Holy Happy New Year!

Dear all,

                              Holy Happy New Year!

  From Rosan

  1. https://www.americangreetings.com/pickup?token=s9d00b77f-d0c3-4fed-b505-181bcf296f00
  2. https://www.americangreetings.com/pickup?rr=y&m=&token=r49420de7-5e4c-4871-a921-d5ccff963af7&pn=prod3360781&utm_medium=pickup&utm_source=share&utm_campaign=receiver
Dear all,
A new day and the New Year was welcomed today on the peak of the mountain in Phoenix. With this celebration, I wish you, your family and the Sangha a  Happy New Year, a year full of joy, friendship, togetherness, health and beauty.
From Garyo
Garyo’s video of the people playing music toward the New Year’s rising sun:

Click to Download and play

0 Byte



I wrote to Gary asking if the players are native Americans,

as I thought their clothes look like native Japanese, Ainu.

I received her reply to my question as follows:



“Thank you for posting  the ceremony on your blog.

 Nearly every morning since March 2020, the Japanese Taiko drummer

Ken Koshio walks up to Piestewa Peak to greet the sun with his drumming. When I first came to Phoenix on Dec. 17,

I was up very early and walked up to the peak. At this time, I witnessed his drumming the first time. Ever since,

I walk up nearly every morning to be part of his powerful ceremony. He is an peace activist and performs with his group in many places of the world.

Yesterday, he performed a typical New Year’s ceremony in his dojo, where I was invited to be part of it. I filmed part of it.

I am so impressed how he manifests pure power, vitality and strength in a very positive way. I try to send you the movie I made yesterday.

The people standing beside him is his partner Eriko, playing flute – she works in the administration of the Japanese garden.

The other one with the flute is his son and the guy with the drum is his best student, who is also a teacher.

Ken works together with Hopi and Navajo Indians and also performs with them. Therefore, his performance is a mix between Japanese Native American traditions.”


Drumming at the Dojo:

Click to Download

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Human Laws and Universal Dharma:人間規則と普遍法


Today is Christmas Day, celebrated with lighted Christmas trees, which were borrowed from an older tradition of the tree festival, celebrating the coming new year after the winter solstice. Tree and true (dharma) came from the root of dhṝ, enduring, as trees can endure ten thousand years. Trees have been admired, and old large trees have been adored as divine, for their greatness and longevity since ancient times.


The Buddha’s Dharma was first symbolized by trees, then Dharma wheels, to prevail throughout the world. He was awakened under a tree, later called the bodhi-tree, and dearly remembered many great trees as beautifully sweet, madhura, in his last journey, probably with annexed shrines, where he could stay and shelter overnight. He took his parinirvana, complete nirvana, under the twin trees with Ananda.


Trump has been giving pardons to more than two scores of his relatives and related servants, many of them already convicted as guilty or will be, and is suspected to give it to himself. Here we see how the human law and the universal Dharma (truth/ethic) deal and decide for the world at large. Human laws have often been made by the politically powerful, not the philosophically or prognostically prominent.


The Buddha was awakened in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination and provided us with the ethical codes of the Five Precepts, etc., which were incorporated into the Global Ethic. We will and must know the world system is in the Dharma, and we must follow the Global Ethic, avoiding old mistakes of human laws with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction.


Trump has the delusion of selfishness, leading to the Triple Poisons and the Five Calamities, misusing human laws – this is unimaginable for ordinary people, much less for trees. If we remain in the Dharma like trees, without sins (selfish sickness), we can enjoy the holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness of the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace through the Triple Learnings.



December 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. The Triple Poisons are delusion, desire, and divisiveness. The Triple Learnings are morality, concentration, and prognosis, encountering the Triple Poisons. The former originates on causes (individual karma: body/mind) and conditions (social, environmental situations: object/relations). The latter is to reorient and rearrange these to shift and shape a new individual, social, and environmental world.


  1. Paradigm Shirt:
















2020共通年12月25日 法記














Tulip tree at white Christmas 2020 C.E. in Washington State











Spruce at white Christmas



The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho Davis, our member and editor.

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Paradigm Shift: 枠組転換


When Trump became president, the Doomsday Clock moved closer and closer, 2.5 to 2 minutes, then only 100 seconds, to catastrophic midnight, due to his failures in nuke winter, global warming, etc. His ignorance and ignoring made the U.S. the world’s worst in Covid-19 infections, death, etc. (4% of the world’s population, but more than 20% of infections and deaths), while he devoted himself to baseless election fraud lawsuits, rejected by state and federal courts, and golf. This endangers and damages not only the U.S., but the whole world.


