What should we do to save the world? 私達は世界を救う為に何をすべきか?

What should we do to save the world?

We were at 100 seconds before the end of the world according to the Doomsday Clock before Russia invaded Ukraine, but it has been shortened, as Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons at his discretion. This war has been causing hundreds of thousands of people to be killed, tortured, raped, injured, displaced, orphaned, and starved, and the country’s infrastructure and the world’s economy and food distribution chain are in tatters. Global warming has been causing heatwaves, droughts, a rise in sea levels, and abnormal climates – more tornadoes, typhoons, flooding, land slides, and other adverse events. A mass extinction of species is eliminating familiar and beneficial animals and plants. The artificial, unidirectional pyramidal civilization is expanding the separation between rich and poor, creating dictators, arms races, refugees, crimes, etc. The biosphere is degraded, devastated, and doomed.

All of this has been caused by humans, who have developed skills and societies, sciences and technologies, and national and global networks that are causing nukes, wars, ecological problems, etc., which could lead to the doom of all, along with our eco systems. These problems are the result of human efforts to amass money, matter, and might, sacrificing all species and systems. The core culprit is their karma (actions, habits, and heredities), evolving into the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, and delusion of ego). The primary problem is that people don’t even know this, much less know how to change it or actually work to change it. This is because karma has four billion years of history, attained and accumulated, augmented and authorized by all. This is the result of humans believing the current system to be the truth and the true way of living life by all, even with wars, nukes, arms races, conflicts, and terrorism by most people.

The Awakened One was awakened to the reality that this is only the conventional truth, and not the ultimate one. He was first awakened to the ultimate truth that there is no “self” as substance and sovereign, due to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. The fundamental delusion of “self” or “ego” is the cause of desire and divisiveness (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination being the five calamities), causing civilization (urbanization, since city states evolved to nation states) with walls for wars, colonialism, classes, slavery, etc., and leading to nukes, global warming, mass extinction of species, etc. He achieved his awakening by still sitting, stilling karma, seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. He defined all as karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged, and he shared a way out with all to attain nirvana and become awakened. He showed that anyone can do the same to attain nirvana/awakening and prognoses for anything.

Anyone can understand the truth and ethic he revealed and can activate it, first intellectually in that we see the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., that all is related and relative, interrelated and interinfluenced like the Indra-net – and then we can work together to create peace, abolish nukes, avoid global warming, mass extinction of species, etc. We must follow his Five/Ten Precepts or a global ethic (first four of the Five Precepts employed as a global ethic: no killing, no stealing, no lying, and cooperation), which should be established as our universal human responsibilities, complementing our universal human rights. We must make a world organization for the equality of all, that prohibits wars, nukes, etc., and that enforces this beyond nations (which are fictitious bodies like other major actors: companies, media, religion, education) and nationalisms. Ideally we should practice still sitting, seeing Dharma, serving all as friends in need for completion.

June 17, 2022 C.E.


  1. State systems from city states to nation states, representative of a pyramidal system, is a thousandth of human history (nation states are one tenth of state systems), almost a millionth of life history.
  2. Human societies advanced from family, clan, tribal, racial, regional, national, and now to global. Almost all human activities have become global in economic, social, and cultural spheres, but politics lagged and is the largest remaining national, thus creating wars, nukes, dictators, discriminations, holocausts, persecutions, conflicts, terrorisms, refugees, etc.
  3. Please refer to my paper, Paradigm Shift, for shifting the present artificial, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the five calamities as described above to a future fundamental, original, natural life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:


  1. The second Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand religious people, issued “A Declaration of a Global Ethic” with four directives dedicated to the culture of no violence and respect for life, of solidarity and an equitable economic order, of tolerance and true living, of the equal partnership between women and men. It was reworded from the first four precepts of the Five Buddhist Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no lying, and no sexual misconduct. This was sent to the U.N. to publish as universal human responsibilities, but has since been shelved, as rights are more urgently needed. But, as Gandhi said, the Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of responsibilities, so the latter should come first.
    1. The Awakened One said that friends make all our life. Universal religions call the future savior “friend” (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah), but it is our potential to become “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” not waiting for others to save us, but we must save ourselves, as “Heaven helps those who help themselves.”
  2. Flowers invite butterflies without minds,

    Butterflies visit flowers without minds,

    When flowers bloom, butterflies come,

    When butterflies come, flowers bloom,

    Neither I know people,

    Nor people know me,

    Following the heavenly law without knowing.









