Global Problematique & Its Solution:地球問題群とその解決

Good morning!


The weather advisory in Japan declares the unprecedented emergency of a super typhoon due to ocean warming, while the pandemic continues. The pandemic reduced air pollution with warming, but it’s too late and little yet. We continue the global problematique of global warming, mass extinction, natural disasters, pandemic, nuclear disasters, nationalism, wars, overpopulation, discrimination, exploitation, poverty, starvation, etc., intertwined and entangled.


These are due to human karma, especially its Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. Human karma created an unnatural unidirectional pyramidal civilization, fighting for money, matter, and might, creating the Five Calamities, disturbing and destroying the natural cyclical system of life in space and time. The former has only five millennia, while the latter has the history of the universe of fifteen billion years and life of 4 billion years.


Yesterday I read an abridged version of Masaharu Takemura’s “Virus Evolved Living Beings.” It said that 40% of the human genome is of virus origin and that viruses came before ordinary (Eukaryote) living beings. The latter takes the former sometimes into its genomic systems and utilizes them for producing antibodies and immune systems. It is better to live separately from pandemic viruses, rather than meddling in their original host zones and learning immunity.


“Religion” means “reunion” with holiness (wholly wholesome way) from sin (separate sick state), stilling our karma and its Triple Poisons, engaging the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. Concentration or stilling karma is essential to see and serve the Dharma (Truth/Ethic). Religion must learn from sciences for truths and the latter from the former for ethics. We must follow them in our life activities like politics, economics, societies, and cultures.


September 5, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年9月五日 法話





















































































Posted in Global problems, Indra-net | Leave a comment

Vox Populi Vox Dei:民の声は神の声


Good morning!


We have a still, serene Saturday morning, while the pandemic, wild fires, heat strokes, etc. are going on and hurricanes and typhoons are coming. As you may know, the Japanese PM Abe quit his position two days ago due to ulcerative colitis, as in his first time quitting, likely from the stress of struggles for anachronistic policies. As he has been called Trumpet, Trump’s pet, both have been in the same line – money, propaganda, separatism, anachronism, nepotism, cronysm, self-centrism, etc.


This is the worst epitome of a pyramidal civilization – money buying might, fanning fanaticism (nationalism, racism, militarism, materialism, religious fundamentalism, etc.), fire, fiction, etc., not fact, fairness, future (scientific solutions for sustainable, safe, saving societies for all – solidarity). This comes from a lack of vision and value of life, its history and its way (way of/for it: religion: “re-union” with holiness: holy harmony/health: wholly wholesome way world from sin, i.e., separated self).


They never care about telling lies, fictions, tending to fanaticism and fascism, tearing facts, the fabric of life. “Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why…” by Hans Robins seems to have become popular. We must know facts and act accordingly, that is, follow the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination that all phenomena are interdependently originated (related/relative). This means we must make a paradigm shift to a life Indra-net culture/cultivation.


Our present political system follows a monarchy with the PM, president. The three powers must be elected truly and directly by the people, not by money and the president. The fourth power of media (by money) must be replaced by people’s SNS, etc. (not privately owned and run). We must cultivate ourselves in awakening in truth and acting ethically, which are the true bases for genuine democracy and Vox Populi, Vox Dei (the voice of the people is the voice of God: Dharma).


August 29, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk











私達の現在の政治組織は首相や大統領による君主制に従っているのです。三権は真に直接に人々により選ばれるべきで、金や大統領によってではあってはなりません。(金による)メディアの第四権は(私的に所有・経営されない)人々のSNSなどに代わられるべきです。私達は真理を知り、倫理的に行動するよう修養しなければなりませんが、それが真正なVox Populi, Vox Dei (人々の声は神:法の声)の本当の基盤です。


2020共通年8月29日 法話












































The above pictures were from Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB  Photo.




Posted in Dharma, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Two Refuges/Resorts: 二依/洲


The pandemic shows how we should act by Dharma (truth/ethic). We must see the truth of it and act ethically, not ignorantly and egoistically. If we could have acted truthfully and ethically, it could have been detected, stopped on the spot immediately, not spreading or even leaked, contained. Our global problematique like global warming, war, mass extinction, nuclear disaster is caused by ignorant and egoistic actions without universal scientific knowledge and global ethical action.


The two refuges or resorts of Dharma and self represent Dharma (form/norm: phenomena/law: truth/ethic) and the self with it. “I” (Ego/Aham/Ich/Je, etc.) is self-identification of the apparent body/mind (subjective identification by karma), not the Self (Auto/Ᾱtman/Sui/Selbst, etc.) (objective definition by Dharma). I-my-me views and values are usually ignorant/egoistic, contradicting the Dharma, causing problems and suffering individually, socially, and ecologically.


