Awakening for All: Principle, Practice, Propagation                              一切の為の覚醒:原理、実践、普及

Awakening for All: Principle, Practice, Propagation


Dogen (Way Source) Eihei (Perpetual Peace, temple he founded), awakened one and awakening-being, aspiring in zazen to become awakening for all, wrote Fukan-zazen-gi, Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, in the thirteenth century so that everyone can understand, practice, and propagate it for all becoming awakened.


The Introductory Portion tells the essence, function, nature, and practicality of zazen, its universality, free function, pure nature, and realization here now for everyone’s cultivation/verification. He cautions not to mistake its true nature and sustained practice to realize the natural falling away of the body and mind.


The Right Tenet Portion informs the right bodily forms, breathing methods, and mental attitudes – solid, steadfast, seated samadhi with upright posture, and in pure peace and bliss into fathomlessness in free and full functioning, dullness and distraction dropped off, the true Dharma manifesting itself naturally in calmness and clarity.


The Propagation Portion recommends that all enjoy this supreme style, devoted to total sitting (shikan-taza), installed in the unmoved state, practicing zazen and realizing the Way. If anyone practices such a way constantly, one never fails to achieve suchness and the treasure house opens by itself for one to appreciate and use it at will.


August 29, 2024 C.E.




1.Eihei (Kigen) Dogen (1200~1253 C.E.) went to China in 1223. After wandering to many places but finding no real teacher, he met Tendo Nyojo and attained the falling away of the body/mind. Soon after returning from China in 1233, he wrote Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen (Fukan-zazen-gi) as his initial teaching, continuing to fine-tune it until his passing away in 1253. He left it as his bequest to convey the aspiration, awakening, and the essence of the Buddha, Awakened One, for all to practice, verify, and share it.

2.The Introductory Portion informs the essence: the fundamental root of the Way (Law/Truth/Dharma of all to go through, Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions) is perfectly penetrating through all phenomena, like all plants grow, bloom, bear fruit, and continue their lives on their roots. It describes the function of the vehicle of the (Awakened) Way that moves freely through the Way, like anyone on a vehicle going freely on the road. It confirms that the nature of the entire body, Dharma World, is far from dust (profane/karma defilements). It promises that the practicality of the magnificent city, the Dharma World, is right here for anyone to attain and appreciate. It, however, cautions that any discrepancy from it will create a difference like that between heaven and earth. Even the Buddha and Bodhidharma took many years to practice, cultivate, and verify it, stilling karma, settling in nirvana, and awakening, as all are karma-owners, -machines, and -refuged, as the Buddha said.

3.The Right Tenet Portion describes how to practice zazen to attain suchness: the proper place, physical and mental attitude, cushions, positioning, posture, and breathing, to attain the Dharma gate of comfort and bliss, ultimate awakening, and realization of the universal truth (cp. essence, function, practicality, and nature in Note 2).

4.The Propagation Portion says that all the wonderful work reported in the Zen tradition comes from this power of zazen, transcending ordinary or holy, passing away in sitting or standing, using a finger, staff, needle, mallet, stick, whisk, etc. Anyone without discrimination – intellectual or not, sharp or not – can realize the Way, if one strives single-mindedly. All buddhas, awakened ones, were fully devoted to total sitting (shikan-taza). We, meeting with the Awakened Way, with human bodies, should not waste time, enjoying the spark of a flint stone aimlessly. We must urgently strive for the Way, pointing directly at the right target, then the treasure house will open by itself for us to appreciate and use at will.
















1.永平(希玄)道元 (1200~1253 共通年)は1223年に中国を訪ね、多くの所を訪ねたが正しい師を見出せなかった後、天童如浄に会い心身脱落を得た。1233年中国から帰って間もなく普勧坐禅儀を自らの開教として書き、1253年亡くなるまで推敲し、ブッダの志願、覚醒と本質を皆が実践し、実証し、分かち合うようにと、後に伝える遺贈としたのである。














Eihei Dogen




Pacific Ocean from Taushi, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan

Taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka




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