Video: Buddhism

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Source of Suffering: 苦の源


A few weeks ago I dug out about a hundred star clematis saplings from the zen center garden. I saw that more are coming yesterday. Decades ago I saw it blooming on a nearby electric post support line and I wanted one. Later I got it and planted. Now it has become nuisance, spreading out of hand.


Buddhism says that the source of suffering is craving. The original word for it is taṅhā (lit. thirst, like drinking sea water while shipwrecked, even if it makes more thirst). It is one of the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion), poisoning life. The delusion of self becomes survival instinct and develops into the other two.


Humans invented language, which strengthens “I, my, me, mine,” with its constant use, memory, substantiation, etc. Humans developed civilizations, seeking more money, matter, and might, which are causing wars, nukes, global warming, mass extinction, etc., troubling all life systems out of hand.


The Buddha said that when we possess houses, we have dust, leaks, etc., causing troubles. If we possess “self,” “world,” we suffer from samsara, shift in suffering in sickness, birth, aging and death, gain and loss, etc. When we sit still, karma stills (nirvana) the Triple Poisons, and we enjoy amrita, ambrosia of immortality.



October 2, 2021 C.E. Dharma notoe







仏教では苦の源は欲だと言います。その原語はta (字義は渇きで、渇愛と翻訳され、難破した時には、更に喉が渇いても、海の水でも飲むようなもの)です。それは生命を毒する三毒(貪瞋痴)の一つです。我の痴は生存本能になり他の二つ(貪欲と怒り)に発展します。






2021共通年10月2日  法記


































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Rivalry Root and Sound Solution: 敵対の根源と健全な解決


Recently we published a book titled Poems and Pictures: Flowers in Manyoshū, Kokinshū & Shinkokinshū. “Flowers fall in lamentation; weeds widen in detestation,” Dogen said. “When butterflies come, flowers open,” Ryokan said. I enjoy abundant flowers, butterflies, humming birds nowadays around my home. Weeds, herbs, weeds also abound, spreading and invading.


Beefsteak plants, Chinese chives, etc., are now invading. We uproot unwanted plants. I hit upon the idea of deseeding, cutting just the seeding tops to prevent self-seeding. We can eat in a timely manner or dispose of them in some ways. Deseeding is important to eradicate the roots of rivalry, which creates wars, terrorism, and even nuclear holocaust and the annihilation of all life.


The twentieth century has been characterized as the “century of nationalism and wars.” The new century continues and increases this, enhancing hostility, militarism, and dictatorships, robbing us of the ability to solve other global problems, such as discrimination, poverty, global warming, and mass extinction. We must know The Myth of the State and observe global truth and ethic.


The survival instinct can even become selfishness (even from “selfish genes”) and sin (separation), which develops into the Triple Poisons. The human race has survived by ethic, religion (reunion with holiness: wholesome whole). We must observe the truth/ethic of the life system in a holistic way to realize the harmony, health, and happiness of all, changing our bad karma to good one.



September 26, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note. 1.  Ernst Cassirer clarified how power misuses symbols, tools, events, etc., to enhance itself in his The Myth of the State. His Philosophy of Symbolism is an important work to understand humans as homo symbolicum. His “Essay on Man” is a good introduction to it. The new tension and rivalry between China and the U.S., et al., (Quad) is a dangerous and deteriorating way in the solving of global problems.


  1. The Triple Poisons are delusion, desire, and divisiveness, which come from our karma (action, habit, heredity). We can still it and see how it works, and change it from bad to good. Cultivation and culture have been the way the human race (also other living beings) has survived and succeeded. This is discussed further in the Introduction to the above mentioned book, Poems and Pictures: Flowers in Manyoshū, Kokinshū & Shinkokinshū, by Prof. Emer. Hajime Iwamoto and the Rev. Rosan Osamu Yoshida, Kindle and printed paperback editions.


  1. The life system (and any system or phenomenon) is in the Dharma (form/norm, phenomena/law, truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination (co-originating on causes and conditions, like our sense organs/objects/consciousness, a good illustration is in the Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other limitlessly). We must know and act according to this truth and ethic. Anyone can sit still, see this truth, and serve and save all.