  1. 金字塔組織の代表である都市国家から国民国家までの国家組織は人類史の千分の一(国民国家は国家組織では十分の一)、生命史では殆ど百万分の一です。
  2. 人間社会は家族、氏族、部族、種族、地区(集団)、国民(集団)から今や地球(集団)に進みました。経済、社会、文化領域での殆ど全ての人間活動は地球的になりましたが、政治は遅れて最大の国家(組織)で、それ故戦争、核、独裁者、差別、ホロコースト、迫害、紛争、テロ、避難民などを生んでいるのです。
  3. 上述の五禍を伴う金・物・力を求める現在の人工的一方向金字塔文明から覚醒・自由・平等・友愛・平和の五福を伴う命・心・和の為の未来の根本的で本来の自然循環敵文化へ転換する私の論考、枠組転換、をご覧ください:https://heiwasekai.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/%e3%80%8c%e6%9e%a0%e7%b5%84%e8%bb%a2%e6%8f%9b%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%9aparadigm-shift/?fbclid=IwAR2PEo9t4YwkwTSo4QRdVseqW08HeASD7orrenbOQLh181s72MAbV-WxkuM
  4. 1993年シカゴで七千人以上参加開催の第二回世界宗教会議は非暴力と生命尊重の文化への献身、一致団結と公正な経済秩序の文化への献身、寛容と真実の生活の文化への献身、の平等な権利と共同の文化への献身の四つの教令を持つ「地球倫理宣言」を発出しました。それは不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫の仏教の五戒の最初四戒を言い換えたものです。これは国連に普遍(世界)人務宣言として発布するようにと送られましたが、(世界人権宣言の)権利がより緊急に必要であるとして棚上げされています。しかしガンジーが「権利のガンジスは義務のヒマラヤに発する」というように、後者が優先されるべきなのです。
  5. 覚者は「友達は私たちの人生の全てを為す」と言いました。普遍宗教は未来の救済主は友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah)であると言っていますが、それは「必要の時の友こそ真の友」になる私達の可能性です、他者が私達を救うのを待つのではなく、「天は自ら助くる者達を助く」のですから自ら助けなければなりません。

    蝶無心尋花                                                                     花開時蝶来













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沖縄「平和の礎」名前を読み上げる集い: Gathering of Reading the Names on the “Foundation (Edict) of Peace” in Okinawa, June 12-23




「平和の礎 名前読み上げ」をライブで見ることができます。ぜひお聞きいただけたらと


Illustration by Yuka Nishioka


西岡さん、皆さん   youtubeを見ました。  「名前」が発するいのちの響きを。 



西岡さんが得意の漫画で協力されていることは、 本当に素晴らしいことと思います。              







































Rosan O. Yoshida 吉田収・魯参


































Rosan O. Yoshida 吉田収・魯参

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How to solve sufferings of the states?


The Doomsday Clock is at 100 seconds before midnight, i.e., the doom of the world in 100 seconds. The utmost urgent problem is nuclear holocaust; nuclear warheads are now at hair-trigger alert, aimed at thousands of major cities, controlled by one man’s command, mishaps, etc. Wars of invasion, genocide, oppression, etc., are butchering, torturing, destroying infrastructure and trade, creating refugees, starvation, etc. Militarism sacrifices the solution to ecological, economic, social, and cultural problems.


The cause of this is the state system, from city to nation states, discriminating, exploiting, and exterminating outsiders by amassing money, matter, and might. This is due to the selfishness of egos, ego societies (states, media, companies, religions, educations: five fictitious bodies, but major actors). This is due to the delusion of ego, myths of the states, etc., mistake of mini-max and delusion of symbolism, as in mistaking ego greater than eco, delusion of selves, states as substance and sovereign.


The solution is stopping the fiction of symbolism of language, religion, state, etc. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as skillful symbol handlers, thus creating myths of the state, etc. The Buddha defined all beings as karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. If we understand them, we can be awakened from our delusion of the self, state, etc. and act in a new, truthful, ethical way of life and living, following the supramundane truth and global ethic, avoiding killing, stealing, lying, sacrificing others, living a holy life.


The way of solution lies in stopping min-max mistakes and stilling our karma and seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all. Stop selfishness, states sacrificing eco, life, life systems, etc. Still karma, see the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all related and relative, no absolute self, states, etc. Let all observe the global ethic, never allowing selves or states to violate them. Let us live in the holy (wholly wholesome) way and world as an integral part and parcel of the Indra-net, reflecting each other.


June 11, 2022 C.E.



