Solving Serious Stigma Seachange:由々しい不名誉解決の潮目変化


The COVID-19 pandemic has made us conscious of the value of our life and the interrelatedness of all things. We have the global problematique of the pandemic, global warming, mass extinction, nukes, etc. We have actually the imminent gravest possibility of the total destruction of life by one person. This is the utmost absurdity and incapacity of humanity, even if it becomes a few persons or one nation. If the human species is truly homo sapiens, wise humans, we must solve this and other problems, from the urgent and grave to lesser ones.


We mistake a partial issue for a greater one, like blind people groping for parts of an elephant, missing the total view. All mistakes are of greatness and graveness. Because we are caught by our karma, especially of the Triple Poisons, we mistake self, society, state, species, symbolism, secular, and supramundane, etc. Because we are attached to money, matter, and might, we forget life, harmony, and heart, which causes our divisiveness and hatred, both of which are caused by nescience, no witness of the selflessness (self-same, -sovereign) of the interrelated world.


The Triple Poisons are solved by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. Anyone can sit, still karma, see the Dharma (of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently originated on causes and conditions), serve, and save all. Stilling karma and seeing the Dharma (Truth/Law) through concentration/meditation and observing the truth/law, are important for coping and as countermeasures to the pandemic, etc., as Yuval Harari said, and for practicing. He recommended that we protect our life and rights with global cooperation, not nationalism.


As Gandhi said that the Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of duties, we must first observe responsibilities, as in the Global Ethic (life, love, light, lielessness). We are witnessing a global mass movement to change our politics, economics, societies, and cultures as in the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, demonstrations against discrimination, exploitation, destruction, etc. We must be awakened to the universal truth/ethic and practice it, and participate in such movements, within the perspective and prognosis of the paradigm shift.



November 1, 2020 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. President can start nuclear war in 5 minutes:



Here’s How Much Deadlier Today’s Nukes Are Compared to WWII A-Bombs


3. Yuval Noah Hrari: 


4. Global Ethic:


5. Paradigm Shift:











2020共通年11月1日 法語



註 1.大統領は5分で核戦争を始められる:




  1. ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ: 





















































Posted in Dharma, Karma, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

People over Power: 権力に人々勝利


The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty will come into force on January 22, 2021 with the 50th country ratifying it on October 24. This is an epoch-making event, a mass movement of people over power. ICAN, with its several hundred organizations and hibakushas, nuke survivors, along with ordinary supporters, made it possible. This shows that the true power of people, not power systems, can determine politics. Nukes, much more nuke wars, are now not only unethical and unlawful, but are also the most dangerous, imminent crises in wiping out life systems, sacrificing political, economic, social, cultural, and eco systems.


Nukes, among the ABC (Atomic, Biological, Chemical) weapons, have not been banned and eliminated, though they are much more devastating, and it is urgent that they be abolished to avoid MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction, wiping out life on earth), rather than a balance of power due to madness. WWII was the imperial hegemony war, lasting until today. Nukes were invented to win against an enemy, to race, expand, and suspend in a balance of fear. The Four Views of Water are water for humans, a bloodbath for devils, a palace for fish, and a garland for celestials. A devil’s view must change to a fish’s for life.


One doesn’t get warm water by turning the shower knob to the right, but to the left. One can never get peace by turning to nukes, but to abolishment. With nukes no one can be free from fear, with wealth or whatever, much less weapons. Only by banning them can we be free from fear, with abundance of life, truth, beauty, goodness, holiness (wholesome whole), much more all the resources available for them. If only we could see the truth of humanity, harmony, and heart, rather than hubris, hegemony, and hatred, we’d attain peace, prosperity, freedom (priya-dhaman: beloved domain: familiarity: friendship).


Francis Bacon listed the Four Idola of cave, market, theatre, and species, which I term self, society, state, and species, adding a fifth, symbolism, by which Ernst Cassirer defined humans. If we are bound by the symbolic legend of a war between the Divine and Devils, we are bound by the view of a bloodbath of life, rather than a palace of it. If we see the Dharma (Dao, etc.) of Dependent Co-origination, we know that all phenomena are interdependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, related and relative. We must fund the Dharma (truth/ethic), not nukes, shifting the paradigm from karma to Dharma.


