Awakening for All: Zazen Now: Dwell in Dharma
We are now facing the urgent problems of dictatorship, war, and nuclear holocaust, leading to social disorder, environmental devastation, and global doom among the global problematique of individual suffering, social injustice, ecological degradation, biological decimation, climate change, etc.
This is due to our ignorance and inaction in the universal truth of dependent co-origination, interrelation and relativity of all things, which requires equality, peace, freedom, and friendship. Ignorance comes from selfish views and values, which come from fundamental nescience (no witness, of nirvana / karma).
The solution lies in stilling karma, esp. of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of self). Still sitting stills karma (action, habit, heredity), seeing the universal Dharma (truth / ethic), settling and serving it with all (dharmas) and observing the global ethic based on the five precepts.
The paths are observing the Dharma and cultivating ourselves and others in it to create a new global system and ethic with holy harmony, health, and happiness of all. We must awaken and act for a new Indra-net culture of life, heart, and harmony, beyond a power pyramidal civilization of money, matter, and might.
February 22, 2025 C.E.
- All (dharmas) live in the universal truth (Dharma), but humans created symbolic systems like self, society, status, sovereign, state, etc. (see Ernst Cassirer’s An Essay on Man, The Myth of the State, etc.). Depending on the delusion of self-substance, sovereign state, etc., we now have the problems of dictatorship, war, nuclear holocaust problems, etc. We must be awakened from such delusions and act to solve these problems so that all can live in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness.
2. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, healthy, and happy.
3. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.
4. Karma (grow/create with the past/present physical/verbal/mental action, habit, heredity) is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to that in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).
5. To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in, and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.
6. The practice of Zen (jhāna/dhyāna: meditation), the key and core practice of za-zen, sitting meditation, is to still karma, settle in nirvana (nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, of karma, see the Dharma, and serve and save all. This process is categorized in the Four Zen Stages and the Eight Concentration (samādhi) Stages (actually Four Zen Stages plus Four Concentration Stages combined, going together). As shown in the Four Zen Stages thoughts, emotions (the representative five coverings: lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worries, doubts), and volitions (the representative four fluxes: lust, becoming/identification, views/dogmas, nescience/no witness, of nirvana) are stilled in this order.
Please refer to 5. What is Karma? in “Why Buddhism Now?”
7. The solution to the global problematique, mutually related global problems such as climate change, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nukes, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, pollution, and poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc. of Buddhism, etc.). The Inter-Action Institute drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities (counterpart to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to be published at the 50th anniversary of its issuance) for the U.N. to publish, but it has been shelved for the time being.
8. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).
Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:
一切の為の覚醒:坐禅 今:住法
2. 諸法(形態・現象)の法(規則・法則・真理・倫理)は縁起(因縁生起)、即ち、一切現象は無量の直接原因と間接条件により相依生起するということである(因果則に似ているがさらに深く広い-世俗、観念、対象などを超える)。これは私達が他者(多種、要素、星宿など)と相依関係にあることを意味し、相互に相対的であり、私達が調和、健康、幸福になる為には共に調和して生き、全体健全な世界を作る努力をしなければならないことを意味する。
3. エルンスト・カッシラーは人間を言語、神話、宗教、芸術、科学、歴史などの象徴を巧く操るものであるとする「象徴の哲学」やその要約である「人間」等で「象徴人間」と定義しました。「国家の神話」は諸国家がどのように機能するかそしてどのように人々が戦争やさらには核の破滅に誤り導かれるかを知るのに重要である。
4. エゴやエゴ集団の小さく分離した泡沫から無限の生命の大会の聖性に再結合するのは誰でもの又普遍宗教の目標であるが、 Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc(友を意味する)で表されるように、一切の必要の時の友は真の友として生きることであり、無量寿、無量光、無量解(脱:解放)、無量愛を生きるものである。
5. 鍵となる静坐の実践は業を静め、涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, 無風、業風の)に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。坐禅(静坐瞑想)は身体・呼吸・頭脳(身口意)業を整え静止する。四禅は、尋求、伺候、喜悦、安楽を静め平静 (upekhā/upekṣā, 字義は捨離)・涅槃に到達する結果の心的(知性・感情・意欲)業を静止する過程を表示している。
6. 業(karma, grow/create: 過去現在の身口意行動・習慣・遺伝)は貪瞋(エゴ/メイ:我/我所の)痴の三毒が植え込まれている。ブッダ(覚者)は一切衆生は業—誕生者、—相続者、—所有者、—機械、—依拠者であると言った。彼は、諸法(現象)の法(真理/倫理)である縁起の故に自己同一(永住)と自己主宰(意欲通り)の実態をもった自己物質は存在しないことを明らかにした。業—機械である私達は、苦しむ世界を聖(全体健全:調和、健康、幸福)なる世界に変える為には、法₋依拠者にならなければならない。
7. 地球問題群、地球温暖化、大量絶滅、国家主義、戦争、核、ドクサイ、独断、差別、汚染、貧困の様な相互関連した地球諸問題、は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された宣言)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは(不殺、不盗、不偽、不淫、不飲酒の)五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいている。インターアクション協議会は(世界人権宣言の対応として、その五十周年に発表する様)世界人務宣言の草案を作り国連が発出するように提出したが今に至るも棚上げされたままである。
8. 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。