2021共通年9月26日 法記


2.三毒は貪瞋痴で、私達の業(行動、習慣、遺伝)に由来しています。私達はそれを鎮め、それがどのように働くかを見、悪から善に変えることが出来ます。修養 (cultivation)と文化 (culture)は人類(他の生き物)が生き残り成功してきた方法です。これは上述の本、岩本一名誉教授と吉田収・魯参師の「詩と絵―万葉集、古今集、新古今集の花」(Kindleと印刷版ペーパーバック)の序論で更に詳しく述べています。









































































Posted in cultivation: verification (修:証), Karma World | Leave a comment

Salzkammergut in Austria, by Garyo


Salzkammergut in Austria, by Garyo


Recently, I visited the region Salzkammergut (salt domain) about 3 hours car drive west of Vienna. Although I have known this area since my childhood, I again was intrigued by its beauty and history. I would love to share the beauty with you!





         View from the Schafberg (sheep mountain) down to Wolfgangsee



The Salzkammergut got its name from the salt mines previously belonging to the Habsburg monarchy. One of the most famous mines is the salt mine of Hallstadt, which goes back to the 12th century BC and still excavates salt today. The culture between 12th and 8th century BC is referred to as Hallstadt Culture. Salt at this time was more valuable and expensive than gold.






Hallstadt and the Hallstaedter See (lake)







Cemetery of Hallstadt. The cemetery is divided in two parts – the upper part for the Protestant population and the lower part for the Catholics. This is the Catholic part.






It is the custom in Austria to take good care for the grave of the family. Each grave is a little flower garden and is absolutely beautiful. In the grave to the left, just recently somebody was buried. It is covered by flower wreaths.






The space at this Alpine cemetery is very limited and the people had to find a solution for that. Since the 17hth century, the skeletons of the diseased were taken out after several years in the soil, cleaned, put in the sun for bleaching, painted and stored in the ossuary. This custom even lasts to today, although only a few decide to end up in the bone house.







View from the shore of the Catholic church and cemetery of Hallstadt







Hallstaedter See






Restaurant at the Wolfgangsee, mainly accessed by foot or by boat



Since the 19th century, the Salzkammergut became a favorite place to go on vacation.

Even the emperor went to his palace in Bad Ischl to rejuvenate. Therefore, keeping the beauty and originality was essential and still is to today. Many international tourists come to visit this area. However, due to Covid regulations, Salzkammergut this year was visited mainly by Austrians like in former times.







Top of the Schafberg (sheep mountain)







Restaurant on the Schafberg with the view to Mondsee (moon lake)




Nature trails, little restaurants and cabins for refreshment and food serve every type of hiker. This time, I did not hike up to the top of the mountains, but took either a coq train or a gondola. Relaxing boat rides and walks around the lakes were also enjoyable.







Traditional coq train going up to the top of the Schafberg



The beauty of Salzkammergut is spectacular. Emerald green glacier lakes reflect the surrounding mountains, with the highest mountain being the Dachstein (about 9000 feet) covered by a glacier.




Dachstein glacier above Lake Altaussee







Walking around the lake of Altaussee provided many magical views of the Dachstein glacier







A monument to one of the first leisure mountain climbers, Paul Preuss (1886 – 1913), born in Altaussee






Every lake has crystal clear water. Motor boats or any other noisy and polluting water vehicles are forbidden. Some areas even forbid bathing and fishing in order to protect nature.






Typical Alpine house with church in the background in the village of Altaussee







Walk around part of Wolfgangsee






A typical way to capture spring water






One of many typical shrines



The Salzkammergut is a World Heritage Site and, therefore, a protected area. Although it is sometimes overrun by tourists, it still keeps its original character. Many people living in this area still dress in the traditional Dirndl and Lederhose and nearly every village has its own music orchestra. The mountains and lakes are spectacular. It is one of my favorite places to hike. I hope you could enjoy the beauty with me.





The above pictures and comments are by Garyo Gertraud Wild, our sangha member

and our favorite contributor of her travelogues all around the world to our blogsite.


Posted in Alps, Travelogue by Garyo | Leave a comment

Permaculture Gardening as Zen Practice


Permaculture Gardening as Zen Practice


There’s something about gardening that is conducive to the spiritual life.  Regardless of one’s faith tradition, spiritually inclined people have been gardening as long as there have been spiritually inclined people.  Part of this is practical (a day without working is a day without eating), but on a deeper level, cultivating a garden is much like the cultivation we engage in during our Zen practice.