A paradigm shift from karma to Dharma, an artificial pyramidal civilization to a natural life Indra-net culture, etc., is essential to solve our global problematique (interrelated problems) of nuclear holocaust, global warming, pandemics, mass extinctions, poverty, starvation, etc. These need Dharma (truth/ethic: right/responsibility), as we see in dealing with the pandemic: social responsibility over individual freedom. Mr. Akira Takata, who advocates a nuclear ban, watched about two hundred movies during the pandemic and found those in power afraid of people, advising a shift to half of world leaders being female.


October 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. Paradigm Shift:


  1. Mr. Takada’s ideas:







2020共通年10月25日 法語

註 1.

  • 高田明氏の記事:













































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Supreme Self, Dynamic Dharma:至上自己、動的法


The baby Buddha, one hand pointing to heaven and the other to earth, bathed to celebrate his birth, is said to have declared, “Between heaven and earth I only am honored.” This phrase derived from the Buddha Vipassi (Vipaśyn), the first of the legendary Seven Buddhas. The legend is to aggrandize the Buddhas’ achievements with unbelievable times, ages, etc. Though it is ascribed to the Buddha Gotama, the seventh in the legend, was from the Indian tradition of the Seven Sages. (Other legends mention Twenty Five or Twenty Eight Buddhas.)


“I only am honored” is translated differently in different scriptures, but the first Buddha’s statement in the Dhiga Nikaya is simply “I am valued.” This is not a megalomaniac claim of “I only am honored,” often misinterpreted as “I only am honored, and no others.” If we consider the Two Refuges of Self and Dharma in his historical last teaching before his death, it becomes clear that the self is the valued agent to practice the Dharma (truth/ethic). One’s own self and others’ selves are equally valued in witnessing the Dharma and practicing it.


He recommended that we “resort to the self, not others” and “resort to the Dharma, not humans.” We know that the former is what is meant by “I am valued,” and the latter must be noted at the same time, beyond human selves. It is clear that each and every person must first rely on one’s own self to test and verify truth, and act according to it ethically, not blindly following others’ sayings or beliefs, and then even one’s own views and values must be tested to see if they are universal and eternal truth beyond karma (the Triple Poisons, etc.), limited by time, space, etc.


It is said that those who see the Buddha see the Dharma, and those who see the Dharma see the Buddha. Each and every one must learn from the Buddha to know the Dharma and live closer to him and his Dharma – how he found and lived the Dharma (truth/ethic). Humans created civilization, thus the political, economic, social, and cultural systems, which may collide with individuals’ living in truth and ethic. Thus, we must reconsider, reform, renew, and restore the more original, universal, eternal truth/ethic into our present systems.


What happens if money, might, and matter rule over the world, going against our life, harmony, and heart, and much more against all living beings on earth – money, might, and matter controlling the life, harmony, and hearts of our politics, economy, society, and culture, much more that of all life forms, ecology, climate, life itself? This is exactly the present situation of the globe with mass extinction, pollution, abnormal phenomena, nuclear holocaust, etc. No one should allow untruth and unethical behaviors of any individual, community, or country.  We need paradigm shifts in our world.


We are now facing the COVID-19 pandemic, with a surge of patients and deaths. There is an interesting case comparing Sweden and the other Nordic nations, where the former did not take any social measures, leaving everyone to take responsibility, and the latter taking social responsibility, regulating individuals. The former showed several times more cases than the latter, a hundred times more than Japan (now the second worst in Asia). This shows the necessity of meeting the Dharma, a greater truth/ethic than the self (individual, nation, etc.).


Gandhi said that the Ganges of rights takes its origin in the Himalaya of duties. Human rights are limited by region, age, species, etc., but must be reconsidered in wider, longer, universal perspectives and reformed for the benefit of the majority, all beings, eco systems, etc. This is why we need the paradigm shift from selfish karma to holy Dharma, from sinfulness (separated sickness) to holiness (wholly wholesomeness), from human rights to global ethic, from pyramidal civilization to life Indra-net culture, etc.



October 18, 2020 C.E. Dharma note

















2020共通年10月18日 法語





























The above pictures were taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan

















The above picture can be enlarged to see the details.





