

The Buddha said that we shed an ocean of tears. He said that sufferings (duk-kha, wrong-going) come from desire. Desire is one of the Triple Poisons of karma (action, habit, heredity). The solution to suffering lies in stilling desire, essentially the Triple Poisons, eventually karma, fundamentally driven by survival instinct.


He said that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. Cultivation (bhāvanā) is reorientation of karmic becoming (bhava). The first and foremost step is stilling karma, practically, sitting still, which stills physical, verbal, and mental karma, which ultimately leads to nirvana (no wind, of karma).


Nirvana, unconditioned peace, is stilling all karma, where one can awaken to the unconditioned state and prognosticate the unconditioned way from the Triple Poisons, karma and karmic world, which endows the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace, i.e., amrita, ambrosia of immortality.


Cultivation endows and enhances the culture of truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness, entailing sciences, ethics, moralities, arts, and religions. They are mutually related and responsive. Cultivation includes learning, education, training, etc., and engenders evolution and ecology in societies and histories, space and time.


June 27, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. The Four Holy Truths tells of suffering, its cause, its solution, and the way leading to the solution.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of the self-same, self-sovereign self), wherefrom the former two derive.


  1. The Twelvefold Dependent Co-origination, called the Dharma of all dharmas, tells how our karma functions – karmic nescience (no knowledge of the Dharma, thus the delusion of the self) leads to karma (old/new physical/verbal/mental), causing the conjunction of the six sense organs/objects/consciousnessses, feelings, ideas, which are involved in becoming (birth/aging/death), resulting in suffering, called the Triple Paths or Steps.


  1. Bhāvanā (cultivation) is the causative of bhava (becoming), which is the process of intentional reorientation of unintentional (unconscious/natural) becoming/behaving such as sitting still, stilling all karma against usual/ordinary movements, which are innate/natural to animals (“moving things,” 動物, in Japanese, cp. “still things, 静物), which alone can lead to nirvana.




彼は一切の生物は業-相続者、 -保持者、 -機械、 -依拠者であると言いました。修行(bhāvanā修養)は業の生成(bhava)を向け変えすることです。最初で最大の一歩は業を静めることですが、実際には静かに坐ることで、これは身口意の業を静め、これは究極的に涅槃(無風、業風の)に導きます。






2021共通年6月27日 法記








4.Bhāvanā (修行・修養) は bhava (生成)の使役形ですが、これは意図しない(無意識・自然な)生成・行為の意図的向け変えの過程で、静坐、アニマル(日本語では動物、静物と対比)にとっては生来・自然なものである、通常・普通の行動に反して業を静める、といったものです。

























The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor, living in Washington State.


































































Posted in Cultivation: culture | Leave a comment

Peace: 平和


All living beings want peace, because we have wars, worries, worlds, and wrongs. When we talk about peace, we usually think of the world without wars. We are not in peace even without war, because of our worries, world problems, and eventually wrong karmas (actions, habits, heredities).


Peace, therefore, can mean no war, no worries, no world problems, and no wrong karmas. We have our own karma and shared karma with others in the societies, and ecological systems.  Peace requires cultivation of our own karma and the culture of the shared world with others with good karma.


We must cultivate our bad karma, fundamentally the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, to good karma by the Triple Learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis. We must make our world holy (wholly wholesome) with holy culture of holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


Concretely we can sit still, still karma, see the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (form/phenomena), serve, and save all. Systemically we must shift from the artificial pyramidal system with the Five Calamities to the natural life Indra-net system with the Five Blisses with ourselves and others.


Nirvana, unconditioned peace, is unprecedentedly realized by the Buddha, and unavoidable for the understanding our problems and uprooting of them. The Five Blisses of the self and others by the Triple Learning are interconnected and inseparable.  These are difficult to achieve, but possible and inevitable for peace.


June 19, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. Karma (root kṛ, create, do) means action, habit, heredity of one’s own, socially shared, and evolutionally functioning throughout the biological, ecological systems. Karma are physical, verbal, mental, old and new. The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. Living beings inherit their parents’ karma, thus own their and our newly created karma, often become like automaton machines (by personal, social, ecological heredity, habit, hormone, nerve, etc.).


