Every morning since March 23rd, 2020, the Japanese Taiko drummer Ken Koshio climbs up the mountain to perform a sunrise ritual. Sometimes, he passes me with the drum on his shoulders at an incredible speed and there is no sign of tiredness. He is a mountain himself. He started the ritual in honour of Lori Ann Piestewa. She died during the Iraq war on March 23, 2003. Ken will continue this ritual until 2023. He considers it as great practice and discipline.







Ken carrying his drum on his way down to the parking lot of Piestewa Peak







Ken Koshio and his drum



His ceremony attracts a large group of supporters who gather before sunrise to celebrate the arrival of a new day. Over time, I got to know many of them. The characteristics for this group of people is inclusion and warm connection. There is a unity despite different nationalities, religion, age, gender and race. Marisa, the “Mother of this Mountain”, knows them all and is the big connector. People bring food and hot tea and a guy named David even carries up a camping coffee maker and serves coffee to everybody who wants a cup. This was especially appreciated when the temperature during winter was around freezing.






Ken Koshio Family









From left to right – Marisa, Eriko, I and Melissa







Birthday of Irvin Foster, a member of the Navajo Nation

The coffee set brought up by David stands beside him






Celebration of Hanukkah



Although there are many cultural and personal celebrations, when Ken Koshio starts his music, everybody is silent.  His drumming and songs become more and more powerful with the sun rising above the horizon. He recites an ancient song performed every 20 years for the rebuilding of the Ise Shrine, the most sacred site in Japan in honour of the sun goddess Amaterasu. His whole body becomes pure energy and I can see why he is calling himself a warrior of peace.







Ken Koshio







Celebration of the New Year, 2021





Unknown person with a Didgeridoo


During the celebration, often a little bird with an injured, stiff leg hops around without being restrained. This little bird symbolises the magic of this mountain. I call Piestewa Peak the “Mountain of letting go”. It is a mountain of transformation. Climbing up the mountain on a regular basis has changed the life of many people. It requires strong determination, strength and flexibility at the same time. There is Daryl, who is legally blind – he gets up at 2 am every morning and has to take two public buses in addition to having to walk one mile to get to the bus. Now, with the weather being warm, he rides for several hours his bike to the mountain. There is Jeremy who lost his arm and climbs like a mountain goat (takes part in the Paralympic competitions) and a person with only one leg, who makes it to the top with two supporting walking sticks. Every morning, two friends, Ruben and Sam, climb up the steep slope at the ages of 85 and 86 and always have smiles on their faces. The mountain also helped many others to heal from different psychological challenges.







Rubin climbing up to the top with his two self made walking sticks



People dressed up for Christmas and even brought a Christmas tree up to the top. Sometimes, you hear a person loudly reciting a mantra when dancing down the mountain and most of the time there is chatter between people, often in Spanish.







It is Christmas!



Rain is rare in Phoenix, but when it rains, the rocks can become dangerously slippery.  However, most of the time the clouds disappear after sunrise.







Sunrise with Camelback mountain in the east.








Blooming Ocotillo cactus beside the path.

Although walking down is faster and easier, it still needs focus and attention. Sometimes a desert animal crosses the path.





Gila Monster bathing in the sun




Little Squirrel asking for food



This photo of a bobcat I took in my yard, but its home is in the mountain range of Piestewa Peak.




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All over the world, there exist sacred mountains, places believed to be the home of Gods or spirits. For hundreds of years, temples, shrines, churches and monasteries were built on these sites and always, these places have a special energy – they touch something deep in the human being.

Indigenous people, however, often leave these places untouched, believing in the sacredness of pristine, untouched nature. They know that there is no need to add anything. A mountain, river, cave or tree speaks for itself and is sacred by its suchness, just by what it is. St. Francis of Assisi knew it when he said that nature is his church. Shintoism in Japan celebrates the sacredness of nature and believes that nature is “spirited”.

People in our time are looking for this connection.  They want to step out of the isolated individualism of modern life and reconnect with something bigger. They rediscover nature as the big healer, as a place of refuge.