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Global Problems, Prognosis, Practice: 地球問題・処方・実践


I watched the NHK BS1 Special “SOS from Lebanon ~ Syrian Refugees Cornered by Corona Disaster” on Oct. 10. There were many miserable stories, unwatchable, with tears. The refugees, who had already been living on under $3 a day per person, are under extreme difficulties, especially with the Corona Pandemic, losing jobs, attacked by the Lebanese, etc. A boy from a family of nine, his father having lost his job, was abducted, his organs taken, and killed. A girl of 13 tried to sell a kidney to support her family. A refugee camp was attacked by Lebanese youth to evacuate it, etc.


We humans are responsible, though only a negligible portion of humankind notices it, much less tries to solve it. We have tens of millions of people starving every year, refugees, and far more hungry and poor people. We have global problems like abnormal weather, mass extinction, and even a possible eminent nuclear holocaust. We know our global problematique is from our human problems or karma, especially the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, though the majority of people do not know this, much less engage in solving our big problems.


We know how to solve these problems, though only a limited portion of humankind understand this, much less actually do something. We know that the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis can solve the Triple Poisons, stilling karma, seeing, and serving the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Interdependent Co-origination. We must be awakened to the delusion of selfishness coming from karma and prognosticate the truthful/ethical solutions, stilling desire and divisiveness. We must shift our paradigm from an unnatural pyramidal civilization to a natural life culture.


What is the concrete method to solve these problems? We know the Four Holy Truths/Reality/Prognoses and the Eight Holy Ways, the Eight Awakened Persons’ Awakening, etc. More concretely we have the Three Revolutions of Information, Democratization, and Globalization, at hand and underway. We must know and activate truth/ethic to liberate, cooperate, and share all in holy harmony. Globalization is partly blocked by the pandemic, but revealed by it is the necessity of global and universal health and happiness. “Truth only wins” is the universal and eternal truth/ethic.


October 11, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


10月10日にNHK BS1 Sp.「レバノンからのSOS~コロナ禍に追い詰められるシリア難民」を観ました。涙無しには見られない多くの残酷な物語があります。難民達は既に一日三ドル以下で生活してきたのに、コロナ禍で特に極端な困難に直面しており、職を失いレバノン人の攻撃を受けているのです。父が失職した9人家族の少年は誘拐され、臓器を取られ、殺されました。13歳の少女は家族を支える為に腎臓を売ろうとしています。貧民キャンプがレバノンの青年達により襲われて立ち退かなければならない、などなど。








2020共通年10月11日 法語










































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Universal Eternal Dharma:普遍的永遠なる法


I informed our listserv of the renowned, full, mid-autumn supermoon. Seeing the full moon, Dogen made the following poem thirteen days before he took parinirvana, complete peace, in 1253 C.E.:


          Even in the autumn, when

          I’d expect to see it again,

          I could not have slept

          With the moon of tonight.



He summed up the Awakened Way in his Genjōkōan, Realizing the Universal Truth, the first volume of his Shobogenzo, Storage of the Right Dharma Eye:


          To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self.

          To learn the self is to forget the self.

          To forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas.

          To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the body and mind of the self and the                      body and mind of other’s self.

          All traces of awakening cease and become extinct.

          Traceless awakening should be furthered ever on and on.



The practice of the Awakened Way is to start with the self, striving in dharmas, witnessing and being verified by them, forgetting and falling away of the self, settling in and awakened to all dharmas, i.e., the Dharma of all dharmas or the Dharma (truth/ethic) of all things, that all phenomena are Interdependently Co-originated.



Settling in the true self of the Dharma is settling in nirvana, no-wind of karma, which is beyond the secular self, and practicing the holy (wholly wholesome) Dharma (truth/ethic), appreciating ambrosia of amrita, immortality, in universal eternal truth/ethic. There is no greater or eternal entity (self, society, state, etc.) than this.