  1. Wars, colonialism, slavery, class, etc. started when humans started citadels, called civitas, polis, pura, bourg, etc., with walls of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination (five calamities of city states to nation states: mono-directional pyramidal civilization, urbanization, for money, matter, and might).
  1. Mini-max mistakes are mistakes due to taking mini as max like ego as the most important/ greatest (than eco). All mistakes can be summarized in this from the major ones in space, time, and world (mundane as supra-mundane, etc. like mini as max).
  1. Ernst Cassirer’s “An Essay on Man” is a good summary of his major work, Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. His The Myth of the State is a good work to see the problems of the state.



  1. The greatest problem of humans is that humans themselves don’t even know that they are karma-machines, being caught by our own karma (actions, habits, heredities), much less no knowing of the solution to it and the actual practice of that solution.















  • 戦争、植民、奴隷制、階級などは人が城砦、即ち(我)妄想、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮(都市国家から国民国家:金・物・力を求める人工一方向金字塔文明の五禍)の壁のある城市(civitas, polis, pura, bourgなど)で始めた。


  • 大小過誤は例えばエゴを(エコより)重大・偉大と小を大とする過誤。一切の過誤は主要な空間、時間、世界(世俗を超俗とする)小を大とする主要な過誤を総括している。


  • エルンスト・カッシラーの「人間」(岩波書店刊)は彼の主著である「象徴形式の哲学の良い摘要である。彼の「国家の神話」は国家の問題を見るのに良い著作である。





  • 人間の最大の問題は自らが我々自身の業(行動、習慣、遺伝)の捕らわれている業機械であることさえ知らないことであるが、その解決方法を知らず、まして実践しないことが更に問題である。























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How to Save the World from Destruction? 如何にして世界を破壊から救うか?

The Buddha’s decision to enter the world to save it from destruction, rather than enjoying his personal peace in the forest, is recorded in the Ariya-pariyesana Sutta, Holiness-search Scripture. This scripture describes his search for holiness, his attainment of liberation, and the launching of his life mission to save all beings, despite the world being sunken in ālaya, attachment, and the difficulty of understanding the Dharma of all dharmas, the Law of Dependent Co-origination.

It is clear that he sought holiness, a wholly wholesome way, and discovered the Dharma of all dharmas, but the world is under deep-seated clinging (karma: the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion of ego), which would destroy the world; he therefore determined to dedicate his whole life to saving all beings, the whole world. He attained awakening, thus was called Buddha, in the Dharma, and he taught the Dharma, sharing it with all, creating Sangha, Community of all.

Dogen said that if not with all, it is neither the Awakened Way nor the Great Vehicle. If we truly understand the Dharma of all dharmas that we are all related and relative, we can be liberated from the Triple Poisons, especially their root, egocentricity. He also said, “The Zazen of even one person at one time mutually merges with all dharmas in profundity and perfectly penetrates all time.” Like him and the Buddha, we can become one with the whole world, like the Indra-net.

The Awakened Way has the Triple Treasures of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, not money, matter, and might; and the Triple Learnings of Morality, Concentration, and Prognosis to pacify the Triple Poisons; and the Quadruple Limitlessness or Brahma-vihara, Prime / Purity-abode, of friendship, compassion, joy, and renunciation. A friend (Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Mazda, Messiah, et al.) is actually everyone’s potential to become “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”


  1. Ariya (: Pali, ārya: Sanskrit) is a cognate of Greek hagia (English holy, from which Aryan, Iranian came). Rudolf Otto defined religion as holy. Religion came from the Latin religare (reunion). Thus we can define religion as reunion with holiness, a wholly (all) wholesome (harmonious, healthy, happy) way and world from sin (separation, selfish sickness, cf. asunder, sundry).
  1. Ālaya means accumulation, as in Hima-ālaya, Snow-stored (mountain), and accumulated habit / heredity or karma (action, habit, heredity). Ālaya-viññāṇa (vijñāṇa), stored consciousness, is considered to be the eighth consciousness, deep-seated defiled consciousness.


  1. Saham-pati, the Lord of the Shared or Common World, whom the Buddha described to the people, so they could understand easily, as the Lord who besought him to go into the world, is Brahma or Indra in Indian Mythology, but also the personification of the universal law of Dependent Co-origination, penetrating throughout the world. Sahā is often (mis)understood as forbearance (from sah, to forbear), but seems to come from Saha-loka, Shared-world, in contrast to Ātma-loka, Self-world. Sahampati, the Lord of the Pure Abode, is difficult to be considered as the Lord of the Forbearance or Suffering:




  1. The Indra-net, which covers the whole world and has crystal balls on each of its knots, reflecting each other limitlessly, is an illustration of the Dharma of all dharmas, the Norm / Law of all forms / phenomena. If all understood and activated the Dharma, there would be no one to wage war, pollute the world, cause the demise of species, including themselves, and destroy the world, our life network, which is like the Indra-net.