In Phoenix, Arizona, there exist these healing places all over the city. Mountains of all forms and heights are scattered like islands in the big valley. One of them is Piestewa Peak in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. The Tohone O’odham tribe once living in this area  named it “Vianom Do’ag” (Iron Mountain). It was sacred for them.

I see this mountain from my backyard every day. Like a powerful woman or Buddha in Parinirvana, this mountain radiates calmness and unmovable strength. No wonder that the first settlers named the mountain “Sqaw Peak”.  For many Native Americans, however, the name “Sqaw” was derogatory. It was renamed Piestewa Peak, remembering the first female native American woman killed in combat in 2003.







The Mountain Range of Piestewa Peak with the Saguaro Cactus surrounded by an Ironwood tree in the foreground. Viewed from our backyard.



Piestewa Peak is about 800 m high (2610 feet) and consists primarily of schist. Day and night, people climb the mountain, needing between 20 to 60 minutes for the about 2km long hike up to the top. During the night, the lights used by hikers look like little stars moving up and down the mountain.

Nearly every day since coming back to Arizona in December 2020, I climb the mountain to witness the sunrise. It is different seeing the mountain from the distance and really climbing it. When I start to climb the mountain, the mountain disappears and becomes pure experience. It becomes each breath and each step I take, becomes the wind blowing my hair into my face and wild rock formations under my feet.

As I want to witness the slow change from night to dawn, I never use a headlamp. It requires to be focused on each step, as the terrain is very rocky and uneven.







View to the western side of Phoenix from the Piestewa Mountain trail








Full moon over Phoenix



Everything lies in a diffuse greyness, as the city lights of Phoenix never allow the area to be totally dark. This is the time of nocturnal animals. You can hear the hooting of the owls calling into the darkness.







Grown up owl



The sharpness of the silhouettes of the mountain against the arriving morning sky is always stunning.









Coyotes never show up on the mountain trail. During the hot seasons, however, one has to be aware of scorpions and rattlesnakes. Seven years ago in August, I heard a buzzing noise right beside the trail. When I switched on my headlamp, I saw a rattlesnake disappearing between the rocks.







Saguaro Cacti standing like guardians along the trail.



In many curves, the path winds up the mountain. It is not easy to walk. One has to concentrate and choose each step carefully. However, it is a great place to focus and harmonise body and mind. Very often, I practice tonglen (Tibetan practice of compassion) or just focus on breathing. Also, I make it my practice to not create a habitual path. There are uncountable variations of ways to walk the rugged, uneven area.

Usually, when I am two-thirds up the mountain, the sun announces its arrival by illuminating the eastern horizon. A stone bench allows people to rest.






View towards the east with Camelback Mountain in the background and a Palo Verde tree at the right side








People taking a rest near the top



I am a slow walker and do not like to push my body to its limits. Many people pass me on my way up. The steepest part is near the peak, where a series of stone steps lead up to the top.






Rugged path








Last part of the climb where I leave the trail and climb the rock to the right




I usually choose to climb an almost vertical rock wall with ideal footage to feel safe. This wild path leads up to my secret chapel, which I created about 2 years ago when my nephew passed away. Ever since then, whenever I am on Piestewa Peak and the wind allows me to, I light a candle and burn a stick of sandalwood incense for all those who are suffering.






Nearly on the top







Rock chapel



Early morning on December 15, 2020 after I just came back from Europe, I climbed up the steep slopes of the mountain to a hidden area on the top.A powerful black and white ringed fury tail rushed down the rugged area when I arrived at the chapel and disappeared in a second between the rocks. It was a ringtail cat.







Ringtail cat (photo taken by Ken Koshio)




I decided to climb up to the top and saw on a nearby rocky point, a drum resting on the edge of the cliff. A guy with black, long hair standing beside it must have carried it up. I was puzzled. Who is this person? I assumed it was a Native American from the Navajo or Hopi tribe.













Slowly, the sky over the far eastern mountain range turned yellow -orange. It was shortly before sunrise. He started a sacred ritual of greeting the sun with the sound of a double flute. A steady tone supported a graceful melody, harmonizing and preparing the air for what to come.