October 5, 2020 C.E. Dharma note














万法に証せらるるといふは、自己の身心および他己の身心をして 脱落せしむるなり。









2020共通年10月5日 法語

























The earth in the Milky Way:





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Four Limitlessnesses: 四無量(心)


The Four Brahma (Purity) Abodes or Limitlessnesses are friendship (mettā), compassion (karuṇā), joy (mudita), and equipoise (upekkhā). Equipoise is a neutral state (majjhatta-bhāva) standing for emptiness (suńńatā), nirvana (nibbāṇa: no-wind of karma), a discarding or disregarding (of karma: neither pain nor pleasure, etc.: literal meaning of upekkhā). Upekṣā (Skt. for Pali: upekkhā) means to overlook (ignore and look over karma, transcended, clearly penetrated in its nature).


Sometimes upekkhā is translated as equanimity, as in equinox (identified as nirvana, the yonder shore: higan 彼岸). It is equal in day and night, but not equal (or balanced) in heat and chill (not equal in, but neither pain nor pleasure, as mentioned in the first paragraph). Upekkhā is the last limb of the Seven Awakening Limbs and manifests in (the third and) fourth stages of the Four Jhānas (Meditations). These show that it is the unconditioned state of karma, i.e., nirvana.


The Buddha renounced his household life to solve the problem of suffering (birth, sickness, aging, death, etc.), and he finally solved it in his witnessing nirvana/awakening, penetrating into the nature of existence dependently originated on karma (past heredity, present habit, action with sense organs and objects, etc.), transcending the long night of nescience (a-vidyā /a-vijjā, fromvid, to witness/exist, existential witness, from which prognosis for how to live).


Witnessing and prognosticating existence ensures why, how, what, etc., to deal with our life in joy (of pure peace and prognosis), compassion (with the shared sufferings), and friendship (with all karma-created beings) from his awakening of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination (that all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions of karma). The Bodhisattva Way is pure and limitless, free and full, unhindered by karma (The Triple Poisons, etc.).



September 27, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


四梵住(Brahmavihāra: 清浄住)即ち四無量(心)(appamaññā/apramāṇya)は慈(mettā), 悲(karuā), 喜(mudita), 捨 (upekkhā)です。捨は空(suññatā/śūnyatā), 涅槃 (nibbāa/nirvāa業の無風)意味する中(立)状態(majjhatta-bhāva)で、(upekkhāの字義である不苦不楽など業の)捨・無視す。(パーリ語upekkhāの梵語upekā)は上視(業を無視・超視し、超越し、明瞭にその本性を洞察)することです。




仏陀は(傷病老死などの)苦の問題を解決するために出家し、(過去の遺伝、現在の習慣、感覚器官と対称の行動の)業により縁起した存在の本性を洞察して、無明(語源vidは直証・存在する、存在を直証し、そこから如何に生きるかの般若:智慧が得られるが、それの無い状態a-vidyā /a-vijjā)無明の長夜を乗り超えて、涅槃/覚醒を直証して遂に解決したのです。




2020共通年9月27日 法語















Steller Nursaries


Where Stars Born




Posted in Four Limitlessnesses, Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment

Wholly Wholesome Way World: 全体健全な方途世界


I received a picture of the red sky of San Francisco, taken from my son’s home window. Also we saw a video of the wildfire burning just a block away from a Zen teacher in Oregon. I posted it on our blog sites as “the World Is Ablaze!” reminded of the Buddha’s teaching, observing actual burning fire, given to the multitude of his newly converted fire-followers – that the eyes are ablaze, the ears, etc., ablaze. We are on the verge of the “destruction of the world” by humans as the Buddha warned, starting his mission to avoid it. We must know what humanity, life, etc., is to solve our urgent problem.


We have definitions of human nature or characteristics of homo sapiens, homo socialis, home faber, home symbolicum, etc. We may roughly assign truth (language, science), goodness (morality, ethics), beauty (art, technology), and holiness (philosophy, religion) to them. These enabled humans to survive, prosper, and dominate the globe, but also to destroy it into extinction any time now. Hominids developed their heads (esp. brains) and limbs (esp. hands) to evolve their minds and bodies, languages and tools, developing sciences and technologies, extending their mental scope and physical sphere.


Humans thus developed civilization (urbanization, from civitas, cf. citadel: walled city), fighting for matter and might (represented by money) for wealth and utility, creating colonies, classes, wars, wreckage, etc. To solve these problems, they started a spiritual or culture revolution with the heart for harmony (esp. religions, from religare: reunion with holiness: wholly wholesome way world), clarifying and cultivating human nature. The Awakened Way was to awaken to it, especially the fundamental problem of karma (action, habit, heredity), especially its Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion).