The Dharma is the object of truth/ethic. The Self is the subject of it, knowing and acting according to it. The Dharma is a natural system in limitless time and space and the universal truth of it, unaffected by artificial human karma in limited time and space (a-dharma, un-truth/ethic: fictitious phenomena). The Self, not Ego, must see and serve the Dharma, not a-Dharma, seeing the Dharma-world and serving the Dharma-body, which requires constant cultivation/verification.


Ego is karmic (by the triple poisons), sinful (separate sick). It should still karma in nirvana/awakening, cultivating the triple learning. No Ego (karma-caught scientist, politician, dictator, et al) should decide and dictate to create a-Dharma weapons, wars, warming, pandemics, mass extinctions, etc., destroying the holy (wholly wholesome) Dharma world. The Self must see itself in the Dharma (birth-death/life-living, etc., in the Indra-net life) in holy health/harmony.


August 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma words











2020共通年8月25日 法語






























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Mindfulness Day on Zoom

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Two Refuges, Dharmas, Truths: 二洲、法、諦


Good morning!


We’ve been having many rainy days here, while in Japan people have a heat wave after heavy rains. All over the world we have pandemic problems, which brought cleaner air and more animals – frogs, foxes, etc. Dr. Shin’ichi Fukuoka says that the virus gave the two merits of adding genes horizontally among species and immune power. He says that we should not overrule physis, natural physical life system, by logos, artificial ideological tool control, which damages original life – so non-power is true power.


The Buddha spoke of the two refuges or resort, self and dharma, which we may roughly correspond to logos and physis in our ordinary living. The self-sense creates my groups – nation, etc. WWII ended yesterday seventy-five years ago, claiming in some estimates over a hundred million people’s lives, more than one hundred times the number from this pandemic now. If we have WWIII, we with all living beings would not survive the nuclear bombardments and ensuing nuclear winter with radiation.


Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, said that scientists should seek anything and decide if hydrogen bombs should be developed; Oppenheimer disagreed, and thus Truman decided. Dharma means inseparable truth and ethic. Ethos, etymological root of ethic, means habit, and thus develops through periods and places from particular to universal. Small or partial views should not decide a great or total one. A dictator or a dogmatist should not dictate and destroy the wholly wholesome world.


Sinful (separate, sick) karma should not dictate the holy (wholly wholesome) Dharma. The Buddha taught the two truths, conventional and ultimate, karma-construction and Dharma-domain, limited ego and limitless eco. Dogen said that the Awakened Way is to drop off ego karma and dedicate to eco dharma, Dharma-body or -world, the wholly wholesome world system evolved and developing in limitless time and space, correcting and selecting more truthful and ethical beings and systems individually and collectively.


August 15, 2020 C.E. Dharma words


Note 1. Shin’ichi Fukuoka:

  1. Edward Teller:













2020共通年8月15日 法語



















































Posted in Dharma, Two Refuges, Two Truths | Leave a comment

Ultimately for What?:結局何の為か?

Good morning!


Mr. Shiro Fujita, who lived in Germany for a few decades, posted an article by Prof. Monika Gruetters, Minister for Culture and Media, on the listserv Miroku. She says, “The freedom of art provides democracy with the oxygen it needs to survive.” We usually think we need food to survive, but oxygen is more vitally and crucially needed. Art is cultivation and culture, evolution and renewal, the essence of living and life.


Civilization (urbanization), a social revolution, has been to fight for matter, might, and money, which involves the Five Calamities. Culture (cultivation), a spiritual revolution to overcome civilization’s defects, has been to share heart, harmony, and life, which includes the Five Blisses. The Buddha said, “I live on joy.” “Man does not live on bread alone,” said Jesus, “What gain is in losing life, even if gaining the whole world?”


A tattered-paper-robed monk asked Dogen, “Why are you reading scriptures?” Dogen said, “To learn and save living beings.” The monk asked, further and lastly, “Ultimately for what?” Dogen stopped reading and devoted himself to sitting practice. He said, “If not for all, it is neither the Great Vehicle nor the Awakened Way.” The ultimate way is in cultivating our hearts for the holy truth, goodness, and beauty of limitless life, light, love, and liberation.


“Now I am become Death Gid, the destroyer of worlds,” Oppenheimer, who devoted himself to creating A-bombs, quoted Vishnu’s words, and further said, “Unless we feel that and control A-bombs and learn to live together, the following will become reality: the world’s big cities and residents there face complete destruction and sudden death.” Destruction and demise must be replaced by new birth and no death, shifting our views and values.


