Limitless Life, Light, Liberation, Love:無量寿・光・自由・愛


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of the universal truth/ethic (Dharma of Dependent Co-origination). Trump and Trumpism failed in it, losing life and its systems/values – political, social, economic, cultural fabrics/functions. The Dharma is essential in solving the global problematique: pandemic, nukes, climate change, mass extinction, poverty, the population explosion, etc.


More than 10 percent of the present global population is hungry now. The global population is projected to be 10 billion in 2050, with hunger, a warmer world, more biodegradation, and less equity among humans and other species. Modern civilization (urbanization) seems unstoppable in damaging eco systems and creating inequity among people in life styles and opportunities.


It is said that a third of food produced is wasted, a third of grain goes toward meat production (10 to 20 times the weight for beef), and a fourth of warming is due to water used for food (70% of water for food production lost by 2030). We have enough food to feed all people, but hunger and starvation go on, damaging ecological and social systems, predicted to have food shocks, i.e., rioting.


The Buddha taught us to think from the source or matrix, and he gave his last sermon of the Eightfold Awakening of Great Persons. We must have little desire and know satisfaction, understanding the limited resources of our planet. De-secularization is important in pandemic and practice of the Awakened Way in nirvana, which is through striving, mindfulness, concentration, and prognosis.


February 8, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. Global Problematique means mutually intertwined global problems such as global warming, mass extinction, pandemic, poverty, population explosion, war.


  1. “Think from the source or matrix” (yoniso manasi-kāra, lit. mind-making from the womb) means to mentally orient (think/determine/will) from the original/fundamental source/system.


  1. Eightfold Awareness/Awakening of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-purua-vitarka/-bodhi) are:

little desire (appiccha/appicchā),  contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa), seclusion         (pavivitta/pravivitta), striving (viriya/vīrya), mindfulness (sati/smti), concentration (samāhita), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā), no speculation (appapaňca/aprapaňca).

  1. Note: Paradigm Shift:


COVID-19 の全人類的感染症は普遍真理・倫理(縁起法)の重要性を示した。トランプとトランプ主義はそれに失敗し、生命と生命体系・価値―政治・経済・社会・文化の構造・機能―を失った。法は全人類的感染症・核・気候変動・大量絶滅・貧困・人口爆発などの地球問題群を解決するには必須である。






2021共通年2月8日 法記



2.「根源あるいは母型から考える」(yoniso manasi-kāra,字義通りには母胎から心を用いる)とは起源/根本の始源/組織から心を用いる(思考/決断/意志)こと。

  1. 八大人覚(Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-purua-vitarka/-bodhi)は小欲(appiccha/appiccha), 知足(santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa)、離俗(pavivitta/pravivitta), 精進 (viriya/vīrya), 専念 (sati/smti), 禅定 (samāhita), 智慧 (paňňā/prajňā), 不戯論(不虚妄・不妄想・不煩悩・不乱心・不心転・不投機)(appapaňca/aprapaňca).






























The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, member, editor, contributor,

living in Washington State.




Posted in Liberation, Light, Limitless Life, Love | Leave a comment

Beautiful Sunset Pictures of Piestewa Peak

Here is the email and beautiful pictures from our member and favorite contributor,


of her travelogue and pictures:



Today, I hiked up Piestewa peak and saw a fantastic

sunset – every second the sky changed into magical patterns.

I would like to share some of the photos I made.




































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The Dharma Eye Stored in Nirvana:正法眼蔵涅槃妙心

Garyo, our member and favorite contributor here with her travelog with beatutiful pictures sent her picture of another beautiful picture of the full moon. It looks like the True Dharma Eye in Stored in Nirvana, looking down on our planet, where humans are suffering not seeing it.

Yesterday, at full moon, I saw the most amazing phenomena. In a nearly cloudless night sky,the full moon was surrounded by a huge ring of white, transparent clouds.

It looked like a big eye staring down from the sky.

I made some photos but unfortunately,  the ring does not show up very much. 

I would like to share it with you.









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No Nuke World Started:


January 22, 2021 is the epoch-making date that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) became effective, making nukes illegal, starting a nuke-free world. The Doomsday Clock was advanced to 100 seconds to midnight, the end of the world, due mainly to the crises of nuclear winter and climate change. Nuclear winter could be started by one man, one nation, by madness, miscalculation, mishap, or terrorism, at any moment, and thus it is most urgently needed that it be stopped.


Biological and Chemical weapons have been banned as a crime to humanity, but A-bombs were not due to the delusion that they would prevent wars, as they are too dangerous to use and needed to deter an enemy’s use of them. This has been called MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, meaning also Madness of Atomic Destruction. It was feared that Trump’s madness would explode with use of A-bombs, but rather it was his delusion relating to the pandemic that caused the worst damage to the U.S., which weapons couldn’t save.


The pandemic illustrates how the Triple Poisons of delusion, divisiveness, and desire are damaging to life – ignorance/lack of prognosis, lack of international cooperation, and the desire for money have been causing casualties. Mankind must be awakened to stop me-ism, militarism, and money-ism, transcending sin (separation), nationalism, and capitalism, avoiding discrimination, exploitation, and destruction. The whole world has censured the capitol violence, saying it destroys democracy. Why not war violence?


The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination depicts the truth/ethic of life limitlessly interrelated in the universe since its origin – humans and all beings are one intertwined family to wake up and work together. All humans must urge their nations to join the treaty, create nuke-free zones, make nuke-nations no first use among them nor on nukeless ones, reduce nukes, and use the U.N. or such to control and eliminate nukes. This will work to reduce rivalries and resouces for them, shifting to support life and life systems.