Our delusion of the (self-same, self-sovereign) Self (leading to divisiveness and desire) creates negative // positive, enemy // friend, etc., but awakening to karma allows perspective for all in one world, a spectrum from white to black, zero to infinity, etc., about things (still/animate), values (good / bad, truth / goodness / beauty / holiness), etc. Through cultivation we create culture, beyond animal life with its survival instinct. Religions have tried to reunite to holiness from sin. Their ideal figure is “friend” (Mitra, Mithra, Messiah, Maitreya, etc.). We need such ones with holiness in all spheres (society, politics, economy, etc.).


September 19, 2020 C.E. Dharma note






人間達はこうして、豊富と利便の為に物と力(金に代表)を求めて争い、植民地、階級、戦争、破壊などを生み、文明(civilizationはcivitas 都市に由来し「都市化」の事, 参考citadel 城市:城壁に囲まれた都市)を発展させました。これらの問題を解決する為に人間達は調和(特に宗教:religionはreligareに由来し聖即ち全体健全な方途・世界に再結合する宗教が前衛)の為に心で精神革命即ち文化革命を始めました。覚道はそれに目覚め、特に業(行為、習慣、遺伝)、中でもその三毒の根本問題に目覚める事でした。


私達の(自己同一、自己主宰である)自我の迷妄(これは分離と欲望に導く)はマイナス/プラス、敵/友など(完全な分離・別物という考え)を生みますが、(それ言語・感情など)業(によるものと)の覚醒は一切が一つの世界であり、物(生物・動物)、価値(善・惡、真・善・美・聖)などの白から黒まで、ゼロから無限までなどのスペクトル(連続体)であるという視野を可能にします。修養によって、生存本能(のみ)の動物生活を越えて、(それを超越する真善美聖など)文化を生みます。宗教は罪(分離病患)から聖への再結合を試みて来ました。その理想的像は友(Mitra, Mithra, Messiah, Maitreya、弥勒など)です。私達は(社会、政治、経済など)あらゆる分野でその様な人々を必要としています。


2020共通年9月19日 法語







This picture was taken about 9:30 a.m.







The above picture was taken about 11:55 a.m.

“Notice how bright the room light is in comparison to the light from the window.”

(The above notes are my son’s.)


















Posted in Wholly Wholesome Way/World | Leave a comment

The World Is Ablaze! 世界は燃える!

The following is a report by a Zen teacher on fire in Talent, Oregon, who visited her son’s family there next to the wild fire. The fire is so close to them, us, and the people of the world. It reminds us all of the Buddha’s teaching, observing the actual fire with the multitude of his disciples:

“The World Is Ablaze!”






Thank you everyone, for your concern about how we are doing in Oregon.  Everyone is still well at the monastery. Four people have left, to go be with family, and four people have entered, with either negative Covid tests or two weeks of quarantine.


Hogen and I have just returned from Talent, Oregon, where our middle son, Noah, lives with his wife and 10 year old son Vajra. Below is the bulletin about why we broke quarantine to go support them, with videos attached. We will get Covid tests today (free as part of a study through Rite Aid pharmacies) and quarantine at the monastery until the results are back.



——————-Sunday, Sept 13, 2020  BULLETIN ——————-


Hogen and I are in Talent, Oregon for two days where our son Noah and his family live. It is one of four small towns decimated by fire in Oregon.



The smoke is very thick here, visibility about one block.



We got a call on Tuesday that they were leaving their house because winds of 35-to 45 miles an hour were driving a fire up the I 5 freeway. They had gone to a gas station on the freeway and saw that Vajra’s best friend’s house was on fire. They were the last people to get gas. The station closed, was rapidly overcome by fire, with a large propane tank exploding. They ascertained that their friends has escaped with a backpack each and then saw the fire jump the freeway to the side where they live.



They drove home, packed a few things and spent the night in a friend’s driveway in their van, with 6 bunnies, a cat and a fish in a small tank. When they went home the next morning they discovered a fire raging in the trailer park 200 feet from their house. Their home was saved partly by the straight path of the winds and by an air drop of retardant on the house between theirs and the trailer park.