We should not confound civilization and culture, richness and happiness, food for life and the joy of it, means and ends, security with arms and safety with hearts, sin and holiness, a part and the whole, limited life and limitless life, etc. We must shift our paradigm from the ego to eco, the Triple Poisons of karma to the Triple Learnings of the Dharma, our artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical, life Indra-net culture.


August 8, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. Prof. Monika Gruetters’ article (can be translated into other languages):

2. The Five Calamities of Civilization: delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination.

3. On the way back from alms round with his empty bowl, the Buddha was whispered by a devil to go back. He declined, saying, “I live on joy.”


4. The Five Blisses of Culture: awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.

5. Paradigm Shift:














2020共通年8月8日 法語


Note 1. モニカ・グリュッタ―教授の論考 (多言語に翻訳可能です):













































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Receiving and Sending Gift:贈物を受けて送る

Good morning!


We’ve had rather unusual successive rainy days with vegetation thriving. Dr. Suzuki of Ability Education was amazed at millions of leaves working together to grow a tree. A tree’s life and the tree of life tells us how life works – millions of molecules, cells, and stars work together for life. The Indra-net illustrates how life works with limitless elements working together for life in limitless space and time.


The pandemic has provided a way for us to see, save, and serve life. Crowd funding is one way. The One with Peace Boat, which cruises around the world to promote peace among people, surpassed its goal. Ms. Yuka Nishioka, a member of our listserv, Miroku, Friend, contributed and communicated, calling the miracle “sending grace or gift” (on in Japanese, originally compassionate heart) – not “repaying it.”


In wider perspective of life’s Indra-net, we can’t repay the grace of limitless links of life behind the visible ones – food-, clothing-, and dwelling-chains; communication-, democratization-, globalization-revolution elements; universe-, life-, species-evolutions, etc. We usually don’t see it, and even “return evil for good” creating our global problems of pandemic, abnormal climate, mass extinction, etc.


Dogen said, “Carrying around the self to verify ALL dharmas is delusion; Myriad dharmas proceeding to verify the self is awakening.” If we learn the self, coming from and supported by life’s Indra-net, we witness the Dharma of all dharmas. We receive the gift of it and send ours to share our past, present, and future with all, savoring the amrita, ambrosia of immortality, of limitless life, light, liberation, and love.


August 1, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk














































































































Posted in Gift/grace: on, Indra-net | Leave a comment

Limited Life to Limitless Life:有限の命から無限のいのちへ



Good morning!


We have a quiet, peaceful morning here, but in Japan the heavy rain disasters continue, with the pandemic worsening. A couple of days ago I watched a TV program on Kinjiro Ninomiya and Koan Ogata, who coped with famine and pandemic two centuries ago. The former said, “My aspiration is to re-cultivate the deserted fields of people’s hearts and to increase and sow good seeds from heaven. If one’s heart is cultivated, there is no fear if tens of thousands of hectares of fields are devastated.” The latter said, “The way of medicine is not for oneself, but only for others. Even if one can’t save a life from disease, to appease the patient’s heart is the human art. Become a sincere warm person worth trusting their lives.”


We talked about global problems as human problems, which can be solved by seeing and stilling our karma, cultivating and changing our Triple Poisons to Triple Learnings. If we change our sinful (separated, sick) self, which fights for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities, limited life, to a holy (wholly wholesome) system sharing life, heart, and harmony, with the Five Blisses, limitless life, we can solve our problems of starvation, pandemic, global warming, mass extinction, etc. When we work in the yard, we know how life goes. “Flowers fall in lamentation, weeds grow rampant in detestation.” “Fallen colored leaves, yet to fall colored leaves also are falling colored leaves.”


Yesterday I watched a TV program remembering Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, who was in a hijacked plane working with another doctor, whose student was one of the hijackers, to change his heart from personal gain to public service, and later saved masses in the sarin incident, heading St. Luke’s Hospital. He realized that life is in darkness of the next moment unknown, and he said that life is not owned, but given. Dogen said that the best way for the Awakened Way is to know impermanence. All living beings are impermanent – fragile and fatal. We, however, can change our life, individual, social, and ecological, by changing our karma, from the Triple Poisons to the Triple Learnings.


