reunite with its Dharma nature. Religion is the reunion with holiness (wholly wholesome way world), beyond race, religions (tribal, ethnic, sectarian), etc., cultivating human karma to create a new culture of genuine holiness.


May 30, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年5月30日 法話








































The following pictures were taken by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan




















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Pandemic Sends Paradigm Shift: 全人類的流行病は枠組転換を送る


Good morning!


We now have many flowers blooming – azaleas, irises, peonies, pinks, roses, radishes, wisteria, clover, creeping Charlie, etc. Dogen said, “Flowers fall in lamentation; weeds only thrive in detestation.” As gardeners we detest clover and creeping Charlie. A wisteria I long thought flowerless, and one I bought two years ago, are blooming with fragrance, the latter climbing the trellis high and wide now, which might once have been thought a damaging vine for bushes and trees.


I hope you read the COVID-19 Global Solidarity Manifest calling for a paradigm shift from money, matter, and might to life, heart, and harmony, as we have been advocating and acting with our Triple Pillars. This is the earth’s message to humans for global truth and ethic. Homo-centric excesses must strike a balance with nature’s system in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. Clover is important for bees’ survival, but also for humans that survive on fruits, etc.


Ryokan, a Zen monk, said, “When disasters come, we’d better meet them.” This is not a heartless way, but a hearty way to cope with disasters after and before disasters. We must prepare for them well and partake in cooperation. Human Triple Poisons’ inroads, exploitation, and pollution cause pandemics, global warming, mass extinction, etc. Human life is part and parcel of the natural system, one three thousandths, its civilization, one three millionths.


Ego is part and parcel of eco, almost zero in time and space in comparison with the latter’s infinity. The pandemic has showed that our life is one with all, limitlessly intertwined with others’ lives, like the Indra-net. The pandemic has given us holidays to keep and consider in the holy (wholly wholesome) way world in holy harmony, health, and happiness in the global system ethic’s 5Ss, 5Ls, 5As, and 5Rs. Why don’t we cultivate ourselves in culture for the Awakened Way in peace and harmony?


May 23, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. COVID-19 Global Solidarity Manifesto:


  1. The Triple Pillars: Awakened Way, Global Ethic, Voluntary Simplicity as at the Missouri Zen Center.
  2. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination: The Buddha was awakened to this “Dharma (Norm/Law) of all  dharmas (forms/phenomena),” that is, all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions.
  3. The Triple Poisons: Delusion, desire, divisiveness.
  4. The Global Ethic is put into 5Ss, 5Ls, 5As, and 5Rs for facilitating memory and practice:

5Ss: Systemic, Sustainable, Saving, Safe, Simple in the global system.

5Ls: Law (Dharma), Life, Love, Liberation, Lielessness as the global ethic.

5As: Access, Assess, Agree, Act, Advise in information flow.

5Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, Restore in material flow.




今沢山の花が咲いています-躑躅、菖蒲、芍薬、撫子、薔薇、大根、藤、クローバー、クリーピング・チャーリー(オカトラノオ属つる草)など。道元は「花は愛惜に散り 草は棄嫌におふるのみなり」 と言いました。菜園に関わる者としてはクローバーやクリーピング・チャーリーは嫌ですね。長いこと咲かないと思っていたのと二年前に買った藤が香って咲いています、後者は棚に高く昇って広がっていますが、以前は灌木や喬木に損害を与えるものと見られていたのかも知れませんね。








2020共通年5月23日 法話






4.記憶と実践の便利の為に地球倫理を5S,5L,5A, 5Rにまとめたもの:

5Ss: Systemic, Sustainable, Saving, Safe, Simple in the global system.

(5S: 地球体系の体系的、維持可能、救済(節約)、安全、簡素)

5Ls: Law (Dharma), Life, Love, Liberation, Lielessness as the global ethic.

(5L: 地球倫理の法(縁起法)、生命、愛情、自由、不偽)

5As: Access, Assess, Agree, Act, Advise in information flow.

(5A: 情報流の接近可能、査定、賛成、行動、忠告)

5Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, Restore in material flow.