  1. If we become good friends (kalyāna-mitta, kalyāna-mitra), globally making the world like the Indra-net, we can solve all our problems and avoid all suffering. And we can make all harmonious, healthy, and happy in peace and awakening.
  1. It is easily said and difficult to do. The Buddha said that it is as difficult to be born a human being as a blind turtle, living at the bottom of ocean, coming up to the surface, and accidentally sticking its head into the hole of a piece of driftwood, but even that much more difficult to meet the Awakened Way. It is easier to meet it, but hard to practice it. We, moving animals, want to move (fight for food, flight from enemies, etc.), and we consider sitting to be killing time, thus we live like mice running on treadwheels, never getting off of them. As the Buddha said, we are karma-born, -heirs, -owners, and -refuged for four billion years with heredity and evolution. Thus, it is difficult to still karma, and only practice makes perfect in taking refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma. Dogen said that we can become one with the whole world in space and time when we do Zazen, which is the core practice of the Awakened Way to still karma and witness nirvana and awakening.


   Chiggala Sutta, The Hole Scripture:



  1. Please refer to A Paradigm Shift from an artificial pyramid uni-directional civilization (urbanization, from civitas, city: citadel) for money, matter, and might in the five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination) to a natural cyclical life culture for life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace):



  1. Ariya-pariyesana Sutta, Holy-search Scripture:



English translation: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.026.than.html






1.アリヤ(パーリ語、梵語ではアーリャ)はギリシャ語のハギア(英語のholyで、これからアーリヤン、イランが語が出来ました)。ルードルフ・オットーは宗教とは聖であるとしました。宗教(religion)はラテン語religareに由来します。したがって宗教は罪(sin=separation, selfish sickness: 自己中病患、参考:asunder, sundry)から聖に再結合することである、と定義出来ます。

2.アーラヤはヒマ‐アーラヤ、雪貯蔵(山)の様に、累積を意味し、累積習慣・遺伝または業(行動、習慣、遺伝)を意味します。アーラヤ識(Ālaya-viññāa,vijñāa: 蔵識、阿頼耶識)は第八識、根深い染汚識と考えられています。




5.もし私達が善友(kalyāna-mitta, kalyāna-mitra)になり地球的に世界を帝釈網のようにするならば、私達の一切の問題を解決し、一切苦を排除できるでしょう。そして私達は一切を平和と覚醒の中に調和、健康、幸福にすることが出来ます。


Chiggala Sutta, 穴経:盲亀浮木の喩:




8.聖求経:Ariya-pariyesana Sutta:


















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「影の傭兵部隊ワグネル」特集:NHK BS1 22日(日)23:00~

「スターリンとプーチン」NHK綜合 23日(月)22:00~








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Tour to Navajo Land, Grand Canyon, Condors, Buddha, etc. by Garyo

The Navajo Indian tribe is the largest tribe in the US with nearly 400 000 people belonging to this nation. They live on their native land, as it was considered useless by former US government officials. As a nation, they are partially independent from the US with their own police force and their own rules – which have to be followed. Their land spans over areas of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. As a Christmas present, David organised a six day long tour in Northern Arizona with the emphasis on the Vermillion Cliffs and the area around Lake Powell. Most of it was on Navajo Land.

The trip from Phoenix to Page normally takes a bit over five hours – but we needed more than 9 hours. A severe forest fire north of Flagstaff forced us to take a detour. The navigator led us to an unmarked dirt road, which we followed for several miles. The road deteriorated continuously, leading into an area blanketed by black volcanic rocks. The snow capped mountains of San Francisco Peaks and the black smoke of the forest fire in the far distance together with the black volcanic rocks created a dramatic atmosphere.

Snow capped San Francisco Peaks in the distance

Clouds of dust indicated that a few cars were behind us.  At one point, a car which originally past us, came back, stopped with the driver shouting nervously: “You must turn around, the road becomes impassable!” We believed him and drove back to the main road which took us through Navajo and Hopi Land to Page. In Page, we heard that on the first day of the fire, a truck driver wanting to reach Page had to take a 40 miles long detour on dirt roads – we were lucky!