I am attaching one video of the burning trailer park 200 feet from their home. I will send the other video — of the retardant drop one house away from Noah’s separately as they make a file too big for some of the Zen list serves to accept.



An estimated 500 homes burned in Talent and 1,000 in Phoenix, a small town just to the north. We packed up boxes of clothing and shoes from the monastery, canned food, and blankets, and drove down to donate to the evacuees and check on how our grandson was doing emotionally. We took him to see his best friend at a motel, and he gave her three of his stuffed animals. One was a small dog she has been partial to. She clutched them to her chest and keened, close to tears.  Her house was burned to the ground as are all the others in the path of the fire. A new apartment complex had nothing left but the metal stairways.



We helped our son get a generator and masks effective against smoke. Their water came back on when we were there. Internet cables burned, so no internet. There are about 300 electric power poles burned through and downed, with burned frayed electric lines on the ground everywhere, so it may be over a week before they have electricity again. They can share the generator with neighbors.



Visibility in the thick, acrid smoke is about one and a half blocks, in Talent as well as Portland, and all the way along our 5 hour freeway drive between the two. Portland is like a ghost town, no one out of doors because of the smoke, most shops including coffee shops, closed.



Noah’s family has rescued a burned cat and a chicken and rooster with burned feet from the charred remains of the trailer park next door. They took them to a vet and have found the owners through Facebook. We walked through the trailer park where rivers of melted aluminum have flowed from the wheels of burned out cars, windshields melted, tires evaporated except for bundles of wire from ‘steel belts.’ Nothing, absolutely nothing, left of 175 homes that could be salvaged.



It’s apocalyptic, such clear evidence of impermanence.  Who and what is destroyed is up to cause and effect.



Rejoice that you are still alive, still have shelter and loved ones, are still able to practice and keep a stable heart/mind so you can respond to what comes forward and help others.








Trailer park burning 200 feet from Noah’s home




Wide View Trailer Park Torched 9/13/20








Rivers of Aluminum Melted under Burnt Cars






Pink Retardant Did Not Prevent Total Destruction 9/13/20




—– Correspondence between us, beside which have been many other ones—–



Dear Chozen-san,


Thank you for your detailed report and video

about the fire in Talent, OR, where your child

and grandchild live in the hard situations to 

where you visited to take care of them as well

as those devastated by the fire.






I saw the video and was shocked by the fire 

so near to you, us, and all the people on this

globe, truly as the Buddha said, “The world is

on fire!” I’d like to share your report and with

the video with my family, friends, our sangha.






Please take good care of yourself, your family,

and your son’s family as well as your sangha!





Wishing you and Hogen-san good report on the

COVID-19 test and good news about your son’s










Thank you, Rosan, for your kind note.

You may share the videos and photos with anyone.

It has to be seen to be believed. Like a war zone.





Pink retardant did not prevent total destructio…




Did you get the video of the fire burning the trailer park?

Attached if not.




Our son and his family have gone out tonight to look through the rubble to find any more pets that survived.




It was so pitiful to see the cat with burned paws and fur half singed off. And the chicken and rooster with burned feet they rescued.  And to see how tenderly my daughter-in-law and grandson tended them. 






We each help where we can. 





Yes, I got it and watched it, then posted in our

sangha website:


I took the liberty to quote our correspondence

for the readers to know the sad situations of

other species also.










Posted in World Ablaze | Leave a comment

Triple Learnings:三学

Religion developed from tribal, to regional, to world, to universal religions, reuniting to holiness (wholeness) a tribe, a region, the world, and all beings. The Awakened Way embraces all dharmas (truths/ethics: living beings, sciences, technologies, etc.). Its standard prognosis and practice are the Four Truths and the Eight Holy Ways. The former is suffering (problems), its cause, its solution, and the way to the solution identified as the latter. We have the Four Sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death and the Eight Sufferings of these four plus not attaining the desired, losing the beloved, meeting the hated, and the raging of the Five Components.