  1. Religion is reunion (religare, Latin) with the holy (wholly wholesome, all in harmony, health, and happiness). Holy culture is made by holy truth, goodness, and beauty by holy cultivation of each and every one. Cf. Religion defined by Rudolph Otto: “Religion is that which grows out of, and gives expression to, experience of the holy in its various aspects.”


  1. Cultivation (bhāvanā is causative of bhava, becoming, so intentional action from natural/instinctive becoming) is cultivating our physical and psychological abilities like cultivating land to grow vegetables or other purposes. Cultivation makes culture with values of truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (sciences, moralities, ethics, arts, and religions).


  1. The Dharma of all dharmas is Dependent Co-origination, that is, all phenomena are interdependently co-originating upon causes and conditions, thus all phenomena are with the three marks/characteristics of impermanent, suffering (du-kkha: going against grain, wishes), and no (self-same, self-sovereign) self. This is well-illustrated by the Indra-net, whose crystal ball on each knot reflects each other limitlessly.


  1. The fundamental problems of karma are the Triple Poisons of delusion (of self-same, self-sovereign self-entity, selfishness), divisiveness, and desire. The basic cultivation of bad karma to good karma is The Triple Learnings of morality (sīla, established character), concentration (samādhi, ), and prognosis (prajñā)


  1. The Five Calamities are delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. The Five Blisses are awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace.


  1. The paradigm shift is from the artificial uni-directional civilization (urbanization), fighting for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities to the natural cyclical life Indra-net culture, sharing life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses. Cf. Paradigm Shift:







2021共通年6月19日 法記

註1.業(karma, 語根はkṛ:成す、為す)は自分自身と社会的に共有される行動、習慣、遺伝、生物学的、生態的組織を通じての新化する機能を意味します。業は身口意(三業)であり新旧(二業)より成ります。仏陀は一切の生物は業‐相続者、‐所有者、‐機械、‐依処者であると言いました。生物はその親の業を相続し、彼らの業と自らが新しく作った業を所有し、しばしば(個人的・社会的・生態的遺伝、習慣、ホルモン、神経などにより)自動機械の様になります。然しながら、私たちは善業を選び、悪業を避け、自らの心を清めることができます(参考:七佛通誡偈:諸悪莫作、諸善奉行、自浄其意、是諸仏教。Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṃ. Kusalassa upasampadā. Sacitta pariyodapanaṃ. Etaṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ.)。


3.修養(修行・修習bhāvanā bhava:自然生成の使役形で意図的に成らせる、為すこと)は作物や他の目的の為に土地を「耕す」ように身体的・心理的能力を耕し改良することです。


5.業の根本問題は貪瞋痴(自己同一、自己主宰の自己実体、自己中心)の三毒です。悪業から善業への基礎的修養・修行は戒(sīla, 確立された性格・人格), 定 (samādhi, 三昧), 慧 (prajñā, paññā, 般若)の三学です。














































Posted in Peace | Leave a comment



Humans are characterised as homo socius, social men, and homo religiosus, religious men, since they survived by social ties, and eventually succeed by religion. Religion is reunion (from Latin, religare) with the holy universe (wholly wholesome way/world). Religion was the vanguard of the Cultural/Spiritual Revolution (5 millennia ago) reforming Civilization/Urbanization Revolution (10 millennia ago), advising mettā (friendship/fraternity), agape (fatherly love), etc.


Cultural/Spiritual Revolution is cultivating our spirits for the Five Blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, fraternity, and peace) from the Five Calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination) of Civilization/Urbanization Revolution which depend on the natural karma of the self survival of the Five Ss (Self, Society, State, Species, Symbolism). This is the Paradigm Shift from the unidirectional pyramidal system to the natural cyclical life Indranet system.


Friendship/fraternity is the awakening and application of the universal Dharma/Dao/Dei/Divinity (truth/law) of Interdependent Co-origination of all dharma (form/phenomena). Mitra/Mithra/ Mazda/Maitreya/Milu/Mathia/Messiah, etc. are considered as the Future Savior, but the ideal figures  (friend/with) for everyone to be cultivated to realize the true culture of holy truth, goodness, beauty of the universe (the holy world in the holy way).