Nearly impassable dirt road covered with sharp lava rocks

When driving through Hopi land, we stopped at a private house selling Indian art. I especially loved the Kachina doll above – it represents the mother of all Kachina dolls. Kachinas are spirits who express the presence of life in all objects in the universe. According to Hopi belief, they are supernatural beings who visit the Hopi villages during the first half of the year and live on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff the rest of the time.

When we arrived in Page, a town founded in 1957 by workers building the Glen Canyon Dam, we were welcomed by my sister in law and brother in law, Billie and Ron, and Billie’s brother Scott, who lives and works in Page. His knowledge of the area was extremely helpful!

Damned up Colorado River

Very close to Page near the Glen Canyon Dam, two iron bridges span over the Colorado River. The space underneath the bridge is the favorite place for Condors to rest. The Condors were successfully bread after nearly becoming extinct in the beginning of the 20th century. In 1904, only 22 Condors existed in California. Now the Vermillion Cliffs counts 111. All Condors are marked and registered. The breading success is especially remarkable because a female Condor only lays one egg every two years.

Navajo Bridge on the left side

Colorado River

Male Condor attracting a female

Successful attraction

With wings spreading wide

the Condor soars in the sky –

Vermillion Cliffs

Horseshoe Bend

Scott took us onto the Vermillion Cliffs where only a four wheel drive can go. He showed us foundations of former Pueblo settlements and Indian graves. Pieces of Indian pottery were scattered over the ground. He found little white stones with a specific pattern, probably carved by Indian boys learning to make arrowheads.

Scott’s truck on the Vermillion Cliffs plateau

Looking for arrowheads

I am fascinated by the crisp shadows on the red sand

 Many pieces of Indian pottery collected on rocks by former visitors

Interesting rock formation

Many bigger and smaller slot canyons can be found in the area of Page. Some of them are marked as official trails. We decided to hike the 9 mile long Wire Pass Trail to Buckskin Gulch. In order to preserve the nature and keep masses of tourists out, one has to acquire a parking permit the day before the hike.

Wire Pass trail to Buckskin Gulch

Climbing through the narrow canyon on ladders


Balancing on sometimes wiggling rocks over knee-deep water

Strange, white formation over a resting group of people

More stunning impressions with Billie walking in the front

Climbing up the slippery sandstone and having fun

Stone formation beside Highway 89A

Toadstool Hoodoo

Interesting circles on the bottom of the Hoodoo

I called this rock formation “Laughing Buddha”

Rock formation beside the road – I called it 3 sisters

When I lived in Arizona, I always wanted to visit Antelope Canyon in Northern Arizona (1993 – 1999). At this time, the slot canyons were not considered a major tourist attraction and one had to rappel into the canyons. Then a terrible tragedy made the news around the world. 11 international tourists where trapped and drowned by a flash flood in Lower Antelope Canyon on August 12, 1997. Now, the Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons are run by the Navajo nation who manage the access to the canyons and make sure that the Canyon is safe to enter.

We visited the Lower and the Upper Antelope Canyons, each time with different Navajo tour company. Wearing masks was required, as the Navajo suffered from a lot of Covid deaths. Both slot canyons are spectacular and the photos do not even remotely represent the beauty of colour, light and shade and especially the formations. It is very difficult to take good photos in the canyon, as the difference between the bright sky above and the darkness in the narrow canyon is extreme – so you only get a taste of the beauty.

The waves in the Navajo sandstone were formed by million of years of flooding.

Signs of past floods could be seen either on the ground or high above. The force of the water rushing through the narrows is unimaginable.

A powerful tree trunk at the bottom

A former wooden gate in between the narrow rock walls

Looking up to the sky where only a sliver of light can be seen

Sometimes the wind blows fine sand into the canyon and settles everywhere

Every corner is a miracle of the forces of water, wind and light 

Often the guide pointed out specific formations, like a bear or the head of Abraham Lincoln. The formation above is like a woman’s head.

Stairways lead into the canyon and later up again.

This narrow slot is the exit of the Lower Antelope Canyon

When returning to Phoenix, we took a little detour and visited the Grand Canyon. I had not been there for over 20 years.

A row of mailboxes, typical for the countryside in the West

Beside the road, a trading company where tourists can buy native American jewellery and other things of the Wild West.

 When we arrived at the Grand Canyon, we stopped at some viewpoints and looked down into the breathtaking canyon carved out by the Colorado River over millions of years.

