Today is Christmas Day, celebrated with lighted Christmas trees, which were borrowed from an older tradition of the tree festival, celebrating the coming new year after the winter solstice. Tree and true (dharma) came from the root of dhṝ, enduring, as trees can endure ten thousand years. Trees have been admired, and old large trees have been adored as divine, for their greatness and longevity since ancient times.
The Buddha’s Dharma was first symbolized by trees, then Dharma wheels, to prevail throughout the world. He was awakened under a tree, later called the bodhi-tree, and dearly remembered many great trees as beautifully sweet, madhura, in his last journey, probably with annexed shrines, where he could stay and shelter overnight. He took his parinirvana, complete nirvana, under the twin trees with Ananda.
Trump has been giving pardons to more than two scores of his relatives and related servants, many of them already convicted as guilty or will be, and is suspected to give it to himself. Here we see how the human law and the universal Dharma (truth/ethic) deal and decide for the world at large. Human laws have often been made by the politically powerful, not the philosophically or prognostically prominent.
The Buddha was awakened in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination and provided us with the ethical codes of the Five Precepts, etc., which were incorporated into the Global Ethic. We will and must know the world system is in the Dharma, and we must follow the Global Ethic, avoiding old mistakes of human laws with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction.
Trump has the delusion of selfishness, leading to the Triple Poisons and the Five Calamities, misusing human laws – this is unimaginable for ordinary people, much less for trees. If we remain in the Dharma like trees, without sins (selfish sickness), we can enjoy the holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness of the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace through the Triple Learnings.
December 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma note
Note 1. The Triple Poisons are delusion, desire, and divisiveness. The Triple Learnings are morality, concentration, and prognosis, encountering the Triple Poisons. The former originates on causes (individual karma: body/mind) and conditions (social, environmental situations: object/relations). The latter is to reorient and rearrange these to shift and shape a new individual, social, and environmental world.
- Paradigm Shirt:
2020共通年12月25日 法記
Tulip tree at white Christmas 2020 C.E. in Washington State
Spruce at white Christmas
The above pictures were taken and sent by
Rev. Erin Daiho Davis, our member and editor.