The practical way to realize friendship/fraternity is in still sitting, stilling karma (the Triple Poisons of delusion of the Five Ss as mentioned above, desire, and divisiveness), seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all – shifting bad karma (homo patiens, suffering man, homo absurdus, absurd man, homo perniciosus, destructive man, etc,) to good karma (homo amans, loving man, homo avarus, greedy man,homo aestheticus, aesthetic man, homo sapiens, sapient̄ man, homo superior, superior man, etc.).


June 9, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. Definitions of human species:

  1. Religion defined by Rudolph Otto: “Religion is that which grows out of, and gives expression to, experience of the holy in its various aspects.”

  1. I remember “If one can do, millions can do” or a similar saying is of Gandhi, but couldn’t be found my Google search. The following is close: Mahatma Gandhi “I believe in the essential unity of all people and for that matter of all lives. Therefore, I believe that if one person gains spiritually, the whole world gains, and if one person falls, the whole world falls to that extent.”

4. “Killing a person is like killing humanity” is in the Qur’an. Qur’an 5:32 ”On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land  it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.”

  1. Friendship is often mentioned together with compassion (karuṇā) in Buddhism, as this is the essence of the Buddha’s core aspiration and intention in saving all beings avoiding the destruction of the world – that’s why he renounced his luxurious life to live his itinerant mendicant life to save all. Mitra is derived from mit (cf. German mit: English with)”A friend in need is the friend indeed.”                                     Agape is in the same spirit with friendship (philia), these and love (eros) were distinctly used in Greece, though English love includes all of them indiscriminately perhaps reflecting the society.


人間は社会的人間homo socius)、宗教的人間homo religiosus)と特徴付けられている、というのは彼らが社会的連帯で生き残り、結局宗教により成功するからです。宗教(religion)とは聖宇宙(全体健全方法/世界)との再結合(ラテン語のreligare再結合に由来)ということです。宗教は文化/精神革命(5千年前)の前衛であり、友情(mettā)、父性愛agapeなどを勧めて文明/都市革命(一万年前)を改革しました。


文化/精神革命は5SSelf, Society, State, Species, Symbolism:自己、社会、国家、種族、象徴主義)の自己生き残りの自然業に基ずく文明/都市革命の五禍(錯誤、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮)から五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和:真善美聖)への為に精神を修養(修行)することです。これは人工一方向的金字塔組織を自然循環的命帝網組織に枠組み転換することです。



神/神性(真理/法)の覚醒し適用することです。ミトラなど(Mitra/Mithra/ Mazda/Maitreya/Milu/Mathia/Messiah, etc)は未来の救世主と考えられていますが、すべての人が宇宙(聖なる方法で聖なる世界)の聖なる真善美真なる文化を実現するために修養される理想の人物(共なる友)のことです。


友情/友愛を実現する実際的方法は静かな坐(禅)であり業(上述五Sの錯誤、欲望、差別の三毒)を静め、法を見、一切に奉仕、救済することです―悪業(homo patiens, 苦悩人間, homo absurdus, 痴愚人間, homo avarus, 貪欲人間、 homo perniciosus, 破滅人間など)を善業(homo amans, 愛情人間, ,homo aestheticus, 美的人間, homo sapiens, 知的人間, homo superior, 優秀人間など)に変えることです。



2021共通年6月9日 法記










4.「一人を殺すことは全人類を殺すと同じ。」はクルアーンにある。クルアーン5:32「それについては、イスラエルの子等に定められた: 殺人かその地での不法を広めるのでない限り、誰でも一人を殺すのは一切の人々を殺すようなものである。もし誰でも一人の命を救うならば、それは一切の人々を救うようなものである。その後、われらの使徒が明らかな兆候をもって彼らにやってきたのに、その後も、彼らの多くはその地で常軌を逸し続けた。」