(5R: 物資流の削減、再利用、再循環、再配慮、回復)












Russian Irises






Nockout roses







Yellow flags


















The following pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan







African daisies







Calla lily













Cherokee roses







Crown daisies







Bugle lilies















Daisy Margaret flowers







Chinese violet cress







Bush lilies









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No to Abe Usurpation of the Public Prosecutors Office Law w/ Prosecutors’ Plea


No to Abe Usurpation of the Public Prosecutors Office Law w/ Prosecutors’ Plea













2 Attachments:

Prosecutors’ Plea
Abe extended his favorite deputy top prosecutor’s (Kurokawa) term half a year just in time to replace the present top prosecutor who is retiring this summer in his cabinet meeting only. Then, forced to legalize his illegal measure, he want to change the present Public Prosecutor Office Law specifically stipulates the retirement ages of the top prosecutor to 65 and deputy top to 63.
This is to usurp the independent power of the Judiciary Branch. Abe delayed his needed urgent countermeasures to cope with COVID-19 pandemic to accept Chinese top to Japan as the national quest and to open the Tokyo Olympic Games planned soon to take place.
The person who failed the pandemic countermeasures is now amid his declaration state of emergency to ploy his usurpation plot, which brought up more than ten million Tweets against this.
He has been criticized of his favoring his friends (Trump, right wings, causing fraud and suicide, party friends, now under investigation, etc.), which he was alleged to escaped so far by Kurokawa.
He has the majority in both houses, which allowed his illegal interpretation of the Japanese constitution to push through them (already the so called war laws – admitting participation in war with the U.S., etc., and trying to change the article 9 of it – renouncing war and military forces, which constitutes usurpation of the country, i.e., coup d’état.).
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Pandemic Peace


Good morning!


Yesterday I transplanted edamame beans; while I was weeding, birds picked up the edamame seedlings. Also, I replaced clover to overtake grass, but Creeping Charlies were hidden in it. They are now spreading rampant after repeated rains, actually thriving with other weeds. Squirrels appear just in time to harvest peaches, pears, etc., so I provided an electric fence for my garden. I understand our inclination to use Roundup, especially in large scale farming. We, however, need to strike a balance: to protect or to attack.


Recently I read a series of essays titled “10 Years after Corona.” The author mentioned the war between the America-EU coalition and the China-Russia coalition, including other allies, with a lot of damage. If, however, there would have been war among them, we would not be alive. War is concluded by the winner over the loser. Nuclear war, however, would have only losers and loss of life and life systems. Nukes could not prevent the Corona pandemic. We must rethink our true security and safety.


This morning I read about the correspondence between Einstein and Freud. Einstein sought someone with whom to discuss his real problem at the time of Hitler’s rise. He picked Freud to ask him about human nature and the possibility of peace. Freud believed in the instinct in humans and was rather pessimistic about peace, though he thought human dread and cultural disposition might stop war. Shortly after, Freud flew to England and Einstein to the U.S. to escape Hitler’s oppression; the dialogue was unpublished.


Einstein feared that Hitler would produce nuclear weapons, and he recommended that the US president do so. He regretted the casualties from it and apologized to Dr. Yukawa, first Nobel Prize winner in Japan, who visited Einstein. The Buddha recommended that we think from the source (yoniso manasikāra). He investigated human nature and found the Dharma (Law) of Dependent Origination and the truth of karma, which can be stilled in still sitting because of its dependent origination and dependent cessation.


I hope you saw the One World illustration, with all beings living together on earth under the sky and a rainbow. Everyone wants to live. We should share our world as one interdependent world, not rounding it up. Jesus said, What’s the use of gaining the world, if one loses oneself.” As we live in an interdependent world, we must wake ourselves and others, as the Buddha did in his forty-five years of itinerant life, to save and serve all, saving all from the destruction of the world – Bodhisattva Way.


May 9, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Correspondence between Einstein and Freud:










アインシュタインはヒトラーが核兵器を生産するのを恐れて米国大統領にそうするように勧めました。彼はそれによる死傷者達のことで後悔して日本の最初のノーベル賞受賞者湯川博士がアインシュタインを訪問した時に謝りました。ブッダは根源から考える(yoniso manasikāra)ことを勧めました。彼は人間性を考察して縁起の法(法則)と業-縁起と縁滅の故に静座で静めることができる-の真理を見出しました。




2020共通年5月9日 法話


註 1. アンシュタインとフロイドの文通:






One World


Dear everyone,


Good day!


I made this illustration.

I put my such thought as

children during the school closing,

children of sea turtles waiting for hatching,

penguins in the south pole,

children of Coalas,

any being,

never being “which is higher or which is lower,”

as Hiko-san said.

All are precious lives,

living together on this earth.


Yuka Nishioka


















































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