January 24, 2021 C.E. Dharma note












2021共通年1月24日 法記



Note 1. Dharma is something like Jus Cogens (Peremptory Norm: Compelling Law accepted by international community: unviolable universal supra-mundane law).





2. No Nuke World Started!


3. Nuke-free World Started!:




The following pictures were taken and sent today by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and edityor, Washington State


















Posted in No Nuke World | Leave a comment

核なき世界へスタート!Nuke-free World Starting!

核兵器禁止条約発効記念 東京・広島・長崎 全国同時イベント 核なき世界へスタート!


東京・広島・長崎 全国同時イベント




●第1部 :東京
エレイン・ホワイト コスタリカ大使
ベアトリス・フィン ICAN事務局長
田中煕巳 日本被団協代表委員
田部知江子 日本反核法律家協会理事


髙田明 (株)A and Live 代表取締役
進行 中村桂子 長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター准教授

まとめの言葉:遠藤あかり 明治大学大学生





Email: nuclear.abolition.japan[at]



「核兵器禁止条約発効記念 東京・広島・長崎 全国同時イベント 核なき世界へスタート!」への6件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: 核兵器禁止条約発効を記念する行事のご案内 | 核兵器廃絶日本NGO連絡会
  2. 私の母は5歳時に広島におり、原爆投下の経験しています。

  3. ピンバック: 原発とめよう!九電本店前ひろば第3567日目報告【転載】 | 原発とめよう! NO NUKES
  4. 長崎の被爆者です。 皆さんお疲れ様です。 特に東京、広島、長崎会場の、司会者3人の方、素晴らしい進行ぶりでした。これからの活動が進化し広がり、伝わるように期待します。

  5. 不可能と思われたのに、多くの若者達が参加して発効にまで漕ぎつけました!「核なき世界へのスタート」、締約国を増やすために内外の人々と一緒の進化した取り組み大いに期待しています。77歳です。今日の日に感謝します。

  6. 私自身の感じる不思議な感覚で 今回の 核兵器禁止条約発効を 心より 喜ぶとともに
    関係者の皆様に 心より感謝を申し上げます。


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Happy New Year apart from Horror and Holocaust:恐怖とホロコースト離別の新年おめでとう!


Storming mobs shouting “Hang Pence,” “Get Pelosi,” “U.S.A,” waving TRUMP 2020 and Confederate flags, wearing buffalo horns, carrying arms and ammunition, breaking into the Capitol, crying election fraud, and killing people, stunned humanity on January 6th, 2021. It may be repeated in all 50 state capitals.


This was a replay of the fascist nightmare of “the century of nationalism and wars,” unimaginable to happen in the so-called greatest democracy of the century. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the pyramidal system of civilization, with its five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction.


“Pyramid” is called “money-character tower” in its Sino-Japanese character (金). Civilization makes money,  material, might, and in contrast to life, heart, and harmony – more fundamental for all life and life systems – of the Life-Indranet culture, with its five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.


Trump epitomizes the money-taking hegemony of politics under the guise of polis of people or democracy. Money engulfed Trump, Republicans, media, corporations, religions, politics, and people, which has allowed falsehood and fraud (pandemic, climate change, election, etc.) and swallowed the U.S entirely.


The complicity of all social sectors for four years created his attempted coup. It has been the neglect of the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination and the Five Precepts (no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and intoxicants: holding life, matter, society, generation, and awakening in safety).


The Five Precepts, which were adapted into the Global Ethic for all to observe, are to keep life, material support, social integrity, generational equity, and wakeful living for holy harmony, health, and happiness. Lies destroy truth and ethic, eventually destroying societies. Liars and propagandists must be removed.


Trump, pressured to resign or be impeached, may try to self-pardon. Pardon has been an old legacy of pyramidal societies to ameliorate and adjust inequalities. Self-pardon is contradictory to the meaning of pardon and to its intended purpose. That’s why Nixon resigned, to be pardoned by Ford. Self-pardon will become social demise.


The Buddha said that we must orient our minds from the origin or matrix (yoniso manas-kāra). He also said that we must rely on the Dharma, not humans (bound by karma of the Triple Poisons). Two days after the inauguration of president-elect Biden is the day when the nuclear weapons ban treaty becomes effective.


We must go beyond selfishness, societies, states, and species to work together as living beings to solve our problems of pandemic, climate change, mass extinction, nukes, wars, etc., shifting our paradigm, perspective, and prognosis from a limited ego to the limitless eco of life, light, liberation, love, and holy harmony.



January 11, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note: Paradigm Shift:
















仏陀は我々は「根源即ち母型から思惟すべきである」(yoniso manas-kāra)と言った。彼はまた我々は人(三毒の業に束縛された)人にではなく法に依らなければならないと言った。選挙で次期大統領に選ばれたバイデンの就任式の後二日で核兵器禁止条約が発効する。




2021年1月11日 法記































Rioters’ breach of the Capitol, Time & Place:

41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege


Article with the video of rioting: Trump’s Future Looks Rotten:



The following pictures were taken today and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, living in Washington, our member and editor



















Posted in Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Nukes are now illegal. Let’s celebrate & mobilize:「違法」核廃止を‼


Greta, World BEYOND War

7:31 AM (38 minutes ago)

to me

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The Whole History of the Earth and Life (English)


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地球・生命の歴史・未来:Chronology of the Earth and Life

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Dalai Lama, Greta Thurnberg, and Scientists Talk on Climate Change

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