5.友情(慈)は屡仏教においては共感(悲)と並べて一緒に述べられる、というのはそれが仏陀の核心の請願と意図は一切の生物を救い世界の破滅を回避することにあり、それが仏陀の本質であるからです―だから彼は自らの豪奢な生活を放棄して一切を救うために旅する乞食者として生きたのです。Mitraはmit (ドイツ語mitは英語with:共/友)。「必要の時の友こそ真の友。」
































































Posted in Friends (make all of our life in the Way), Friendship | Leave a comment

6/6 Vesak Day on Zoom


Posted in Vesak Day | Leave a comment

Equality: 平等


Human societies have discriminations due to race, religion, occupation, etc. – slavery, persecution, and even out-caste, beyond inner society classes, which have been abolished or ameliorated as society members became awakened and acted upon them. Artificial national and gender discriminations are still in existence widely, often unrecognized, unsolved, and unattended to.


These discriminations and the resultant sufferings come from human artifices and biases, essentially from the Triple Poisons of delusion (of self-centeredness), divisiveness, and desire. Awakening in nature (dharma) and natural law (Dharma), especially through the advancement of natural sciences and actions based on them, have changed these discriminations and their damages.


Racial and religious discriminations, etc., have been solved by equality in humanity, sisters and brothers from the original mother. Species discriminations can be solved by equality in life, living beings from the original life source. Historically, religions have offered the equality of all created by a supreme being or originating from the Dharma (of Dependent Co-origination).


Modern sciences have advanced this equality of living beings and unity of life systems based on historical evidence of remains, theoretical arguments about facts, etc. Sciences can be biased by areas and eras. So holistic and critical approaches by religions, philosophies, and ethics are also required for holistic (wholly wholesome) views and actions related to living beings and life systems.


May 30, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note. The Whole History of the Earth and Life (English):











2021共通年6月1日 法記


註:地球・生命の新化 (日本語):





















The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor, living in Washington State.




























































Posted in Equality | Leave a comment

Comment on Buddhism/Freedom from Japan: 仏教・自由への日本からのコメント

Wonderful pics/comment on our yesterday blog from Japan:


Dear Rosan-san,

The ultimate solution to it is in stilling karma, which is nirvana, practically still sitting, stilling the Triple Karmas of the body, mouth, and mind and the Two Karmas of old and new, where one can be awakened to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, that all phenomena are originated depending on causes and conditions, and thus no self-same, self-sovereign self, but impermanent, selfless.

These three lines sum up all.
if Zazen practitioners increase due to Corona-19,
that’ll be the Corona bliss instead of Corona disaster.

Free-dom along with its etymological cognate in Sanskrit, priya-dhāman, means the beloved-domain, familiar-relations.

Freedom is the familiar-relations, that’s to become one with others.
I’m always learning from the articles.
By the way, Erin-san’s garden is full of flowers.
All pictures of you are wonderful.
All the day today it rained, but I took some pictures during less rain.
We entered into our rainy season especially early this year.
These three lines sum up all.
if Zazen practitioners increase due to Corona-19,
that’ll be the Corona bliss instead of Corona disaster.














Posted in Buddhism, Freedom | Leave a comment

Freedom, priya-dhāman: 自由、親密領域


We are bound by the Four Sufferings, Eight Sufferings, and other multitudes of sufferings, which the Buddha said has resulted in an ocean of tears shed by all beings. Humans developed the Five Ss of Self, Society, State, Species, and Symbolism to an extreme extravagance, creating global warming, mass extinction, etc., with a multitude of artifices and arsenals, with global annihilation imminent.


The cause of these is our craving, but the fundamental source of sufferings is the delusion of a self-same, self-sovereign self and the divisiveness due to it, called the Triple Poisons. The Triple Poisons come from our karma through billions of years of struggle for survival, which is now endangering not only us, but all living beings. We all need to know our karma and control it together.


The ultimate solution to it is in stilling karma, which is nirvana, practically still sitting, stilling the Triple Karmas of the body, mouth, and mind and the Two Karmas of old and new, where one can be awakened to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, that all phenomena are originated depending on causes and conditions, and thus no self-same, self-sovereign self, but impermanent, selfless.