The cause is our thirst (as if wanting to drink even sea water, which makes one more thirsty: taṅhā/ṭṛṣṇā: Pal/Skt.) or desire (for survival), which is the direct cause of acquiring food, mates, matter, might, money, etc., listed as the first of the Three Poisons that is the prime mover for action, from which hatred (dosa/dveṣa, cf. duo/two) or divisiveness and nescience (avijjhā/avidyā) follow. These later two listed are the latent, deeper, indirect causes, but not the direct causes for action. The last one is called the beginningless nescience, because a “separate self” sense seems inborn or latent, though actually it is acquired later, through our growth.


Animals learn “the self-sense” from the separate body, through movement, and humans with the use of language fortify it with the constant use of “I, my, me, mine,” etc. – I-maker (aham-kāra: ego-pride). This ego-pride creates all kinds of problems in the world – egoism, tribalism, nationalism, racism, homo-centrism, chauvinisim, fascism, dictatorship, discrimination, exploitation, extermination, etc. So, this fundamental nescience must be solved to solve all problems by stopping our movement – concretely sitting still and solid, like a tree or mountain. That is why Za-zen, siting meditation, is crucial to attain awakening in nirvana.


Nirvana means no-wind (of karma) as in the “lamp-light in no-wind” (nivāte padīpa), where the light illuminates the surroundings with no flickering. In Zazen, one can illuminate the world in no karma (physical motion / mental commotion) calmly and clearly. There one can witness the world without discrimination and dichotomy (ego-other separation, ego-centered bias, etc.). In this state one can have prognosis (prajňā: insight/foresight/solution) as well as morality (sīla, lit. pillar, solid state, straightened character: no killing, stealing, lying, etc.), the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration (samādhi), and prognosis being provided.


September 12, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note: The Five Components are those of a person (originally, but later applied to any and all phenomena: dharamas) to analyze the so-called “self,” if it is permanent (self-same) or not, independent (self-sovereign) or not: forms/phenomena (rūpa), feelings (vedanā), ideas (saňňā/saṁjňā),formations (saṅkāra/saṁskāra), consciousness (vińṅāṇ/vijňāṇa).






その原因は私達の渇き(飲めば更に渇く海水でも飲みたいという欲望にかられるような渇くような愛欲: tahā/ṭṛṣṇā: パーリ語/梵語)即ち(生き残りたい)欲望で、食物、相棒、物、力、金などを獲得する直接因で、三毒の最初に挙げられ、嫌悪(dosa/dvea, cf. duo/two/二より)即ち差別と無明(avijjhā/avidyā)が続き(三毒の列挙になり)ます。これら列挙の後の二つは潜伏し、更に深く、間接的因であえり、行動への直接因ではありません。最後のものは、「分離した自己」の感覚は、実際には成長するにつれて後に獲得されたものですが、生まれつきに潜伏していた様に見える為に、無始の無明と呼ばれます。




涅槃は、灯火が動揺せずに周囲を照らす「無風での灯火」(nivāte padīpa)のように(業の)無風状態を意味します。坐禅において人は静寂明澄の中に業(身体的動作/精神的動揺)なしで世界を照明(証明)出来るのです。そこで人は差別/二項対立(自他座別、自己中心的偏見など)なしに世界を直証出来るのです。この状態(定:止静/静慮/禅定)で人は戒(sīla, 字義は柱:泰然:確立した性格:不殺生・不偸盗・不虚言など)と共に智慧(般若)を得ることが出来(戒定慧の三学完備す)るのです。


2020共通年9月12日 法語


註: 五蘊は (元は)「自己」を、それが恒常(自己同一)か否か、独立(自己主宰)か否かを分析するためのものでしたが(後には一切現象:dharamas) にも適用されました: 色/色形/形態/現象(rūpa), 受/感受/感覚(vedanā), 想/思想/観念(saňňā/saṁjňā), 行/行動/動作/身口意三業 (saṅkāra/saṁskāra), 識/意識/識別 (vińṅāṇ/vijňāṇa).





































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Garyo’s Hike at High Alps Last Weekend

Dösner Lake in the Hohe Tauern in Carinthia

Arthur von Schmid Haus

Looking back into the valley

Walking up a field of boulders

A waterfall we had to cross

Water rushing down from everywhere

Moss saturated by rain water

Two waterfalls joining to one

The whole mountain with flames of fog and mist

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