Awakening for all: Zazen Gift: Great Respite 一切の為の覚醒:坐禅:大安息

Awakening for all: Zazen Gift: Great Respite


The Dharma (Law) of all dharmas (phenomena) is that all are dependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions. We have the four inevitable sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death, and the four common ones of not getting the desired, parting with loved ones, meeting with the hated, and the five component elements rampant, totaling eight. We must undergo the samsara (life flow) sufferings of them.


The two roots of craving (taṅā/tṛṣṇā, lit. thirst, resulting in suffering) and nescience (a-vijjā/a-vidyā, no-witness of nirvana, resulting in divisiveness and samsara) cause suffering and samsara (usually involving suffering). The triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego, involving samsara) is imbued in our karma (actions, habits, heredity), which is the dynamo of samsara suffering.


Sitting stills karma (past/present physical, verbal, mental), leading to nirvana (no-wind, of karma), called sitting stilling (za-dan), stilling both roots of craving and nescience, thus stilling samsara suffering. Za-zen, sitting meditation, involves stilling intellection, emotion, and volition, leading to samādhi (concentration: calm and clear, stable and solid, free from karma and now full function of it).


Zazen is the Dharma gate of peace and happiness. The Buddha called it the great respite (mahā-assāsa/-aśvāsa, lit. great breath/exhalation). It is the state of great peace and happiness (sukha-vatī, lit. happiness-full), later considered to be paradise/pure-land, but it is not any place, but the mind/body/world state in peace and happiness. Anyone can sit, settle in nirvana, see the Dharma, and serve and save all.


October 25, 2024 C.E.




  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.


  1. The Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination (bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra, becoming wheel) is the most well-known representative application of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, though it is misinterpreted due to its linear presentation by oral tradition and the Hindu idea of transmigration (an embryogenetical interpretation called two causalities in three generations). Actually, it is a compound formed from the Dependent Co-origination of consciousness on sense organs and objects, of suffering on craving, and of samsara (total flow: moment-to-moment change, not like transmigration in Hinduism) on appropriation. It illustrates how our life goes with the five aggregates (originally identifying and analyzing so-called “self,” later “world”), resulting in suffering due to the triple poisons.

Please refer to 3 of the “Why Buddhism Now?” for the detailed explanation of the structural explanation of the Becoming Wheel (bhava cakka/cakka):


3.The practice of Zen (jhāna/dhyāna: meditation), the key and core practice of za-zen, sitting meditation, is to still karma, settle in nirvana(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, of karma, see the Dharma, and serve and save all. This process is categorized in the Four Zen Stages and the Eight Concentration (samādhi) Stages (actually Four Zen Stages plus Four Concentration Stages combined, going together).  As shown in the Four Zen Stages thoughts, emotions (the representative five coverings: lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worries, doubts), and volitions (the representative four fluxes: lust, becoming/identification, views/dogmas, nescience/no witness, of nirvana) are stilled in this order.

Please refer to 5. What is Karma? in “Why Buddhism Now?”

4.said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).

5.Nirvana means no wind (of karma imbued with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion), where one can for the first time witness the Dharma world and become awakened from the long night of nescience to the Dharma of all dharmas in calm, clear, controlled, and careful conditions, then prognosticate problems and sufferings in the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Ways.

No-wind of karma stills the two roots (craving and nescience) and stills their results of suffering and samsara [six ways/realms of hell beings, hungry ghosts, (fighting devils), animal beings, human beings, celestial beings], thus become freed (liberation, freedom) from samsara and suffering. One opens the right Dharma-eye there (Right Dharma-eye stored in the exquisite heart of nirvana), attaining countless merits of no moving (blowing) of karma (no moving, no death: ambrosia: amṛta), freed from discrimination, bondage of self, other, that, this, etc. (nothingness, emptiness, no-self, limitless: limitless life, limitless light, no attachment, no obstruction, etc.), realizing the true world (Dharma world, Buddha world, paradise, pure land), freed from straying, delusion, etc.

Please refer to 4. What is Nirvana? in the “Why Buddhism Now?”






渇愛(taṅā/tṛṣṇā, 字義は渇き、結果は苦)と無明(a-vijjā/a-vidyā字義は無確証、涅槃の、結果は差別と輪廻)の二根は苦と輪廻(通常苦になる)を惹起する。貪瞋痴(エゴの愚痴、輪廻になる)の三毒は私達の業に浸潤したものであるが、業は輪廻苦の原動力である。











生成輪 (bhava cakka/cakra)の構造的形態の詳細説明については「何故今仏教か?」の3参照:

3.鍵となる静坐の実践は業を静め、涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, 無風、業風の)に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。坐禅(静坐瞑想)は身体・呼吸・頭脳(身口意)業を整え静止する。四禅は、尋求、伺候、喜悦、安楽を静め平静 (upekhā/upekṣā, 字義は捨離)・涅槃に到達する結果の心的(知性・感情・意欲)業を静止する過程を表示している。




業の無風は二根(渇愛と無明)を静止してその結果の苦(四苦八苦など)と輪廻 [地獄、餓鬼、(修羅)、畜生、人間、天上の五(六)道(界)] を静止する、即ち輪廻・苦から自由になる(解脱・解放)。そこでは業による動揺が無く(不動、不死:甘露: amṛta)、我他彼此などの分別・束縛から自由になり(無・空・無我・無量:無量寿・無量光・無著・無碍など)、真理世界(法界、仏界、極楽、浄土)を現観し、迷・惑から自由になり、大局観・甚深・微妙な世界(法身、真実人体)を覚るなど涅槃による正法に眼を開き、無数の功徳を得る(正法眼蔵涅槃妙心)。




















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