This danger and damage is fundamentally due to his karma, especially the Triple Poisons of delusion, divisiveness, and desire, but also the human system of the Five Fictitious Modern Players: nation, corporation, media, religion, and education. Politicians’ evil karma of breaking the Dharma (truth/ethic), creating dictatorships, is prevalent, making the world worse with nuclear winter, global warming, mass extinction, wars, refugees, poverty, starvation, and manipulation of corporations, media, religion, and education, mobilizing masses of people.


The Triple Revolutions of information, democratization, and globalization, however, are countering the extremely dangerous system situations. World news spreads globally, instantaneously, organizing more networks and movements, globalizing data and democracy. People become more awakened and active, sharing information, democracy, and globalism, though a limited number of them become misled and misused by fake news, false politicians, and frivolous media, etc. No one can go against the Dharma and gain good results from a-Dharma.


Humans and human systems are only a part of the Universe and its systems, whose universal law is the Dharma. Religion means religare, reunion with the holy (wholly wholesome way/world), which provides universal Dharma and a global system ethic. We must shift our manmade, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical, Indra-net culture, with a global system ethic of no killing life, no stealing material base, no lying in the social fabric, and no misconduct in generational justice, and with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.


December 17, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1: 27 Things You Can Do to Build “Peace on Earth”:


2. Paradigm Shift:

2. 枠組転換:











2020共通年12月17日 法記



2. 枠組転換:


















The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor of this site.



The following pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Genko Daishin (Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka), Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan,

our regular contributor of his pictures.






Mt. Fuji, 3776m above sea level, is seen in the center (blue cone)















Hoken-dake, Mt. Treasure Sword (highest peak, 2431m above sea level)






















Hoken-dake, Mt. Treasure Sword (highest one)
















This picture was taken from the cable car.


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Buddha’s Awakening Day: 仏成道(覚醒)日


December 8 has been celebrated throughout northern Buddhist countries as the Buddha’s awakening day for twenty-five centuries. The awakening was said to be to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, the Four Holy Truths, etc. The first truth is the fundamental one, and the others are applications of it. It is basically same with the law of causation, but it is wider in application and more detailed in emphasizing conditions, not only objective and physical ones, but also subjective and  psychological ones.


The Four Holy Truths are compared to a medical prognosis, but they are more comprehensive and wider in application to any issues and presentations. ”The truth of suffering” is the reality of existence due to the Dharma, which denies self-sameness (impermanence) and self-sovereignty (suffering, du-kkha, wrong-going, going against one’s wishes of permanence and pleasure).  The Triple Poisons come from not recognizing this fact of life, death, disappointment, despair, etc.


””The truth of the cause of suffering” lies in wishes or desires. The wider and deeper causes are the Triple Poisons, which come from karma. ””The truth of the cessation of the cause of suffering” lies in nirvana, stilling karma, which can be done by still sitting (zen, concentration), which is perfected with the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. The practice of still sitting stills sinful actions, and is conducive to concentration and prognosis, to selfless (sinless), holy (wholly wholesome) wisdom.


”The truth of the path leading to the cessation of the cause of suffering” lies in the Six Perfections, the Seven Awakening Limbs, the Eight Holy Paths or the Eight Great Person’s Awakening, etc., including the Triple Concentration Limbs of right mindfulness, striving, and concentration. These are right paths and holy paths to live in the Dharma (truth/ethic) and to enjoy holy harmony, health, and happiness in the Two Paths of Prognosis and Practice, going beyond the Triple Poisons and karma.


The Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no falsehood, and no intoxicants are observed by all Buddhists, both householders and renouncers, and are prerequisite to the Triple Concentration Limbs, without which right mindfulness, striving, and concentration are impossible. The Dharma dictates the truth, like the Hayabusa 2 hitting a 12m diameter area of the asteroid Ryūgū, more than 350,000,000 km away, and collecting subsurface rocks and returning the sample capsule to us.


The six years’ travel to Ryūgū, Dragon Palace, bringing the Tamatebako, Treasure Casket, observing hundreds of thousands of rocks, landing by trial and error, checking a hundred thousand possible accidents, and finally obtaining key materials to solve the origin of life, was like the six years’ striving of the Buddha to attain awakening, and choosing the right way to solve the source of suffering and the solution for it: karma and stilling karma. This was the unprecedented, unsurpassable great achievement of all living beings.