Anyone can attain freedom from karma, the Triple Poisons, and all sufferings and freedom of karma, ceasing bad karma and cultivating good karma, appreciating limitless life, light, liberation, and love, enjoying amrita (ambrosia, immortality). Freedom is familiarity with the Dharma and good karma, not licentiousness from a-Dharma and bad karma. Freedom is with all dharmas, beings, in the Indra-net.


May 24, 2021 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. The Four Sufferings are birth, sickness, aging, and death for all. The Eight Sufferings are the Four Sufferings plus not gaining what is desired, parting with beloved ones, encountering hated ones, and, in short, the Five Aggregates (of forms, feelings, ideas, formations, and consciousnesses) in rampant commotion (the rest of sufferings or all sufferings).


2.The Five Ss of Self, etc. are modifications of Four Idola by Francis Bacon, plus symbolism, as human characteristics (languages, mythologies, religions, arts, sciences, histories, etc.), by Ernest Cassirer.


  1. Free-dom along with its etymological cognate in Sanskrit, priya-dhāman, means the beloved-domain, familiar-relations.










2021共通年5月25日 法記


































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Ms. Erin Davis, our member and editor, now in Washington State.















































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Right to Right Awakening: 正覚への権利


Right and law are originally the same (dharma in Sanskrit, jus in Latin), and rights can be reclaimed and restored, when hampered. Otherwise, rights can’t be reclaimed or restored. Dharma (form/norm) is law, truth/ethic, right/responsibility. The root of dharma (dhṝ, endure) shares the etymological root of tree, because both endure in harmony with all elements and evolutions.


Animals had to survive by fight and flight for eating and mating, enhancing self-consciousness. Humans have succeeded in survival by the Five Ss of self, society, state, species, and symbolism (language, science, history, etc.), but are now failing because of them: delusion, desire, divisiveness, bondage, exploitation, and extermination in war, warming, mass extinction, nuke winter.


The Triple Poisons, the Five Calamities, etc., come from human karma. The Buddha was awakened by stilling karma (nirvana), seeing the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination of all (the Five Ss, the Five Calamities, etc.), served and saved all by the Five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace, cultivating in the culture of truth, beauty, goodness, and holiness.


When we awaken to the Dharma, we become freed from the Three Poisons, Five Ss, Five Calamities, etc., and see the abundance of selfless truth, beauty, goodness, and holiness – limitless life, light, liberation, and love, enjoying amrita (ambrosia, immortality) in nirvana (unconditioned peace), anuttara smyak saṁbodhi (unsurpassed complete awakening), and prajňā (prognosis).


We have the natural original right to be awakened to universal truth (Dharma), to be freed from all karma (the Triple Poisons, Five Ss, Five Calamities, etc.), and to share the limitless abundance of truth, beauty, goodness, and holiness of all, cultivating our karma, our life, and the world for the better. This right to and of awakening is most needed, but unclaimed and unrestored due to karma.


May 17, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



権利と法は元来同じもの(梵語でdharma, ラテン語でjus)ですが、権利が阻害された時再要求し回復されます。そうでなければ、権利は再要求され回復されることは出来ません。法(形態・規範)は真理・倫理、権利・責任です。法の語根(dh永続する)は木の語根と同じです、何故なら両者は一切の要素と新化と調和して永続するからです。










2021共通年5月17日 法記



















The above pictures were taken and sent by Erin Davis,

our member and editor in Washington State.

















































Posted in Dharma | Leave a comment

Root of Rights and Responsibilities:権利と責任の根源

The corona pandemic has presented a choice between life or money, health or economy, social responsibility or individual rights. Problems like guns, nukes, war, global warming, mass extinction, etc., fundamentally have the same problem. The Declaration Toward a Global Ethic requested that the U.N. issue a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities as a counterpart to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, along the lines of the Global Ethic. It was shelved at the time due to the claim that rights are more urgently required at present.