Huge parking lots created for the masses of tourists visiting the Grand Canyon every year could not ruin the beauty of the canyon – but it was disappointing to see how mass tourism is changing the pristine character in some spots.

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Flower Festival: Buddha’s Birthday

Today, April 8, is the Buddha’s birthday, called Flower Festival in Japan. On this day we bathe his baby figure with amacha, sweet tea, representing kanro, sweet dew, amrita, ambrosia of immortality, nirvana, and awakening, which he later attained. Any buddha, awakened one, can attain this by practicing Zazen, Sitting Meditation, culminating in nirvāṇa, no-wind of karma containing the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of self-same, self-sovereign self-substance).

The Buddha found that all living beings are karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. Humans have evolved 4 billion years’ of heredity since life started, developing their brains and hands, languages and arts, sciences and technologies. They have now become the most dangerous animals and can terminate the global life system by nukes, wars, global warming, pollution, etc., as we witness the Russian war on Ukraine, the attacking of nuclear power plants, and the threat of using nuclear weapons.

War is the worst crime, negating the most important value for any living being, life, thus negating its life rights – freedom, autonomy, peace, equality, families, friendship, etc., and thus ignoring all values endowed by limitless time and space. This crime is committed by the sin (meaning “separation,” selfishness and sickness) of dictators and their puppets, and comes from the delusion of a separate self, ignoring all ancestors, relatives, animals, plants, the earth, the sun, air, etc.

The solution lies in sitting still, stilling karma, seeing the Dharma (of Dependent Co-origination of all dharmas, phenomena, on causes and conditions), serving and saving all, in unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening, replacing bad karmas with good ones. If everyone does so, the whole world can cooperate to concentrate on stopping wars, stopping idle talk according to the Buddha’s advice of first pulling out a poisoned arrow, and then creating a new wholly wholesome world.

The Buddha attained nirvana and awakening in the Dharma (Truth/Ethic), and devoted his whole life to saving the world from destruction, urged by Brahma (Dharma). Everyone has the duty to do so, making “vox populi vox dei.” Religion (Latin, religare) means reunion with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, making all harmonious, healthy, and happy) from sin.  Supramundane truth and prognosis transcend the “Mythology of State,” making the world of all beings without war, nuclear holocaust, global warming, etc.

Note1. There are legends that the Buddha, sitting under a dead tree, stopped the marching army of Viḍudhabha of Kosala to destroy his native country repeatedly, telling him, “The shade is superior to the others,” upon the latter’s question, “Why are you sitting under the dead tree, while there are a lot of big trees with abundant leaves?”

  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as “symbolic animals” writing “Philosophy of Symbolic Form,” “An Essay on Man,” “The Myth of the State,” etc.






仏陀は涅槃を達成して法(真理・倫理)に目覚め梵天(普遍法)に促されて世界を破滅から救うことにその一生を捧げました。誰でもが「民の声は神の声」を挙げてそうする義務があります。宗教(religionはラテン語の サイケ結合religareに由来)とは罪から聖(全体健全、一切を調和、健康、幸福にする)に再結合することです。超俗の真理と診断は「国家の神話」を超越して一切存在の世界を戦争、核のホロコースト、地球温暖化などの無い所にします。


註 1.枯れ木の下に坐っていた仏陀にコーサラ国のヴィドゥダッタが故国を滅ぼす為に進軍して来たが、それを見て、”葉の茂った大木が沢山あるのに、どうして枯れ木の下に坐っているのですか」と尋ねたので、仏陀は「親族の陰は他の人にまさる」と言って繰り返し進軍を止めたという伝説があります。

2. エルンスト・アルフレッド・カッシラーは「象徴形式の哲学」、「人間」、「国家の神話」などを書いて、人間を「象徴の動物」と定義しました。














Photo taken by Rev. Shinko Daigen (Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka), Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan




Let’s All Raise “Vox Populi Vox Dei/Dharma!

1 From All:


2. 1 + Japanese Future







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Shikoku 88 Temples Pilgrimage:四国88寺巡礼、 by Garyo Gertraude Wild

My 88-Temple-Hike in Shikoku

Though this hike was a secret wish deep in my heart for many years, I would not have thought that, one day, I would go this path alone. The country was foreign to me, I did not speak a single word of Japanese, and the 1,200 km route is very long. However, many different circumstances later, on March 1, 2016, I passed the temple gate of Ryōzenji (temple 1). I had dared to make the first step and was ready to take on the challenges of a 54-day hike.