Camelback Mountain in the East










At sunrise, he switched to the drum and started to beat with a power and rhythm I never have seen before. His whole body became one with his drum. He accompanied the beat with a sacred song and it seemed that he was in communication with the sun, celebrating the new arrival of light. I was in awe. In my inner eye I saw  a guy taming a wild bull, forcing it to follow his will. It seemed that the Roman ritual of Mithra came to life again.







At the end, he played the melody of “Amazing Grace” on a flute. After bowing in all four directions by clapping his hands, he finished with a Yoga pose.





Nearly every morning since this day, I hike up to Piestewa peak to be part of this ritual.





Again we are pleased to enjoy Garyo’s wonderful walk with text and pictures as a series.

Posted in Magical Piestewa Peak | Leave a comment

Flower Festival Buddha’s Birthday: 花祭り仏誕会


April 8 is the Buddha’s Birthday or Flower Festival in Mahayana countries. The Buddha Gotama achieved unprecedented awakening in unconditioned peace (nirvana) among and for all living beings to be saved from the inevitable Four Sufferings or prevalent Eight Sufferings.


He was awakened to the universal Dharma of Dependent Co-origination of all phenomena on causes and conditions, similar to the causal law, but wider and deeper. He realized nirvana, no wind of karma, where he found that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged.


All living beings are bound by karma, but can change it by cultivation – shifting it from bad to good, stilling it in nirvana, seeing the Dharma, and sharing it, serving, saving all. All living beings live with the Triple Poisons due to survival instinct, scientists even think of it in terms of “selfish genes.”


Because most people do not clearly see this, we are still bound by sufferings, individual, social, and global, with the global problematique including global warming, pandemic, mass extinction, even imminent nuclear holocaust, based on the Five Idola, Idols, of Self, Society, State, Species, and Symbolism.


We must wake up and work to change this by a Paradigm Shift from an artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization fighting for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities, to a natural cyclical life Indra-net culture sharing life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses.



April 10, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. There were six representative heretical views of fatalism, accidentalism, amoralism, agnosticism, materialism, and multi-viewism at the time of the Buddha Gotama, who provided anyone with firm faith in universal truth and ethic conducive to their actual living.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion, the most fundamental one of the Self-sense (that there is a Self, independent and eternal, cf. Soul, Spirit), which causes a desire for survival, divisiveness, hate, anger, etc.


  1. The Four Sufferings are inevitable birth, sickness, aging, and death for everyone.


  1. The Eight Sufferings are the Four Sufferings plus not getting what is desired, separating from beloved ones, meeting with hateful ones, and (in short) the rampant commotion of the Five Aggregates (forms, feelings, ideas, formations, and consciousnesses).


  1. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination is well illustrated in the Indra-net, whose crystal balls on all knots reflects each other limitlessly, which is far more complex than simplified cause-effect relations, stressing more limitless complicated conditions, applicable not only to objects, but also to subjects – to one’s own life in cultivating one’s own psycho-physical being, changing oneself and others.


  1. The Buddha’s success was exhaustive investigation, analyses, generalization, application of karma theory, simple causal law, etc. His meditation practice made it possible in nirvana, unconditioned by ordinary superficial theories.


  1. The Five Idola are a modification of Francis Bacon’s Four Idola of cave, agora, theatre, and species. Symbolism is the unique characteristic of homo sapiens, as Ernst Cassirer defined it with the term homo symbolicum.


  1. Civilization is urbanization (from city, Latin civitas, cf. citadel with walls, for wars, colonies, classes, slaves, deforestation, etc.).


  1. Fight for money, matter, and might is making men of Mammonism, materialism, militarism – capitalism, consumerism, and nationalism, conditioning modern men to create the global problematique.


  1. The Five Calamities of civilization are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination.
  2. The Five Blisses of Culture are awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.
  3. The Paradigm Shift described here is the shift from an artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization to a natural cyclical life Indra-net culture, cultivation in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness:














2021共通年4月10日 法記



































Wood sorrel

(edible (oxalic acid is toxic, if eaten large quantity), feeds animals, bees, insects)








The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Davis, our member and editor, from Washington State.



