Gandhi said, “The Ganga of rights flows from the Himalaya of duty.” This means that we must first observe social responsibilities before claiming individual rights. The reason is that individuals maintain a social existence – all individuals comes into existence, live, and pass away within societies in a certain time and space, which are also within communities of living beings and eco-systems. Only to the limit of existence of Himalaya or a society, can Ganges or an individual claim its existence, its flow and functions or its rights and rightful claims.


The Buddha was awakened to the Dharma (Form/Norm, Truth/Ethic) of Dependent Co-origination, that all dharmas (forms/norms, phenomena/practices, responsibilities/rights) were dependently originated on causes and conditions (space/time, environment/evolution, society/history, etc.), as illustrated in the Indra-net, whose crystal balls (individuals) on its knots reflect others (societies) limitlessly. The Buddha envisaged the root of responsibilities and rights and exemplified them in his life so that anyone could envision and enact them.


His cultivation was expressed in the culture of the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace (a prototype of later rights movements in an ideal form, especially awakening in nirvana), correcting the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, exploitation, and extermination of civilizations that dominated his age. He advised that the Five Precepts – the precursors of later ethical codes, including the Global Ethic – be followed by everyone to realize an ideal global community, shifting from artificial civilizations to natural cultures.



May 9, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. The Buddha’s awakening was profound and penetrated into karma (action, habit,  heredity), as depicted in his insight of all beings as karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. He prescribed the practical way of stilling karma (nirvana, no wind of karma) in sitting, seeing the Dharma, and serving/saving all beings. The Buddha’s freedom (etymological cognate, Sanskrit priya-dhāman, beloved-domain, familiar relations with the Dharma, truth/ethic, not licentiousness) was thus truly radical and revolutionary. His “freedom, equality, and compassion” was the real revolution in human history, which became the precursor to the liberty, equality, and fraternity of the French Revolution, opening the way to the modern human rights.


  1. The Five Precepts are no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no falsehood, and no intoxicants, whose first four are similar to the 6th through 9th of the Ten Commandments (not equal, as in no homicide, no false witness), and were employed into the Global Ethic issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1992.











2021共通年5月9日 法記












chestnut tiger
































































The above pictures were taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

in Shimoda, Shizuoka-ken, Japan

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Magical Piestewa Peak, Part 3, by Garyo


Climbing up Piestewa Peak became one of my most favorite things to do during the last couple of months. However, the area around the peak is also very interesting and fascinating and I love to hike the many trails. However, not everything around Piestewa Peak is positive. Highway 51 cuts through the Western part of the Preserve and prevents many animals from crossing. I always was wondering why the engineers did not design a tunnel to leave the desert area intact. By doing some research, I found the answer. There had been major mining going on, mining for the highly toxic Cinnabar, otherwise known as mercury sulphide.  The production plant Rico Mercury Property was located where the Highway now goes through and the debris of the production plant was dumped beside Dreamy Draw. Now the hills are covered with Creosote, brittle bush and other desert plants. Hardly anybody knows about the history. The name of the street “Dreamy Draw” goes back to the miners walking back home in an dreamy state caused by the neurotoxins.

East of the Highway starts the area leading up to Piestewa Peak. Many little mountains and valleys surround the Peak and it is always fun to come across new things. Over time, I discovered three caves in different length, probably former copper mines. Walking into these dark caves – even with a headlamp – is always a little adventure.







This is the deepest cave ending with two arms in the far back.








A less deep cave, but interesting. On the wall are white marks looking like little stars



Watching the sunset and especially the full moon is a real treat. The scenes are often spectacular!














Sunset over Phoenix







A Palo Verde  tree in the evening sun








Full moon looking like a big Cosmic Eye



During spring after rain, the desert starts to bloom. It is most beautiful!














Yellow, Mexican Poppies and blue Lupines







The earliest plants starting to bloom are the Cacti








Saguaro Cactus not yet blooming.

The holes in the cactus serve as homes for owls and other animals.




I love to collect white stones scattered on the surface and create playful patterns of animals and things. Just doing it fills me with joy.







A crane








A condor with a ring in his peak







A white blooming tree







My shadow shortly before the climb up the rock wall








The wall during sunset



Thank you for following me on my magic mountain!






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