Tag Archives: delusion

Moon & Mundus

Good morning!   We can still see the clear full moon through the window. We cannot but see complications on earth. The disaster could claim over 20,000 lives, and the nuclear crises could reach even this country.   I watched … Continue reading

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Life Light

Good morning! We saw the beautiful full moon and the morning star this morning. Now we have the bright daylight after sittings and the service. We have a very peaceful, beautiful morning. Before I came here I watched TV news … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good morning! We have a nice, quiet Saturday morning with bright sunshine. This is the first day of ohigan ?????in Japan, the spring equinox. Ohigan means yonder shore, which stands for nirvana, unconditioned peace beyond billows and torrents. Like the … Continue reading

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Disaster Disillusion

Good morning! With the beautiful sunlight shining through, we sit together in a peaceful, pleasant state with the great glorious amaryllis and graceful mum. Why are flowers so beautiful? They live in limitless life, light, liberation, and love of the … Continue reading

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Delusion Disaster

Good evening! We had a big disaster in Japan, with an earthquake and tsunami destroying communities, damaging social infrastructures, devastating the natural life system. Nuclear plants are now in big trouble, evacuating people within a ten kilometers radius. The scientist … Continue reading

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Karma Clinch

Good morning! The morning star is always distinctively bright. When I first saw it this morning, it was already pretty high. The very thin moon was just up above the horizon. While driving I saw it disappearing and appearing. Within … Continue reading

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Good morning! After our sittings, we have a very peaceful world inside and out. We are very fortunate that we are walking in the Awakened Way and have the concrete practice to attain it. Zazen is the essential way and … Continue reading

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Perspective – Priority

Good morning! Even though we have clouds and cannot see the moon, our mind moons settle down calm and clear. We sit in zazen, illuminate our world, and reflect our minds. The morning star is always bright, but small like … Continue reading

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System Shift

Good evening! We had a warm day, 43 degrees, after many days in the 10s and 20s. Snow and ice have melted, and they are melting faster with digging and disintegration. Everything is related and relative. Ecology, economy, society, and … Continue reading

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Conquer None, but Oneself!

    After humankind’s trial and error in conquering things, we have come to a dead end. Our attempt to conquer nature now knows no gain, but only error and extinction. Our attempt to conquer men now meets no merit, … Continue reading

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