Posted in Buddha: Shakya-muni/Sakiya-muni | Leave a comment

Paradigm Shift:枠組転換


Earlier, I shared a video introducing “The World Is My Country.” Gary Davis, who caused deaths as a WWII pilot and feared the annihilation of humanity by nuclear weapons, renounced his American citizenship to become a world citizen, advocating a world government, and established a Registry of World Citizens and the World Service Authority, which was supported by Einstein, Camus, et al. The Twentieth Century was called “the Century of Nationalism and Wars.”


We are facing the global problematique, intertwined problems of imminent nuclear holocaust, devastating global warming, pandemic, mass extinctions, etc., caused by civilization, urbanization (Urban/Civilization Revolution), fighting for money, might, and matter with the five calamities. Civilization, beginning with city states 50 centuries ago, creating city walls, wars, colonies, slaves, classes, deforestation, etc., and culminating in nation states, is only a thousandth of human history.


World religions, reunion with holiness (wholly wholesomeness), starting 25 centuries ago (Spiritual/Cultural Revolution), tried to solve these problems by sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses. Buddhism aims to save all beings with nirvana/awakening. Christianity tries to save suffering people, advocating peace. Islam proclaims the equality of humans, as Muhammad said, “Killing a person is killing humanity.” The Ten Commandments is in exchange for entering Heaven.


The Buddhist Dharma of Dependent Co-origination teaches that all beings are co-dependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, well-illustrated in the Indra-net, its crystal balls, representing anything, reflecting each other limitlessly. Thus all are related and relative, with no sovereign state or sentient beings. Before civilization, humans lived in life’s Indra-net. Even in civilization, mostly we are in it, and so we need a paradigm shift from civilization to culture.



April 4, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. Gary Davis:



The Five Calamities of civilization are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination.


  1. The Five Blisses of Culture are awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.


  1. The Paradigm Shift described here is the shift from an artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization to a natural cyclical life Indra-net culture:











2021共通年4月4日 法記





































The above pictures were taken and sent by 

Rev. Erin Davis, our member and editor living in Washington State.






































Posted in Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Higan: Nirvana: 彼岸:涅槃


We are now at the spring equinox, considered to be higan (彼岸), the yonder shore or nirvana, equanimity, a balanced state in day and night and heat and chill in Japan. People visit the graveyards of their ancestors and practice the Sixfold Perfections (pāramitā, interpreted as reaching the yonder shore or 到彼岸, the Pure Land, which is said to be in the Sun-setting West). Nirvana means “no wind” (karma wind, which blows us up and down, to fight and flight, etc.).


The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. Karma (業) means action, habits, heredity, making our body and heart, their actions, habits, etc. Living beings, especially animals, wanting to survive, develop a self-sense (due to movement) and survival instinct. Thus our actions tend to go with the Triple Poisons of delusion (of the self-same, self-sovereign “self” substance), desire, and divisiveness.


Humans have the Four Sufferings of life, sickness, aging, death, and the Eight Sufferings of not attaining the desired, parting with the beloved, meeting with the hated, and the rampant commotions of the Five Aggregates, plus the Four Sufferings. Finding that these are caused by desire, the Buddha recommended that they be stilled in nirvana, through the Sixfold Perfections, Sevenfold Awakening Limbs, Eightfold Holy Paths, Eightfold Awakenings of Great Persons, etc.


Sitting still (in Zazen, Sitting Meditation), stilling karma, and settling in nirvana, seeing the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, can be done by anyone. However, our karma is so strong that in our actual actions in life we tend to lose it. Therefore, we need to constantly practice it, share it with as many people as possible, to keep peace and prognosis in our world. Like the Buddha we must strive hard to avoid the destruction of the world individually and collectively.


March 21, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. The Sixfold Perfections are the perfections of giving (dāna), morality (sīla), patience (khānti/kṣānti), striving (viriya/vīrya), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (pańńā/prajńā).