When I moved to southern Illinois eight years ago, I was fortunate to find a home with two acres to work with.  The previous owner kept the front yard in empty lawn, and the back yard (which sloped down to a lake) in woods.  So it was largely a blank slate.

I have always been intrigued by the concept of permaculture.  To quote the founder of permaculture, Bill Mollison, it is an approach to land management that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles derived using whole systems thinking. YouTube is full of videos on permaculture in case you wish to learn more.

One of the biggest challenges with practicing permaculture in a suburban setting is that neighbors and local zoning ordinances are geared towards the 1950’s mowed lawn and picket fence look. Not everyone appreciates the appearance of tomatoes and cucumbers in the front yard and the sound of chickens in the morning.  To keep up appearances, I planted 50 feet of ornamental trees and bushes in the front of the lawn, then placed my fenced-in annual garden (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers) behind that.  To further ”screen” the annual garden, I put a row of hibiscus (courtesy of the Zen Center) in front of the fence.  As the picture below shows, it is easy to tell where the property line is between my neighbor’s and my yards.







The southeast of the property slopes down, which makes it unsuitable to tillage, but perfect for fruit trees.  I planted about 25 apple, plum, peach and pear trees here.  The trees are thriving and make for a beautiful orchard effect.  Unfortunately, since I don’t use insecticides the bugs get the better part of the harvest.  I’m hoping that in a few years the pest and the predator insects will reach a balance.  Until then, the squirrels and deer are eating good as well. 






Next to the orchard is the greenhouse, which is essential for getting an early start on the growing season.  In the late winter and early spring, it is full of seedlings ready for planting.  Now it’s summer and it sits empty. 







rty I keep a flock of chickens.  They are a great addition to the garden in that much of what they eat are table scraps and weeds taken from the garden.  Chicken poop also makes for excellent fertilizer.







When getting chickens, two things must be kept in mind.  First, someone needs to let them in and out of their coop every morning and evening.  That can make vacations challenging.  Further, you need a “retirement plan” for when the hens reach old age and don’t lay eggs anymore.  In our case, a couple of the hens have gone from being productive farm animals to old pets.







Finally, I’ve been keeping bees at the back end of the property for several years.  In the past I’ve been able to manage three hives and harvest about 12 gallons of honey a year.  Unfortunately, I was hit with varroa mites and small hive beetles this year, so I’m down to only one hive.  I’m hoping to do a split next spring and get back to two hives then.  As gardeners say, there’s always next year.






Posted in Cultivation: culture, Gardening | Leave a comment

Religion Is for Friendship: 宗教は友情のため

  Religion (from the Latin religare) means reunion. The reunion is with holiness (wholly wholesomeness). The world is one in truth (Dharma, Dao, Dyau, Deva, Dei, etc.). Truth (Dharma, Norm/Form, Law of all phenomena, of Dependent Co-origination, etc.) is universal. Dyau, Div: Light, Sun, and Deva, Dei: God, also include all, are all-inclusive, universal, holy. Holiness means the whole in wholesomeness.   Truth and ethic (truthful way) must be universal (all-inclusive) and wholesome (harmonious, healthy, and happy). If they are partial and painful, they can’t be truth and ethic, perfect and prevalent, primary and preferred. Partiality and pain from karma kinetic (selfish survival strife) has been removed and reversed by religion, reunion (identified as return, rebirth, etc.) with the original holiness (all in one).   Thus, religions have created the ideal figure of Mitra (Friend), Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, Maitreya, etc., as the ideal figure to save all in the future, a future savior, but actually it is the possibility of all to become the friends of all, which was the message of the founders of the world’s religions, Gotama, Jesus, Muhammad, et al., before being deified. They taught truth and ethic, and practice (cultivation).   Cultivation is essentially the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace. Awakening in holy truth/ethic is essential, avoiding errors and attaining the other four, all interrelated. Freedom (from the Skt. priya-dhāman, beloved domain) is in equality, friendship, and peace, and vice versa. Friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the Four Holy Abodes.     August 28, 2021 C.E. Dharma note     Note 1. Sanskrit (Proto-Indo-Iranian: mitrás) mitra (friend) seems to be a combination of mit (together, cf. German mit, English with) + tra (suffix indicating instrument, function). This was idealized and deified to become Mitra, Mithra, etc. Mitra:
  1. Friendship (Skt./Pali: maitrī/mettā) became an ideal virtue, included in the Four Holy Abodes/Life-way (Brahma-vihāra) or Limitlessnesses.

