Monthly Archives: September 2024

Awakening for All: Principle, Practice, Propagation                              一切の為の覚醒:原理、実践、普及

Awakening for All: Principle, Practice, Propagation   Dogen (Way Source) Eihei (Perpetual Peace, temple he founded), awakened one and awakening-being, aspiring in zazen to become awakening for all, wrote Fukan-zazen-gi, Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, in the thirteenth century so … Continue reading

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Birthday Essays for Dr. Rosan Daido Yoshida

Birthday essays for Dr. Rosan Daido Yoshida     September 9, 2024   Happy birthday! The Mitras have compiled these birthday greetings and reflections in celebration of our friendship and meetings. Please enjoy the day!   With deep respect in … Continue reading

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Awakening for All: How to Be Awakened  一切の為の覚醒:覚醒の仕方

Awakening for All: How to Be Awakened    Gotama (Best Cow, family name) Siddhattha (Objective Attained, personal name) learned sitting meditation (za-zen) to reach the state of no possession and neither ideation nor no-ideation from Alala Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta, … Continue reading

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Stubaier Höhenweg, 3, by Garyo Daiho (Gertraud Wild)

Stubaier Höhenweg, 3   The path to the Bremerhütte, the last cabin I would stay overnight in, on this trek, was like the other stretches I hiked so far: dotted with ancient rocks polished by past glaciers, upland moors and … Continue reading

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Stubaier Höhenweg, 2, by Garyo Daiho (Gertraud Wild)

    Stubaier Höhenweg, 2   Hiking above the timberline, the seemingly limited landscape opens up the doors to awe. There is beauty everywhere – in tiny plants surviving the harsh climate and the grandeur of glaciers and mountain tops. … Continue reading

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