Category Archives: Uncategorized

Democracy or Dictatorship: Holiness or Sin? 民主主義か独裁主義か:聖か罪か?

  Democracy or Dictatorship: Holiness or Sin?   Humans developed cities (called polis, pura, burg, etc.), gaining the status of city states, advancing into nation states, and creating civilization (urbanization, from civitas, city, pyramidal system with five calamities). States developed … Continue reading

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JOHANNESWEG 3, by Garyo Daiho (Gertraud Wild)

  JOHANNESWEG 3   The next two days, we still had to hike more than 40 km. Sigrid and I like to experience the joy of walking by feeling our feet on the ground, listening to the sounds of nature, … Continue reading

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JOHANNESWEG 2, by Garyo Daiho (Gertraud Wild)

  JOHANNESWEG 2   Walking with Sigrid is always very special. She is a Silat instructor (Indonesian martial arts) and during every hike we find time to practice Silat together. We did so before we started our hike. We have … Continue reading

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JOHANNESWEG 1, by Garyo Daiho(Gertraud Wild)

  JOHANNESWEG   About twelve years ago, a dermatologist from Upper Austria created an 85 km long pilgrimage through a landscape of forests and boulders covered by thick mosses, murmuring creeks, meadows reaching up to the horizon with abundant blooming … Continue reading

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From Hell Horror to Pure-land Peace! 地獄の恐怖から浄土の平和へ‼

  From Hell Horror to Pure-land Peace!   The Buddha realized nirvana (no wind, of karma) and awakened to the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (form/phenomena), Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions. This … Continue reading

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Politics Polarizes, Religion Reunites! 政治は分極化し宗教は統一化する!

  Politics Polarizes, Religion Reunites!   Siddhattha was legendarily prophesied to become a universal king or a religious leader. King Bimbisara of Magadha offered him military power and financial support. He rejected the power of “punishing rods and swords” and … Continue reading

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There Is Universal Truth and a Solution! 普遍的真理と解決はある‼

  There Is Universal Truth and a Solution!   Suffering is threefold – individual, social, and environmental. The Buddha was awakened to the universal truth/law of all phenomena, Dependent Co-origination, and to the universal solution for suffering, the Four Holy … Continue reading

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The triple poisons come from nescience! 三毒は業に由来する!

  The triple poisons come from nescience!   The Buddha was awakened to the truth of the problem of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, and of the solution of suffering, strife, and samsara. He found that they … Continue reading

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1 = ±∞ One Can Create/Cause Limitless Happiness/Suffering! 1 = ±∞ 人は無限の幸福/苦悩を創造/惹起し得る!

  1 = ±∞ One Can Create/Cause Limitless Happiness/Suffering!   One can create/cause limitless happiness/suffering in oneself/others by one’s cultivation/indolence to awakening/delusion in nirvana (no wind, of karma)/karma to limitless life, light, liberation, and love/death, darkness, bondage, and hatred.   … Continue reading

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0 = ∞ Zeroness Is Boundless Bounty! 0 = ∞ 空性は無限の豊驍である!

  0 = ∞ Zeroness Is Boundless Bounty!   We are all karma-born and -bound, possessing the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion and living the triple paths (steps) of delusion, karma, and suffering. The delusion of self divides others, … Continue reading

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