The unprecedented, extraordinary falsehoods of Trump, involving the whole world, created a post-truth period. His falsehoods have been debunked by fact checks and established democratic systems – the election, the judiciary, the media, vox populi, etc. Truth prevails throughout the total history of the universe. Truth can be found and applied to present the past, prescribe the present, and predict the future, unlike falsehoods that fail reality and real effects. “Only truth wins.” Only the Dharma wins.


December 8, 2020 C.E.  Dharma note

Note: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayabusa2

















2020共通年12月8日 法記















































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor.




The following pictures were taken at Komagadake, Mt. Koma, and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan.













































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Vox Populi Vox Pana, Pasada, Pannatti: 民の声は命、和、心の声



The present pandemic has shown the truth of life over money. Wherever money is preferred, life is lost severely, as in the US, Japan, and Sweden (cp. other Nordic countries). Trump ignored COVID-19, making the US the worst country in calamities, while devoting himself to baseless election fraud lawsuits, getting donations, golfing, and endangering not only democracy, but life itself.


Biden, president-elect, knows life, having lost family members and almost his own life. He wants to unify the country and, hopefully, the world. He has chosen a staff diverse in gender, race, etc. His unifying power can abolish nukes and wars, which depends on the power of people. If masses of people want a peaceful world, they can achieve it. The people’s voice is the paramount voice.


All over the world the sea-change from a pyramidal civilization to a life Indra-net culture is observed with the vox populi vox pāṇa, the voice of people is the voice of life. Life is a system wrought through the billions of years of the universe. The law of it is expressed in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions.


Vox populi vox pasāda, the voice of people is the voice of harmony. Harmony is a system brought about by the myriad beings of the universe. The law of it is illuminated and illustrated by Awakened Ones in peace and prognosis, nirvana and prajńā, realized in a serene, settled state in the Dharma beyond the Triple Poisons of delusion, divisiveness, and desire of human karma.


Vox populi vox pańńatti, the voice of people is the voice of recognition of law and its enactment (truth/ethic). The law of it is the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. All beings, sat-tā, are in it and recognize “Only truth, sat-tva or Dharma, wins.” Human success or failure depends on it and determines the fate of all beings in the universe, and whether we can solve the global problematique.


November 29, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note: Paradigm Shift:

「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift







世界中にvox populi vox pāṇa民の声は命の声、による金字塔文明から命帝網文化への潮目変化が観られる。命は宇宙の何十億年を閲して練り上げられた体系である。その法は、一切の現象は直接原因と間接条件に縁って共に生起したものであるという、因縁生起(縁起)の法で表現される。


Vox populi vox pasāda民の声は和の声である。和は宇宙の森羅万象によってもたらされた体系である。その法は覚者達によって照明され体現され、平和と智慧、即ち涅槃と般若、の中に人間の業の貪瞋痴の三毒を越えた法に清澄な安住した状態で実現された。


Vox populi vox pańńatti民の声は法とその行動(真理・倫理)の認識の声である。その法は縁起の法である。一切存在、sat-tā, はその中にあり、「真理, sat-tvaのみ勝つ」ことを認識する。人間の成功か失敗はそれに依存し、宇宙の一切存在の運命と私達が地球問題群を解決するか否かを決める。


Note: 枠組転換:

「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift























Moving Earth Now:

Overview _ Earth – NASA Solar System Exploration










Posted in Paradigm shift, People Power | Leave a comment

Five Day Pilgrimage from Vienna to Mariazell, Pt. 3


Five Day Pilgrimage from Vienna to Mariazell



The next two days to Mariazell were basically a stroll through solitary nature. Without hardly any elevation change, the about thirty miles of walk allowed a lot of resting time, looking and listening.


For hundred of years, the dense forest was the only source of income for the people living in this area. This was commemorated by a little outdoor museum. The museum showed glimpses of the hard life of woodcutters and charcoal makers. A charming chapel for pilgrims was beside the museum. The walls were covered by squared paintings celebrating life and nature.








Via Sacra Chapel








Inside the chapel








Looking into the humble living space of woodcutter and charcoal makers







Another home



Before we passed this museum, we stopped at an inn called Kalte Kuchl (cold kitchen). It is located on a major crossroad leading in three directions. The inn goes back to the 15th century. It is the destination of motorcycles – what a contrast to the otherwise undisturbed nature!








Kalte Kuchl Inn










Only a few people live in this area. Most of the time, the path is unpaved and in harmony with the surroundings.







