Tag Archives: yonder shore

Settling in Sesshin

Good morning!   We can see a nice big, bright, beautiful sun this morning, expecting the spring equinox just within a month. The equinox has the equal day and night. The day and a couple of days before and after it are called o-higan (お彼岸), the yonder shore, meaning nirvana, unconditioned peace. The Buddha reached it and anyone can reach it after his example with practice in peace and prognosis.   Today we have sesshin, embracing the mind (摂心) or touching the heart (接心). This is the best time to reach nirvana, embracing and touching our hearts and minds. Usually we are too busy looking and running around somewhere else, scarcely looking inside, embracing them, much less touching them, the very core of our minds and hearts – the heart of our life.   But, when we sit solid and serene, our minds also become solid and serene in pure peace and prognosis. That is to embrace the Buddha mind, which embraces all and the whole world, touching the core of the mind – witnessing how the mind functions, creates our worlds,, and lives in such worlds. Thus, we could reach the Shōbōgenzō-nehanmyōshin  (正法眼蔵涅槃妙心), the right Dharma eye stored in the exquisite mind.   A passage of the first volume of Dogen’s Shōbōgenzō, Genjōkōan, Realizing Universal  Truth (現成公案), reads:   When one first seeks the Dharma, one is far away and apart from the boundary of the Dharma. When the Dharma has already been rightly transmitted to oneself, one is the person in one’s own original part.   When one goes downstream in a boat, in turning one’s eyes to the bank, one mistakenly thinks that the bank is moving; but in intimately fixing one’s eyes on the boat, one knows that it is the boat that is moving. In like manner, in discriminating milliards of dharmas with the body and mind in confusion, one mistakes one’s mind and one’s nature as ever-abiding. In intimately carrying one’s actions and returning to this very one, it becomes clear that milliards of dharmas are not this one.   So, when we are drawn to all the outside things, we think that there are the permanent selves abiding in our bodies and minds. But, when we touch our minds, we find out that the bodies and minds are moving, constantly changing, and that there are no such … Continue reading

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Delusion, Desire, and Divisiveness Destroy Dharma Dhatu

Good evening!   Today is the first day of the autumnal equinox with equal day and night, neither hot nor cold.   We cannot make the whole year like an equinox day, but we can live in equanimity beyond heat … Continue reading

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Beyond Billows

  Good evening! Suddenly many flowers have started blooming. Magnolias, pears, plums, hyacinths, forsythia… just after ohigan, ???, the spring equinox. Magnolia in Japanese is mokuren, ??, wooden lotus. We say “atusa samusa-mo higan-made” (Heat and chill until the equinox. … Continue reading

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Ohigan: Other-shore (お彼岸)

Good morning!   On the last day of ohigan (???), yonder shore, we can see the beautiful, bright, full moon through the window.   Here we sit quietly with flowers, but also with the roaring sounds of an ambulance and … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good morning! We have a nice, quiet Saturday morning with bright sunshine. This is the first day of ohigan ?????in Japan, the spring equinox. Ohigan means yonder shore, which stands for nirvana, unconditioned peace beyond billows and torrents. Like the … Continue reading

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Crystal Clear

Good evening! We just heard the beautiful bell sound appearing and disappearing, and we know that all growth decays, and birth ends in death. All phenomena and formations are impermanent. We heard that Ed has been hospitalized due to a … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome

Good morning! On the way here I heard the weather forecast telling us of a summer-like day, with the temperature going up to 76 degrees, just days after having a snow-white world. We can now see the moon approaching fullness, … Continue reading

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