Vox Populi Vox Dei:民の声は神の声


Good morning!


We have a still, serene Saturday morning, while the pandemic, wild fires, heat strokes, etc. are going on and hurricanes and typhoons are coming. As you may know, the Japanese PM Abe quit his position two days ago due to ulcerative colitis, as in his first time quitting, likely from the stress of struggles for anachronistic policies. As he has been called Trumpet, Trump’s pet, both have been in the same line – money, propaganda, separatism, anachronism, nepotism, cronysm, self-centrism, etc.


This is the worst epitome of a pyramidal civilization – money buying might, fanning fanaticism (nationalism, racism, militarism, materialism, religious fundamentalism, etc.), fire, fiction, etc., not fact, fairness, future (scientific solutions for sustainable, safe, saving societies for all – solidarity). This comes from a lack of vision and value of life, its history and its way (way of/for it: religion: “re-union” with holiness: holy harmony/health: wholly wholesome way world from sin, i.e., separated self).


They never care about telling lies, fictions, tending to fanaticism and fascism, tearing facts, the fabric of life. “Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why…” by Hans Robins seems to have become popular. We must know facts and act accordingly, that is, follow the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination that all phenomena are interdependently originated (related/relative). This means we must make a paradigm shift to a life Indra-net culture/cultivation.


Our present political system follows a monarchy with the PM, president. The three powers must be elected truly and directly by the people, not by money and the president. The fourth power of media (by money) must be replaced by people’s SNS, etc. (not privately owned and run). We must cultivate ourselves in awakening in truth and acting ethically, which are the true bases for genuine democracy and Vox Populi, Vox Dei (the voice of the people is the voice of God: Dharma).


August 29, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk











私達の現在の政治組織は首相や大統領による君主制に従っているのです。三権は真に直接に人々により選ばれるべきで、金や大統領によってではあってはなりません。(金による)メディアの第四権は(私的に所有・経営されない)人々のSNSなどに代わられるべきです。私達は真理を知り、倫理的に行動するよう修養しなければなりませんが、それが真正なVox Populi, Vox Dei (人々の声は神:法の声)の本当の基盤です。


2020共通年8月29日 法話












































The above pictures were from Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB  Photo.




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