Tag Archives: Tathagata

Awakened Action

Good evening!   As we sit in zazen, we know that the spring rain is drizzling and giving life to all plants, and that plants are giving life to all beings.   And we know that blood streams are flowing … Continue reading

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Awakening Action

Good evening! Just one day ago we had a storm, tornado, and blackouts. But now we have almost spring-like weather, with the temperature nearly sixty degrees and daffodils ready to bloom soon. Fortunately, we escaped the tornado hit, but we … Continue reading

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Order or Off-Order

Good morning! Yesterday we had a storm, tornado, blackout and a lot of disruptions and disorder, miseries and misfortune. This morning, we could see the beautiful crescent moon and the morning star, side by side, in the eastern sky. I … Continue reading

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Kougetsu (耕月:Cultivating the Moon)

We can now see the full moon high in the sky, clear and cool. Usually our mind moons are clouded with many sorts of senses and sufferings. When, however, we sit solid and serene, we become pure and perfect beyond … Continue reading

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