3. The Buddha did not want to be a special figure, saying that he has no teacher’s grip (secret), and told community members to ask questions freely as a friend asks a friend even at the very last moment. Jesus said that “There is no greater love than this: that a person would lay down his life for the sake of his friends” (John 15:13). Muhammad said that if anyone kills a person, it would be as if he killed all mankind (Kur’an 5:32). Everyone clothed in white in pilgrimage to Mecca expresses the equal unity of and among all follower (humans).

    宗教(religion はラテン語religare:再結合に由来)とは帰一(漢字は崇敬者へ・崇高な教えの意)です。帰一は聖(全体健全)にです。真理(Dharma, Dao, Dyau, Deva, Deiなど) からは世界は一つです。真理(諸法の法である縁起の法など)は普遍的であり、神(Deva, Dei)の原語「光」(日:Dyau, Div)も一切を含む、一切包含、普遍、聖を目指したものです。聖性は「健全なる全体」を意味します。   真理と倫理(真理の道)は普遍(一切包含)で健全(調和、健康、幸福)でなければなりません。これらが部分的で苦しいものならば真理でも倫理でもなく、完全でも遍満でもなく、第一のものでも優先されるものでもありません。業の働き(利己的存続の難儀)による部分性と苦しみは原初の聖(一切一)への(帰還、再生などと言われる)帰一である宗教により取り除かれ(分化苦から統合楽へ)反転されて来ました。   こうして、宗教はミトラ(友)、メシア、ミロクなど(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, Maitreyaは皆「友(共)の意味)が未来に一切を救う理想像として創造しましたが、しかし実際には一切が一切の友(共)となる一切の可能性であり、世界宗教の創始者達が神格化される前のゴータマ、イエス、ムハンマッド他のメッセージだったのです。彼らは真理と倫理、その実践(修養)を教えました。   修養は本質的には覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和の五福にあります。聖なる真理・倫理の覚醒は本質的で、過誤を避けて、ほかの四つは相互関連していますが、それらを獲得する為です。(梵語priya-dhāman:親愛関係に由来するfree-dom)自由は平等、友情、平和にあり逆でもあります。友情、慈悲、喜悦、捨念(慈・悲・喜・捨)は四聖住(聖なる住まい、生き方)です。     2021共通年828日 法記     註1.梵語(原インド・イラニアン語 mitrás) mitra友はmit (英語withと同じドイツ語の共にの意味)tra(道具、機能を現す接尾語)の合成と思われます。これが理想化され神格化されてMitra, Mithraなどになったのです。   Mitra:     2.友情(梵語/パーリ語はmaitrī/mettā)は理想的徳となり、四聖住(Brahma-vihāra)または四無量とに入れられました。   Metta/maitrī:     3.仏陀は、自分は師の拳(秘密)は無いと言い、共同体の人々に正に死の間際も友が友にするように質問するようにと言って、特別な人物とされることを欲していませんでした。イエスは「人が友の為に命を投げ捨てる程に偉大な愛はない。」と言いました(ヨハネ伝15:13)。ムハンマッドは一人の人間を殺す事は全ての人類を殺す事に等しい。」と言いました(クルアーン5:30)。メッカの巡礼で皆が白衣を着るのは一切の信者(人間)の平等統一を表わすのです。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 otsuka lotus seeds           otsuka, lotus seeds2  

The above pictures were taken and sent by Rev. Genko Daishin (Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka)

with his comment: “The whole universe is in a lotus flower, a bee, a waterdrop”

from Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan



Posted in Four Limitlessnesses, Friends (make all of our life in the Way), Friendship, Religion | Leave a comment

Nice Growing Leeks Site

Here is a nice DIY Growing Leeks site, sowing seeds,

caring to grow, dealing with problems, etc.:




Sowing seeds:

Planting leeks:


2 Leeks grow at different rates

3 Leeks take up space

6 Blanch the stems

Growing Leeks 1

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Nice Butterfly Bush Site

Here is a nice DIY butterfly bush site, how to grow,

propagate, deal with problems, etc.:



1 Colorful and fragrant butterfly bush







5 Companion planting draws pollinators






6 Quick growing and reliable

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Practice Perfects: 実習は完成する


We say, “Practice makes perfect.” Karma ripens. Our individual, social, and ecological karma (old/new, conscious/unconscious, bodily/verbal/mental) ripens in our world. Thus, we witness our world as the results of our karma. If we want to change our world for the better, we must change ourselves and others.


Zen practice is on/off zafu, with self/other, psycho/physical, good/bad, in each and every moment/day/life. We aspire to the Awakened Way, aiming at bodhi (awakening)/ prajňā (prognosis) in nirvana, as expressed in the Seven Buddhas’ Common Precept: Doing no evil, doing all good, purifying one’s own mind.


In our conventional world, our cultivation creates a culture of truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (sciences, ethics, arts, religions). The Awakened Way advances them from the awakening/prognosis in nirvana (no wind, of karma), thus supra-mundane (karma: Triple Poisons), holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


All living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, – machines, and want to satisfy their wants bound by karma. The Awakened Way wants us to awaken to this, to be freed from it, in nirvana, by Zen and Zen practice. We can take refuge in good karma, by the Triple Learnings. We must practice the perfect way: cultivation being verification.


July 15, 2021 C.E.  Dharma note











2021年7月15日 法記





























The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor, living in Washington State.

































Black-eyed Susan





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Cultivation and Verification:修行と確証


A common saying is that one reaps as one sows. Cultivation of the land may or may not result in a good crop, given many factors like weather, infesters, disasters. Cultivation of oneself with one’s body, mouth, and mind can bring results more directly and surely with fewer factors from outside. Karma ripens sooner or later.


Dogen said that cultivation and verification are one. Mental cultivation usually brings results more directly and surely than physical cultivation. Stilling karma can more speedily bring a result than strengthening it. Sitting still brings stilling karma quickly and clearly. As one cultivates in Zazen, cultivation becomes verification.


Nirvana is no wind of karma. Nirvana reveals a new world without karma, the Triple Poisons, suffering, etc., witnessing awakening and prognosis. More cultivation brings the verification of these more quickly and clearly. Thus the oneness of cultivation and verification becomes more concrete and complete.


Cultivation becomes culture – truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (wholesomely whole). Truth, goodness, and beauty may be partial, personal, and particular. Thus, these are required to become holy. Religion is reunion with holiness. The Awakened Way is cultivation/verification of holy truth, goodness, and beauty with all.


July 8, 2021 C.E.  Dharma note



Note 1. Bhāvanā (cultivation) is the causative of bhava (becoming), which is the process of intentional reorientation of unintentional (unconscious/natural) becoming/ behaving such as sitting still, stilling all karma against usual/ordinary movements, which are innate/natural to animals (“moving things,” 動物, in Japanese, cp. “still things, 静物), which alone can lead to nirvana.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion of the (self-same, self-sovereign) self, wherefrom the former two derive.


  1. The popular teachings of the Awakened Way are the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Ways. The former tells of suffering, its cause, its solution, and the way leading to the solution. The latter tells of right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, striving, and concentration. These come from the Twelvefold Dependent Co-origination, called the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), telling how our karma functions: karmic nescience (no knowledge of the Dharma, thus the delusion of the self) leads to karma (old/new physical/verbal/mental), causing the conjunction of the six sense organs/objects/consciousnessses, feelings, ideas, which are involved in becoming (birth/aging/death), resulting in suffering, called the Triple Paths or Steps.










2021共通年7月8日 法記


註1.Bhāvanā (修行・修養) は bhava (生成)の使役形ですが、これは意図しない(無意識・自然な)生成・行為の意図的向け変えの過程で、静坐、アニマル(日本語では動物、静物と対比)にとっては生来・自然なものである、通常・普通の行動に反して業を静める、といったものです。
































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, our member and editor, living in Washington State.
















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