  1. The Five Aggregates are aggregates or components of (physical) matters (rūpa) and (mental) feelings (vedanā), ideas (sańńā/sajńā), formations (saṅkāra/saṁskāra) and perceptions/consciousnesses (vińńāṇa/vijńāṇa).


  1. The Sevenfold Awakening Limbs(Bojjhaṅga/bodhiaṅga) are dharma analysis (dhamma/dharma-vicaya), mindfulness (sati), striving (viriya/vīrya), joy (pīti), lightness (passaddhi), concentration (samādhi), equanimity (upekkhā/upekśā)


  1. The Eightfold Holy Ways (Ariya-magga/ārya-mārga) are right view (sammā diṭṭhi/dṛṣṭi), right thinking (sammā saṅkappa/saṅklṛp), right speech (sammā vacī/vacana), right action (sammā kammanta/karmānta ), right livelihood (sammā ājīva), right striving (sammā viriya/vīrya), right mindfulness (sammā sati), right concentration (sammā samādhi)


  1. The Eightfold Awareness/Awakening of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-puruṣa-vitarka/-bodhi) are little desire (appiccha/appicchā),  contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa), seclusion (pavivitta/pravivitta), striving (viriya/vīrya), mindfulness (sati/smṛti), concentration (samāhita), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā), no speculation (appapaňca/aprapaňca).


 (Original Pali/Sanskrit: one word, when they are the same)












2021共通年3月21日 法記


註1.六波羅蜜とは布施 (dāna), 戒律 (sīla), 忍耐 (khānti/kṣānti), 精進 (viriya/vīrya), 集中(三昧) (samādhi), 智慧(般若) (pańńā/prajńā)です。

2.五蘊とは色(物質的形態: rūpa) and (心的), 受(感受) (vedanā), 想(思想)(sańńā/sajńā), 行(行為) (saṅkāra/saṁskāra) と識(認識) perceptions/consciousnesses (vińńāṇa/vijńāṇa)です。

3.七覚支 (Bojjhaṅga/bodhiaṅga)とは法分析 (dhamma/dharma-vicaya), 専念 (sati), 精進 (viriya/vīrya), 喜悦 (pīti), 軽安 (passaddhi), 集中(三昧) (samādhi), 捨念(清浄) (upekkhā/upekśā) です。


3.八聖道 (Ariya-magga/ārya-mārga)とは正見 (sammā diṭṭhi/dṛṣṭi), 正思 (sammā saṅkappa/saṅklṛp), 正語 (sammā vacī/vacana), 正行 (sammā kammanta/karmānta ), 正命 (sammā ājīva), 正精進 (sammā viriya/vīrya), 正念 (sammā sati), 正集中(三昧) (sammā samādhi) です。


4.八大人Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-purua-vitarka/-bodhi)とは小欲(appiccha/appiccha), 知足santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa)、離俗pavivitta/pravivitta), 精進 (viriya/vīrya), 専念 (sati/smti), 禅定 (samāhita), 智慧(般若) (paňňā/prajňā), 不戯論(不虚妄・不妄想・不煩悩・不乱心・不心転・不投機)(appapaňca/aprapaňca) です。




































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Davis, our member and editor in Washington State.

Posted in Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment

Solving Global Problems:地球問題の解決


1:30 – 1:35 挨拶: レオノーラ・カム, チェロキー仏教寺院

1:35 – 1:55 コンサック・タンパィチトル, 医博、タイ仏教寺院

     「COVID-19 人類への衝撃」

1:55 – 2:15 ウィリアム・ホロコーム, 医博, ハートランド禅


2:15 – 2:35 ベンジャミン・デフォイ教授, 文博, セントルイス大


2:35 – 2:55 スティヴン・スター, ミズーリ大, コロンビア校


2:55 – 3:15 デーヴィッド・スワンソン, 所長、戦争超越世界


3:15 – 3:45 パネル・ディスカッション

3:45 回向と終了: コンサック・タンパイチトル






Please watch and share




2. Blog on the above, etc.


3.10 Key Points Ending War:


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Suffering Solution Seminar: 苦しみ解決のセミナー


We at the Buddhist Council of Greater St. Louis held an online seminar on “Solving Global Problems.” Topics included the pandemic, global warming, nukes, and wars, which most urgently and greatly need to be solved. The global problematique, interrelated global problems, includes the mass extinction of species, mass starvation, poverty, discrimination, mal-nutrition, -welfare, and -education, and the exploitation of human and other species.


