Tag Archives: Dharma

Crystal Clear

Good evening! We just heard the beautiful bell sound appearing and disappearing, and we know that all growth decays, and birth ends in death. All phenomena and formations are impermanent. We heard that Ed has been hospitalized due to a … Continue reading

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Dharma Dwelling

Good morning! In front of us we can see a great gorgeous amaryllis, blooming in beauty, peace, and truth. We can also see, with our minds’ eyes, the disaster in Japan taking place. The enormous danger of a nuclear disaster, … Continue reading

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Dharma Dhatu (Truth Root/Realm)

Good morning! After sittings and the service, we have a very quiet Sunday with spring sunlight brightening the world and this big beautiful amaryllis, peaceful and truthful. But on the other side of the globe there is a lot of … Continue reading

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Tree Truth, 2

Good evening! Tree and true share the same root: dhrî (root of dharma) or deru (durable). Trees work freely and fully with wind, water, light, insects, genes, and everything in their environment. They give oxygen, flowers, fruit, nestling places, and … Continue reading

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Triple Treasure

Good morning! When we came out of our houses, we could smell spring in the moistened air. When we sit together, we can enjoy birds’ singing. But, in our ordinary world, we have many problems. The world is on fire; … Continue reading

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Awakening Action

Good evening! Just one day ago we had a storm, tornado, and blackouts. But now we have almost spring-like weather, with the temperature nearly sixty degrees and daffodils ready to bloom soon. Fortunately, we escaped the tornado hit, but we … Continue reading

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Good morning! After our sittings, we have a very peaceful world inside and out. We are very fortunate that we are walking in the Awakened Way and have the concrete practice to attain it. Zazen is the essential way and … Continue reading

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Perspective – Priority

Good morning! Even though we have clouds and cannot see the moon, our mind moons settle down calm and clear. We sit in zazen, illuminate our world, and reflect our minds. The morning star is always bright, but small like … Continue reading

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