When I prepared for the pilgrimage, I did not know that the 88-temple pilgrimage is based on Kukai or Kobo Daishi, who was born in Shikoku about 1 200 years ago. I was surprised to learn that the pilgrimage goes back to the time when Kukai still was alive and continued without interruption up to today. However, the most astonishing fact I found out that nearly all of the pilgrims today are bus pilgrims. Out of 200 000 pilgrims a year, only about 2000 take the hardship of walking the route.

For me, walking a pilgrimage is crucial. When walking in solitude, one can practice deep listening, which opens the heart to everything that is. It is a walk into the world of not knowing, which allows the world to come forward in every experience. One learns to trust in life. I think that a walking pilgrim is an adventurer ready to take risks. Taking risks and stepping out of the habitual life means to face one’s own vulnerability, which needs courage and endurance. By stepping out of the self-imposed limitations, it is possible to discover in depth the inner physical and mental landscape.

In general, by walking several days in solitude, the heart fills with joy and gratefulness. The beauty of the world steps forward and each moment becomes precious. The journey itself is the goal and not so much the sacred sites. However, in Shikoku, I experienced that doing the rituals at the temple sites became as important as the walk itself.

My first step through the temple gate of Ryōzenji was a step into a foreign world. I was wearing the typical pilgrim’s clothing – a white shirt without sleeves, a white pilgrim’s bag, the cone-shaped pilgrim’s hat and the pilgrim’s staff.  I had made the decision before the pilgrimage to respect and adapt to the Japanese culture and especially follow the rituals in the temples. I bowed before entering the gate and, when stepping over the wooden post [sic], I was careful not to touch the beam [sic]. After this I washed my hands and my mouth and followed the rules of washing. After the cleansing I went over to the big temple bell, pulled back the heavy wooden post [sic] and let it hit the bell – the sound announced my arrival to the main god of the temple. There was a vibration and I could feel the waves passing through my body like a shower of rain. (

The pilgrims’ protocol prescribes exactly each detail of the ritual that has to be performed in front of the main hall and the Daishido. In the beginning, I was completely overwhelmed; after all, most of it was foreign to me and I felt I was in the wrong place! At Jūrakuji (temple No. 7), my voice cracked when I was reciting the Heart sutra. I felt hopelessly lost and saw this as a sign not to follow the rituals anymore. At this moment, a pilgrim appeared next to me and began to recite the rest of the Heart sutra together with me. This event was a turning point in my pilgrimage. I felt better from day to day, the rituals became an important part of my trip and I began to really appreciate them.

Though I walked most of the path alone, I had big help from Tokyo. My friend Yuko Iwatani and her husband Shigeo, the former ambassador of Japan to Austria, took me to Ryōzenji and accompanied me until Shōsanji, temple No 12. Yuko gave me her old telephone, with which I could call her any time. A big help were the sentences in Japanese writing she sent me to the telephone. The most important sentence: “Could you please reserve an accommodation for me?” Yuko also established “Traude’s Support Group”. This group consisted of three friends whom I could contact any time. Though communication was difficult on the path, there were always possibilities to understand each other if needed.

But all this help could not prevent that I came into difficult situations again and again. One of my biggest fears was to get lost or go the wrong way. My guide was the pilgrim’s book with maps. However, I preferred to follow the markers. These markers were like good friends, nodding to me friendly and telling me: ” You are on the right path!” They gave me confidence. But sometimes these simple symbols were missing. So, one day, after a many-hours-long, lonesome mountain hike, I arrived at a crossroads without pilgrimage markers. Three wooden arrows with Japanese writing pointed in three different directions and I did not know where I was. Did I go the wrong way? Shortly before this, I climbed iron ladders over a nearly vertical rock. The feeling of deep insecurity grew in me, especially since I did not have any reception and could not reach Yuko. My heart started pounding when I was standing there, lost, when suddenly I heard a distant sweeping noise. I followed it and found a man who actually cleaned the path with a broom in the middle of the forest! I was in awe! He assured me I was on the right path.

They say that Kōbō Daishi is accompanying the pilgrim on this pilgrimage at all times. This is expressed through the sentence: “dōgyō ninin”. I could replace Kōbō Daishi with “Inner Trust in that what just is”. By trusting life, each moment was filled with vitality and joy despite difficulties and times of feeling lost, helpless, fearful or tired.

