People over Power: 権力に人々勝利


The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty will come into force on January 22, 2021 with the 50th country ratifying it on October 24. This is an epoch-making event, a mass movement of people over power. ICAN, with its several hundred organizations and hibakushas, nuke survivors, along with ordinary supporters, made it possible. This shows that the true power of people, not power systems, can determine politics. Nukes, much more nuke wars, are now not only unethical and unlawful, but are also the most dangerous, imminent crises in wiping out life systems, sacrificing political, economic, social, cultural, and eco systems.


Nukes, among the ABC (Atomic, Biological, Chemical) weapons, have not been banned and eliminated, though they are much more devastating, and it is urgent that they be abolished to avoid MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction, wiping out life on earth), rather than a balance of power due to madness. WWII was the imperial hegemony war, lasting until today. Nukes were invented to win against an enemy, to race, expand, and suspend in a balance of fear. The Four Views of Water are water for humans, a bloodbath for devils, a palace for fish, and a garland for celestials. A devil’s view must change to a fish’s for life.


One doesn’t get warm water by turning the shower knob to the right, but to the left. One can never get peace by turning to nukes, but to abolishment. With nukes no one can be free from fear, with wealth or whatever, much less weapons. Only by banning them can we be free from fear, with abundance of life, truth, beauty, goodness, holiness (wholesome whole), much more all the resources available for them. If only we could see the truth of humanity, harmony, and heart, rather than hubris, hegemony, and hatred, we’d attain peace, prosperity, freedom (priya-dhaman: beloved domain: familiarity: friendship).


Francis Bacon listed the Four Idola of cave, market, theatre, and species, which I term self, society, state, and species, adding a fifth, symbolism, by which Ernst Cassirer defined humans. If we are bound by the symbolic legend of a war between the Divine and Devils, we are bound by the view of a bloodbath of life, rather than a palace of it. If we see the Dharma (Dao, etc.) of Dependent Co-origination, we know that all phenomena are interdependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, related and relative. We must fund the Dharma (truth/ethic), not nukes, shifting the paradigm from karma to Dharma.


A paradigm shift from karma to Dharma, an artificial pyramidal civilization to a natural life Indra-net culture, etc., is essential to solve our global problematique (interrelated problems) of nuclear holocaust, global warming, pandemics, mass extinctions, poverty, starvation, etc. These need Dharma (truth/ethic: right/responsibility), as we see in dealing with the pandemic: social responsibility over individual freedom. Mr. Akira Takata, who advocates a nuclear ban, watched about two hundred movies during the pandemic and found those in power afraid of people, advising a shift to half of world leaders being female.


October 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma note


Note 1. Paradigm Shift:


  1. Mr. Takada’s ideas:







2020共通年10月25日 法語

註 1.

  • 高田明氏の記事:













































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