Buddhism teaches that the fundamental cause of our sufferings derives from craving. The fundamental cause is the delusion of the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. It is the delusion of a substantial self as an independent and eternal entity in the universal Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. Benjamin de Foy presented this as the first law of ecology, noting the seeming separation as detected by Einstein. Genro illustrated this as the lack of a common, coherent goal and freedom from the Three Poisons.


The Holy Eightfold Path was well demonstrated by Prof. de Foy, in which delusions, fatalism, lies, inaction, and food-(foot)-prints are avoided, and food-grace and spiritual-serenity-sanctity acquired. The delusion of “self” is fundamental, extending to “(self-) society, state, species, symbolism,” which cause Mammonism, militarism, materialism, wars, nukes, etc. Genro showed a global map illustrated with color-differentiated states, and the actual blue planet.


Steven Starr illustrated launch-ready nukes and a dreadful dark nuke winter, and welcomed the no-nuke treaty. David Swanson explained the “stupidity of war” and “unjust wars” that sacrifice human and eco life and living, and the need to shift resources from misery militarism to liberated light of life. I commented on karma, common sense, and collapse of the world by war, avoiding it before it’s “Too Late.” The crystal balls of the Indra-net are glowing more and further for the paradigm shift.



March 14, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1: We were pleased to see familiar faces and new ones join in the event, learning and enjoying to find the same heart, even someone incognito expressing that all become awakened ones. Please visit or revisit to become awakened again or anew here:

2. 10 Key Points Ending War:

3. Paradigm Shift:





仏教は私達の苦しみの原因は貪欲に由来すると教えています。根本原因は貪瞋痴の三毒の中の無知です。それは因縁生起(相依相対)の普遍法における独立不変の実体我という愚痴です。 ベンジャミン・デフォイはこれを生態系の第一の法であるとし、見掛けの分離はアインシュタインが見つけたと言いました。玄魯はこれを共通の首尾一貫した目的と三毒からの自由の欠如として示しました。






2021年3月15日 法記



  1. 戦争廃止の10の鍵:                                                                                                                              
  2. 枠組転換:



















Hen & chicks








The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Davis, our member and editor




The following pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Daishin Genko, Noriyuki Otsuka, from Shimoda, Japan



















Posted in Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Join Zoom Meeting: SOLVING GLOBAL PROBLEMS on 3/14/21 Sun.

You are cordially invited to attend
Socially-engaged Buddhism seminar
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2021
1:30 pm – 3:45 pm (CST) (New Spring time change on 3/14/21)

1:30 – 1:35 Introduction: Leonora Kham, Cherokee Buddhist Temple

1:35 – 1:55 Kongsak Tanphaichitr, M.D., Thai Buddhist Temple

COVID-19 Impact on Humanity

1:55 – 2:15 William Holcomb, M.D., Founder, Heartland Zen

Lessons Learned from COVID-19

2:15 – 2:35 Prof. Benjamin de Foy, PhD, Atmospheric Science, SLU

The Holy Eightfold Path to Climate Solutions

2:35 – 2:55 Steven Starr, University of Missouri, Columbia

Solving Nuke Problems

2:55 – 3:15 David Swanson, Executive Director, World Beyond

Solving War Problems

3:15 – 3:45 Panel Discussion

3:45 Dedication of Merit & Conclusion: Dr. Kongsak Tanphaichitr

To join us live via Zoom: email for a Zoom invitation

Or join us live via Facebook:

Donations are welcome to support St. Louis Area Food Bank during COVID-19 Pandemic



2021 Socially Engaged Buddhism, Solving Global Problems

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After Armagedon: 世界終末の後


Media are featuring the 3/11 Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns as 10 yrs. anniversary. The magnitude nine earthquake was unexpectedly big and the resulting tsunami more than ten meters high. So those accustomed to earthquakes and busy with putting things back were engulfed by the tsunami, and even the designated high, safe places became scenes of the worst disasters.