Aside from the 88 temples, I also visited many Shintō shrines and bangais, which are temples that do not belong to the group of 88 temples. I also stayed at the Zen temple Zuiōji in the prefect of Ehime. I have been a practitioner of Soto Zen for a long time. The recommendation to spend a few days there came from my Zen teacher, Rosan Yoshida Rōshi. Zuiōji was his training monastery. It is one of the most traditional Sōtō Zen training monasteries in Japan. As it happened, it was situated on my route and I obtained permission to practice there with the monks.

Heavy rain was falling when I entered the monastery district. The dense fog above the top of the trees mirrored my inner feelings. I had great doubts, if the decision to come here had been the right one. The straight lines of the big stone garden in front of the building with the green copper roof seemed to be threatening and unfriendly. I did not know where to go and followed a path that led me directly into the kitchen. There, the cook (tenzo) received me with a big smile and said: ” You must be Garyō-san. Welcome to Zuiōji!” These words chased away all my doubts. It was like coming home.

I stayed in Zuioji for 8 days, including Buddha’s birthday on April 8. Daikai-san (tenzo) was the only person who spoke English and also knew German. After showing me my room, he introduced me to the schedule and rules. He explained how to enter the sodo, how to walk, how to get on the tan (platform) for zazen, how to eat the traditional way of oryoki, where to change slippers, go barefoot or wear white socks, when to sit in seiza. He gave me the schedule of the day starting at 3:50 am in the morning and ending at 8:55 pm with zazen. Soon, I was overwhelmed and expressed my feelings to him. He answered “do not worry! I will be here to help!” And this was right! It was not only him who helped me but I felt the support of the whole community of monks. In addition, buildings, timing and rules support the practice of the Buddha mind and create a flow which feels like a strong current carrying one forward. I just had to follow this flow and do my best. It was very interesting that the greeting of the monks “otsukaresamadesu” (thank you for your effort) expressed the energy I felt in Zuioji. Despite my many mistakes, I felt included and part of the whole.

I especially appreciated meeting the over 90-year-old abbot Tsugen Narasaki Roshi, who was for me the living Dharma. When I left Zuioji to continue my pilgrimage, he suggested a goodbye photo in front of the white elephant placed before the hatto at Buddha’s birthday. I value this photo very much!

The Shikoku pilgrimage was a wonderful experience where I could witness the tremendous kindness of Japanese people, the beauty of the country and the richness of the culture. However, by walking I also saw huge problems in the countryside. Especially in the prefecture of Kochi, the countryside looked abandoned and full of poverty. I saw trash piled up beside the street, crammed into abandoned houses or broken-down cars. Still full furnished houses collapsed with nature taking over the site because nobody cared after the last resident died. Walking on many asphalt roads and especially through tunnels without a pedestrian walkway made the pilgrimage exhausting and sometimes dangerous. In addition, bus tourists often occupy the shukubos and a singular pilgrim does not have much chance to stay in the temple, which is a pity!

As pilgrimages by foot become more and more popular in Europe as well in the US, the old Japanese pilgrimage routes of Shikoku und Kumano Kodo have tremendous potential to attract people coming to Japan. The focus, however, needs to shift more towards people who walk than towards bus pilgrims.

I am very grateful that I could walk the pilgrimage and experience Japanese life and culture in such an authentic way! More information about the pilgrimage and my experiences can be found in my book. A shorter version of the path is on my blog:


Japanese version at the end of the following newsletter (former half: latter half will be posted later).

















































The following picture was taken on March 16, 2022, two days before the full moon, from her window:






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Video: Paradigm Shift from Fear to Freedom

Please use this for Yoshida’s presentation:

paradigm shift, karma to dharma

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Socially Engaged Buddhism Event: Paradigm Shift

Socially-engaged Buddhism
Saturday, March 5, 2022
1:30 pm – 3:45 pm
1:30 – 1:35 Introduction: Leonora Kham, Cherokee Buddhist Temple
1:35 – 1:55 Dr. Rosan Yoshida, Director, Missouri Zen Center
Shift: From Karma to Dharma
1:55 – 2:15 Prof. Benjamin de Foy, Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, SLU
Shift: From Ego to Eco
2:15 – 2:35 David Swanson, Executive Director, World Beyond War
Shift: From War to Peace
2:35 – 2:55 Steven Starr, University of Missouri, Columbia
Shift: From Nukes to Life
2:55 – 3:15 Kongsak Tanphaichitr, M.D., Thai Buddhist Temple
Shift: From Sickness to Health
3:15 – 3:45 Panel Discussion – Q&A
3:45 Dedication of Merit & Conclusion, Dr. Kongsak Tanphaichitr
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Paradigm Shift: from Fear to Freedom
Time: March 5, 2022, 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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