Democracy or Dictatorship: Holiness or Sin? 民主主義か独裁主義か:聖か罪か?


Democracy or Dictatorship: Holiness or Sin?


Humans developed cities (called polis, pura, burg, etc.), gaining the status of city states, advancing into nation states, and creating civilization (urbanization, from civitas, city, pyramidal system with five calamities). States developed the status of leadership of statemen or politicians, making democracies or dictatorships. Politics inwardly was originally for citizens, but declined for politicians, and outwardly tend to competition and even destruction and annihilation.


Statehood is essentially selfish, deriving from the individuals’ selfishness, discriminating against others, even destroying other selves, states, and systems, including the whole life system, as we see in wars, ecological crises, and even nuclear holocaust. This selfishness is more conspicuous in dictatorship states than democratic ones, even though dictatorial tendencies are observable in any so-called democratic states by corruption and conspiracies with power politics and profits.


The solution of the selfishness of the selves and states lies in everyone’s awakening to one’s karma with the triple poisons and cultivation in the universal Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all are interdependently co-originated, thus all are interrelated and interinfluenced. When we all observe the Dharma (truth/ethic), we can solve individual, social, and environmental problems in the five blisses of awakening, freedom, holiness, love, and peace.


We must shift from karma to Dharma, ego to eco, sin (separated sickness) to holiness (wholly wholesomeness), an unnatural, uni-directional pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture, regional ethic to global ethic, nationalism to globalism, etc. We should not allow anyone to violate the Dharma, global ethic (based on the Five Precepts, Ten Commandments), and become a dictator or a pseudo-dictator, violating the public peace, truth, and trust.


July 6, 2024 C.E.



  1. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 2). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).


  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, healthy, and happy.


  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.


  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:


  1. The solution to the global problematique requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).


  1. Karma is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that of one in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).
  2. To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.
  3. We must abolish a system that allows one or a few to use nuclear bombs to devastate the whole world, even to the point of destroying the total global system, together with the nationalism, nukes, war, dictatorship, discrimination, and dogmatism that make it possible.


















1.法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註2参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。










7.エゴや集団エゴの分離狭小の泡沫あるいは泡群から無限の命の大洋に再結合することは誰もあるいは普遍宗教の目標です、そこでは無量寿、無量光、無量解放、無量愛を生きる友・友情(Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah)で表される一切の必要の時の真の友として生きるのである。


















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