Ms. Yoko Suzuki, Kadowaki Primary School principal, led students to Hiyoriyama Hill for more safety, though the school was designated a place of safe escape for citizens. Ms. Yoshie Ishikawa went there, never thinking of a tsunami, but a friend advised her to go to Hiyoriyama, as a remaining teacher advised her to do so. Hundreds of people followed them and were saved from the tsunami, which swept through the school grounds.


She said later, “If I hadn’t been told, ‘Escape,’ I wouldn’t be here.” Our thoughts and actions affect other people, leading either to the life or death of hundreds, thousands, or more people. This kind of “cascade escape” could be the key for other social or environmental disasters, scholars say, and companies are including calls to neighbors in their planning and escape exercises now.


Unlike earthquakes or even tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear disaster with its radiation problems can’t be solved. Almost forty thousand people are still without their homes, communities, and means of living, with most still relocated outside of Fukushima prefecture. Tokyo Electric Co. and the government feared an evacuation of Tokyo, and that the whole of east Japan would be devastated.


A study in the Lancet on the pandemic shows that the disaster is heavier in socially lax (non-conforming, individualistic) countries and lighter in socially tighter (conforming, collectivist) countries. Dr. Yasushi Taniguchi commented on this, citing the two factors of Buddhism in Taiwan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc., and Communism in China and Vietnam.


Ms. Ryoko Ando, an essayist, said, “I was audacious about my life and society until the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened.” The Buddha spoke of the Triple Pride of youth, health, and life. Our audacity or pride is our delusion and ignorance of the fact that we may lose our life, health, vitality, society, or world at any moment, and that we are complicit with wrong customs and common sense.


Dr. Denis Mukwege, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, has treated and helped tens of thousands of rape victims. He also saves them by telling them that the rapists and the world are wrong, not them. He says, “Silence is complicity.” Once slavery was permitted, but not now. Discrimination of any kind – based on gender, color, nation, race, religion, ism, etc. – is wrong.


We should not allow upside down savagery, learning from animal world that “might is right.” Violence is not permitted by most people. How can homo sapiens permit nukes, wars, military powers, etc.? General McArthur said that all defeats can be put into two words: “Too Late.” Isn’t it an audacity of delusion to say that nukes are safe – idiot-, terrorist-, accident-, and malfunction-free?


March 7, 2021 Dharma note


Note. 1. The Lancet Planetary Health, Jan. 29, 2021 C.E., “The relationship between cultural tightness-looseness and COVID-19 cases and deaths: a global analysis” by Maryland University psychologists.


  1. Taniguchi’s article:


  1. Denis Mukwege:


  1. “Might is right” is called “Fish Law,” “Matsya Dharma,” referring to bigger fish eating smaller ones. Human culture transcended this with “communities of cooperation” and could survive and thrive, making the Spiritual Revolution (the earliest one: Religious Revolution, making the ideal human being a friend, as seen in Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Masiah, Messiah, et al, cf. mettā, jen, agape in the universal religions).



メディアは3/11 東日本大震災とフクシマ原発メルトダウンの10周年の特集をしています。M9の地震は予想しなかった大きなもので10mもの津波を起こしました。だから地震に慣れて後片付けをしている人々は津波に飲まれ、指定の高い安全地帯さえ最悪災害の場面となりました。
















2021共通年3月7日 法記




  1. ランセット紙、米メリーランド大の心理学教授らの論文「文化的な厳しさ・緩さと新型コロナの感染・死亡の関係~世界的分析
  2. 谷口論文:

  1. デニ・ムクウェゲ:

4.「力は正義」は「魚の法」、「Matsya Dharma」と言われ大きな魚が小さいのを喰うのを言う。人類の文化は精神革命(その嚆矢は宗教革命で理想的人間を友・共にある者:Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Masiah, Messiah, et alとし、参考:普遍宗教の慈愛・仁:親愛・愛情:mettā, jen, agape)これを超越して生き残り繁栄した。











































































The above pictures were taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

on February 15 in Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan

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