Tag Archives: ohigan

Beyond Billows

  Good evening! Suddenly many flowers have started blooming. Magnolias, pears, plums, hyacinths, forsythia… just after ohigan, ???, the spring equinox. Magnolia in Japanese is mokuren, ??, wooden lotus. We say “atusa samusa-mo higan-made” (Heat and chill until the equinox. … Continue reading

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Ohigan: Other-shore (お彼岸)

Good morning!   On the last day of ohigan (???), yonder shore, we can see the beautiful, bright, full moon through the window.   Here we sit quietly with flowers, but also with the roaring sounds of an ambulance and … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good morning! We have a nice, quiet Saturday morning with bright sunshine. This is the first day of ohigan ?????in Japan, the spring equinox. Ohigan means yonder shore, which stands for nirvana, unconditioned peace beyond billows and torrents. Like the … Continue reading

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Crystal Clear

Good evening! We just heard the beautiful bell sound appearing and disappearing, and we know that all growth decays, and birth ends in death. All phenomena and formations are impermanent. We heard that Ed has been hospitalized due to a … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good evening! On the way here I heard that the temperature was 80 degrees. It must, then, have gone higher in the daytime. We have a very warm, fine day with moistened air. The moon is going to be beautiful, … Continue reading

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