Typical path



The amount of wayside shrines increased the closer we came to Mariazell.








A baroque wayside shrine with shingled roof










Mary and Child on a column, surrounded by a circle








Like on many pilgrimage paths, pilgrims donate little rocks on certain places








Collection of little rocks donated



Often, we walked beside a creek. It was nice listening to the sound of water.








One of many creeks









Abundance of water










About 100 years ago, a lake was constructed 10 miles before Mariazell, the Hubertussee.  The clear, still water reflected the surrounding mountains perfectly. I could not resist the temptation to jump into the ice-cold mountain water – it was so refreshing!
















A charming chapel dedicated to the 15th century Swiss Saint Nicholaus of Flühe overlooking the lake








A typical mountain spring along the way




It was already dark when we arrived at Mariazell. The town is dominated by the 17th century baroque Basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Although I made photos, my friend provided a photo she made in May with the full moon above.









Basilica of Mariazell with full moon

[photo provided by Gabriele Moser (copyright, 2020)]



We spent the next day in Mariazell and went to the grotto to give thanks for a successful pilgrimage.








Hundreds of candles illuminate and warm up the grotto



I also bought the famous gingerbread of Mariazell for presents at home.  As a fun activity, we climbed the “ladder to heaven” which leaned against the gothic entrance of the Basilica (we asked for permission to get on the ladder). Next year, we plan to walk the same route in the reverse direction.







Way up to Heaven








Sigrid and I in front of the Basilica  



Thank you so much for walking with me on this pilgrimage. It was a real pleasure to share my experience.






Posted in Pilgrimage | Leave a comment

Five Day Pilgrimage to Mariazell, Pt. 2


Five Day Pilgrimage to Mariazell




The third day of the pilgrimage was the most challenging of the entire hike. The 16 mile distance included two mountains over 3000 feet high. In addition, I did not eat anything since the start of the pilgrimage, as my family doctor recommended fasting for cleansing the body.  I still had to take antibiotics for treating Borreliose I got by a tic bite. I was quite concerned that I would stress the body too much.


I left the inn by early morning. My friend Sigrid did not join this day. She was recovering from several weeks in the hospital and had to be careful with her health.


The day started with magical impressions of nature – sparkling dewdrops covered spider webs, grasses and flowers, making each little plant the most precious thing on earth.








Just a tiny part of a meadow and so beautiful







Spider webs soaked with dewdrops were resting  all over the meadow on grass blades








A thistle with two buds and a blossom








Miracle of nature



My first destination before the climb up to Kieneck mountain was the 12th century castle Aaraburg. I had apple juice with sparkling water in the café before I started to hike up the mountain.







Aaraburg in the distance




For hours, I went along the mountain ridge up the mountain and did not meet a single person. Again, the nature was magical.













Powerful roots covered the mountainous path




The colors of flowers are even more brilliant, the higher they grow








Interesting mushroom formations




The view of the surrounding mountains was spectacular – you can see untouched forests all the way to the horizon. This land is very protected, because Vienna gets its water supply from here.










When I arrived at a mountaintop called Reingupf, I did not see anymore trail markers and checked my phone navigator about the distance to the mountain Kieneck. It showed that Kieneck was several hours walk away. I was shocked – did I make such a mistake? I did not have a good enough map to look where I was and decided to go back to catch the last public bus.


When I climbed down the steep mountain path for a while, I met two hikers coming up. They assured me that I was on the right path. They had downloaded the entire pilgrimage on their Iphone, which was a smart thing to do. I asked if I could hike with them and they agreed. So I hiked the same way up again.








Walking together along the ridge




Several minutes before 3 pm we arrived at the Enzianhütte. We were so lucky that we arrived just minutes before they closed. All three of us did not have enough water with us for the day’s hike.








Terrace of the Enzianhütte








View from the terrace of the Enzianhütte




We continued our hike to the next mountain, Unterberg. The mountain inn was closed. We were happy that we had stocked up on our water supply. Because of the porous limestone, there are no natural springs on the mountain.


Again, the view down into the valleys and lower mountains was spectacular. We passed a charming little chapel called “Maria Einsiedl” with the replica of Virgin Mary of Mariazell. The inside of the chapel looked like the inside of an old-fashioned train wagon.








