Tag Archives: karma machine

Wakeful Way Witnessing Wonderful World

Good morning!   It is getting chilly – going below the freezing point suddenly with frost over the grass and frozen leaves down. Trees are turning into autumn colors or already shedding colorful leaves on the grass. Some will revive and some will not next spring.   We don’t know all the causes and conditions of how, when, and why all these things are taking place, much less all the things going in ourselves and all others. How can we claim we know birth, life, death, life after death?   Why are we so concerned about small smelly skin sacks, like bubbles with bubbling ideas, not caring about wholly wholesome world ways like seas with seasonable tides – here and now?   The Buddha said, “All living beings are karma-heirs, karma-relatives, and karma-machines.” “The Four Applications are to decrease bad karmas, stop them, increase good karmas, and start them.”   He used to ask if the five aggregates (form, feeling, idea, formations, consciousness) are permanent or not (self-sama) and duk-kha (wrong-going) or not (self-sovereign). If not, they are selfless (no self-substance).   He also said that religion is cultivation (bhāvanā, causing to become, causative of bhave, becoming, constant change in ups and downs by karmas, old and new physical, verbal, and mental).   Dogen said, “The great way of Buddhas and Ancestors necessarily has unsurpassed practice, the way cycling without interruption. Aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana without interruption is the way cycle of practice.”   He said that cultivation and verification are one and equal (shu-shō-ittō: 修証一等). It is true especially in Zazen, sitting, stopping karma, seeing dharma, serving and saving all – the great, mature, and joyful way of all.   Otherwise we must go through constant karma kinetics through the Six Paths becoming (bhava) hell beings, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, animal beings, … Continue reading

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Stopping Karma Is Stopping Suffering

Good morning!   We have a calm, warm, bright morning after the last night rain. We say, “After rain earth solidifies.” (Ame-futte chi-katamaru, 雨降って地固まる) Without dust bowls or extreme chill, nature seems to return to life.   Sometimes rain causes … Continue reading

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Transforming Base

Good morning!   We are now in our spring equinox sesshin. Sesshin means touching the mind (接心) and embracing the mind (摂心); touching and embracing the buddha, awakened, mind.   In our ordinary living we are with monkey minds and … Continue reading

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From Triple Tragedy to Total Truth

Good morning!   Today, March 11, one year ago in Japan we had the triple tragedy of the record earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster claiming almost 20,000 lives, about 400,000 people still evacuated, almost half of them from nuclear disaster … Continue reading

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Good morning!   We have beautiful bright spring-like sunlight and sky – crisp clear space without clouds, piercing through all endlessly.   After our sittings we are also penetrated by purity and peace. Usually we are separated by our skin … Continue reading

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One World of Ours

Good morning!   We have nice wet weather with the spring-like atmosphere in the quiet Sunday morning. On the way here I listened to NPR, which was reporting how people in the Colombine area are now trying to improve their … Continue reading

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Compassion Comprehension

Good evening!   The rain of compassion and the full moon of prognosis brought the cool, crisp autumn air from the hot, dusty summer sun.   The Buddha said that the world is on fire. Our world is on fire … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hiroshima, Fukushima, Futashima

Good morning!   When we sit in zazen, we become still, serene, and safe. When we move, drive, often we see rabbits or squirrels cross in front of our cars, or birds flying along our driving directions. Our sense and … Continue reading

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Life Light

Good morning! We saw the beautiful full moon and the morning star this morning. Now we have the bright daylight after sittings and the service. We have a very peaceful, beautiful morning. Before I came here I watched TV news … Continue reading

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Awakened Action

Good evening!   As we sit in zazen, we know that the spring rain is drizzling and giving life to all plants, and that plants are giving life to all beings.   And we know that blood streams are flowing … Continue reading

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