The Buddha was awakened to the impermanence of all in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination and the way to solve our suffering from it, by cultivating our hearts to still our karma to see the Dharma and to serve all in the Dharma world. Religion is reunion to holiness from sin, realizing the Spiritual Revolution to solve the problems of our pyramidal civilization. We must enhance and expedite our paradigm shift before devastation and demise. This is to returning to the origin, like the ocean, before we construct selfishness, like a bubble. Returning to nature, right heart, and original source is to still our excessive desire or dissatisfaction, as “happiness consists in contentment.” Have a good day every day!


July 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1.  Kinjiro Sontoku Ninomiya:

  1. Koan Ogata:

  1. Five Calamities: delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination.
  2. Five Blisses: awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace.
  3. Shigeaki Shinohara:






ここでは静かで平和な朝ですが、日本では全人類的流行病が更に悪くなる中で豪雨の災害が続いています。 二日前私は二世紀前に飢饉と全人類的流行病に対処した二宮金次郎と緒方洪庵のテレビ番組を見ました。前者は「私の願いは人々の心の田が荒れるのを耕し直し、天からの善の種を増やしてまくことである。一人の心が耕されれば田畑が何万町荒れようとも恐れることはない。」と言っています。後者は「医の道は己のためにあらず、他のためのみ。たとえ救うことができない病があっても、患者の心を癒すのが仁術というものです。人々から命をゆだねられるに値する誠実で温かい人間となりなさい。」と言いました。








2020共通年7月25日 法話














July 17, 2020 C.E.






July 18












July 18













July 20











July 21







The above pictures of a lotus flower grown in a pot

were taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsua, Shimoda, Japan



Posted in Life, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Triple Revolutions, Hearts, Learning: 三革命、三心、三学


Good morning!


I forwarded the movie “Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard,” where U.S. and Japanese school children soon after the WWII exchanged and enjoyed beautiful pictures and cartoons, to our listserv. I watched a TV program reporting on Syrian refuges, where children were abducted or aspired to sell their own organs. We need to expedite and enhance the triple modern revolution of information, democratization, and globalization for a harmonious global community of all.


The information revolution expanded our intellect and the world immensely in time and space, promoting sciences and technologies, enforcing their good and bad sides. So, we must be awakened to be holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, and beauty for the global cultural life system with a great heart for life, heart, and harmony, beyond sinful (separate, selfish) pyramidal civilizations struggling for money, matter, and might from the triple poisons.


Democratization has enhanced our emotions and the world in time and space, promoting our rights and responsibilities, extending to extremes or escaping from them. So, we must be cultivated to be free, equal, and loving for the global communal way of life with a mature heart for all, beyond the bondage, discrimination, and exploitation of selfishness, of sectionalism, racism, nationalism, and speciesism coming from our individual and social karma.


Globalization has emboldened our will and the world in time and space, promoting desires, divisiveness, and delusion even to derailment and devastation. So, we must keep peace and harmony in our world with a joyful heart with all, beyond wars and wastes of other generations, gender, and genus. The triple revolution, the triple heart, the triple learning must mutually enhance, returning us to right mindfulness, nature, and the original source.


July 18, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年7月18日 法話



































































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan


He sent haiku also:


A swallowtail butterfly kisses a trumpet flower.

Cicadas sing impatiently in the rainy season sky.













Posted in Triple Hearts, Triple Learnings, Triple revolutions | Leave a comment

Global Problems are Human Problems: 地球問題は人間問題


Good morning!


We have a very brilliant, peaceful morning in the natural world. However, the pandemic and disasters are also occurring. Our global problems are human problems of pandemic, global warming, wars, mass extinction, etc. Humans and their civilization with its Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination have been disturbing the natural system, causing them.


Civilization is urbanization with the human Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, fighting for money, matter, and might, creating a pyramidal society with wars, slavery, classes, ecological destruction, etc., for 50 centuries. Culture is cultivation with the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis to counter it, sharing life, heart, and harmony to realize the life Indra-net in holiness.


Life is the natural, holy (wholly wholesome) system, like the Indra-net, representing the Dharma world in Dependent Co-origination, with its crystal balls reflecting limitlessly among them. Dr. Kazuya Yamanouchi in his Viruses and Humans tells us that virus was the original form of life, now composing about half the human genome, functioning as an endogenous virus creating the placenta and protecting the fetus.


The Awakened Way is cultivating the life potential to realize holy truth, goodness, and beauty for all. Our Three Pillars of the Awakened Way, Voluntary Simplicity, and Global Ethic is for the culture of them in individual, social, and global levels. We take the Triple Refuges of the Awakened One, Dharma, and Sangha, taking refuge in the self and the Dharma for the benefit of Sangha, community of all.


July 11, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Endogenous retrovirus













2020共通年7月11日 法話








































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