Wooden chapel Maria Einsiedl








View of the chapel inside









Intimate relation between a stone and a tree








My two saviors getting water at the first spring we encountered




After the Unterberg Mountain, we started the long descent down to the village Rohr im Gebirge. We hiked many hours in the dark and arrived at 10 pm at our hotel. On this day, I had hiked for 14 hours without taking any food. I was amazed that my body had even more energy than usual.





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Five Day Pilgrimage from Vienna to Mariazell, Pt.1

The following is contributed by Garyo, our member and favorite contributor of

her pilgrimage travelogues around the world here and in her publication:



Five Day Pilgrimage from Vienna to Mariazell


Since 800 years, the little town Mariazell in the Pre-Alps of Lower Austria is the destiny of many pilgrims. The reason is a little statue of the Virgin Mary carved out of linden tree wood, which is thought to work miracles. Hundred of years ago, Mariazell became the most important pilgrimage site for the Austrian monarchy. Even now, it is a beloved destination for Catholics of the former countries of the monarchy. Exactly 20 years ago, I walked to Mariazell with my sister, starting in her hometown, Mautern. This was my first pilgrimage. About two month ago, I hiked with my friend Sigrid on a different pilgrimage route to Mariazell. We started at a place south of Vienna called Perchtoldsdorf.






Gothic Church St. Augustin with a 15th century defense tower to the right and a baroque plague column between them






Gothic City Hall of Perchtholdsdorf (15th century)



From Perchtholdsdorf, we hiked through a forest of pine trees up to the Parapluieberg with a cabin on the top of the mountain. The little restaurant sold delicious food, but I was fasting and only had apple juice with sparkling water.







Cabin on the top of the Parapluieberg



On the slow descent down to the next village, we passed huge meadows full of purple Autumn Timeless flowers. With their gracious and fragile flower pedals, they are intriguing in their beauty, but also highly poisonous for human beings.














It was great to hike the pilgrimage with a dear friend. We both are lovers of nature and like to take our time to see the beauty of the area.







Sigrid and I in the village of Sittendorf








The way to Mariazell leads through the Vienna woods, an area of 25000 protected acres. Many wayside shrines exist along the pilgrimage path to Mariazell.







Cyclamen flowers love to grow in the Vienna woods



We also passed the Cistercian monastery of Heiligenkreuz (founded in the 12th century), a treasure of medieval architecture. Unfortunately, we did not have time for a visit, as the days were shorter and we still had many miles to hike.





Stift Heiligenkreuz with the west façade of the 13th century church

[photo provided by Gabriele Moser, (copyright 2020)]



We continued our walk to Mayerling, famous for the tragedy happening in 1889. Crown Prince Rudolf, the only son of emperor Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, committed suicide with his mistress Mary Vetsera in the hunting lodge. Nothing is left from that time; the emperor ordered the immediate destruction of the lodge.





In this charming wooden cabin called Holzschlag (cutting of timber) we stayed overnight. It is located in the middle of a forest area.



The next day, we continued our hike to the village Kaumberg , a hike of about 15 miles. However, we decided to do a two-hour detour up to the famous climbing mountain Peilstein. It was worth the effort






Way up to Peilstein with typical Vienna forest beech trees






Mosses grow on trees, rocks and the ground – a magical landscape







The view from the top of the mountain into the valley was phenomenal!







The Peilsteinhaus, a popular inn for climbers and hikers









We continued our hike through forests and meadows. The landscape already had an alpine flair.






A family of mushrooms on a rotten tree



This year has had many rainy days – a paradise for mushrooms. The parasol mushrooms especially liked this climate.






Some of the mushrooms collected by a mushroom hunter



The parasol was one of the favorite mushrooms in my childhood. They look like little, gracious umbrellas on the forest ground.






Parasol mushroom



On our way, we passed the Druidenstone, a magical place.  It was a place where we read poems from John O’Donahue to each other. I brought his book “Bless the Space between us” with me for this hike.














Even two cows seemed to listen to the poems




At this point, we decided to continue our hike barefoot. It was great to feel the ground under our feet. However, we walked far too slow for the distance we had to go.







Walking barefoot







The photo of this wayside shrine shows the meaning of the Virgin Mary for me –    

the vast sky and the crowns of trees are taking over her upper body and head.   

The Virgin Mary for me is the manifestation of the entire universe.




We stopped at a former Benedictine monastery called Kleinmariazell. The 12th century Romanesque Basilica is a real architectural treasure. We also admired the former cloister, now a beautiful, romantic garden.







Cloister of Kleinmariazell






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Fiction and Reality: 仮想と現実


Yuval Noah Harari said, “Homo sapiens will disappear in a century or so.” He thinks the species rose due to creating society by fiction. He suggests its demise either by fiction – destroying the globe – or its genes. Homo sapiens’ rise and fall is by fiction, as it is said that those who live by the sword will die by it.


Francis Bacon wrote about the four idola, idols, of cave, market place, theatre, and species, which I’ve made into the five Sapiens Syndromes of Self, Society, State, Species, and Symbolism. These syndromes increasingly endanger not only the human species, but all species and the entire global life system.


Trump and his society represent the danger of them with erroneous ego, credulous clans, stolen states, fictitious fundamentalism, and sick symbolism. He refuses reality, launches lies, mobilizes mobs, creates coups, and devises dictatorship and, cornered, may even wipe out all life by the button of nukes.


The five Sapiens Syndromes are fictions. We must be awakened to the Dharma of all dharmas that all are interdependently originated on causes and conditions. We need to follow science instead of old beliefs, and to follow the fundamental ethic as summed up in the Global Ethic of no killing, stealing, lying, etc.


Ethic, from ethos, custom, develops as societies expand. The present day ethic, limited by nationalism, must become a global one – no killing, stealing, etc. of all. It should be extended to other nations to avoid nukes, wars, etc., and hopefully extended to all living beings on earth as the Awakened Way deems.


The five major modern players of nation, corporation, media, religion, and education are fictions, related and relative, rising and falling. They are not absolute and should not be dictatorships. These are only a part of the larger global, solar, and universal systems existing a hundred billion years or more.


Life, heart, and harmony are greater and more valuable than money, matter, and might. Wise people like Gotama, Isiah, et al., lived in holiness, happiness, peace, poverty, contentment, and compassion without the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion and the Triple Madness of money, matter, and might.


Each and every one is a part and parcel of such systems in space and time, making all living beings equally valuable in objective views and values, so to speak, being billions-year-old universal beings, nothing lacking nor superfluous. Don’t look outside, but inside, for limitless life and light, is always good advice.



November 15, 2020 C.E. Dharma note

















2020共通年11月15日 法記






























The above pictures were taken and sent by Erin Daiho, our member and blog editor.









Lotus Life Light from Pinterest








Pinterest picture by Jeh (J. E.) Bruce, SF/F author

M 81 (Bode’s Galaxy), M 82 (Cigar Galaxy) and part of IFN, Messier 81 (Bode’s Galaxy or NGC 3031) and Messier 82 (Cigar Galaxy or NGC 3034) are respectively spiral and starburst galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.This couple is seen through the faint glow of an Integrated Flux Nebulae (or IFN). Credit: Emil Ivanov

Hummingbird Video: ハチドリ ビデオ:



Posted in Dharma, Karma, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Paramount Sapiens Paradigm Shift: 最高智慧の枠組転換


From early in the morning until late at night on Nov. 7, U.S. cities were thronged with joyful people celebrating Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. All over the world people had been watching the presidential race in the pandemic, and they celebrated with the joy of relief from the unpredictable unethical maneuvers of the latter. This was a replay of Obama winning over Bush a dozen years ago, the joy of a new president of color, now echoed in a female V.P. of color, Kamala Harris.


The people of the US and the globe are relieved of Trump’s egoistic behaviors and “America First” policies. Joe Biden, in his victory speech, said that solving the pandemic problem and unifying this divided nation are the first priorities at present. These two issues are the greatest urgent issues to be resolved all over the world – life and equality, which will solve the global problematique, interrelated global problems like global warming, pandemic, pollution, poverty, starvation, mass extinction, etc.


Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize for his declaration to abolish nuclear weapons, though it was left unachieved. His then vice president Biden can accomplish it, solving the greatest and most urgent problem. The World BEYOND War is building billboards in many cities, saying that “3% of Our Military Budget Can Solve Starvation.” If all nations shifted their military budgets to saving life and supporting living, we could shift our present paradigm to a new one.


The Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination tells that all are dependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, thus all is related and relative. Life is equal, thus no one person or nation can annihilate all living beings with their global life systems. We must abolish egoism, nationalism, and nuclear weapons, which are against the universal fundamental truth/ethic. It is high time that we become true homo sapiens to save all beings in wholly wholesomeness.


November 8, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note: Paradigm Shift:












2020共通年11月8日 法記



「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift





















The above pictures were taken and sent by Erin Daiho, our member






The following pictures were sent by Pinterest































Posted in Paradigm shift, Peace | Leave a comment